
Impotent CEO's Accidental Affair: Running with Her Babies

He was rumoured to be Impotent yet how did he ended up impregnating a lady? She ended up getting pregnant for an unknown man... But why did her babies got stolen right after their birth at the hospital? •••••• The plan was simple, Lottie was to act as a rich man’s daughter and replaced her wealthy best friend on her blind date, but things didn’t go well as planned when she ended up spending the night with the wrong man thinking it was him she was meant to meet. But unknown to her, he was the city’s most popular and wealthy billionaire Ralph Chapman. She was drunk when she had a one-night-stand with the billionaire but she could not recall his appearance soon after the deed was done. She got pregnant and gave birth, but her twins were taken away from the hospital in exchange of money, and worst still this happened while she was unconscious. After recovering from the tragedy, she wanted to start life anew but because she was the adopted daughter of her family, she was made to become a substitute bride and married a crippled and impotent man instead of her sister. Now fate plays a trick as it happened this same impotent and crippled man she got married to was the father of her two stolen babies. Was luck on her side or was her life in danger if her husband finds out she was the mother of his babies who he wasn’t aware of all this time?? Yet, it was only a rumor because her husband wasn’t crippled nor impotent.

Izu_6830 · 都市
20 Chs


The next morning, Lottie was awakened by Mario, the butler of the house.

Mario had an amiable countenance, and Lottie had met him yesterday.

At this moment, Mario was standing in front of her with a formal female outfit, "Ms. Green, why did you fall asleep here?"

"Get up and dress up. The staff from the Civil Affairs Bureau will be here soon!"

Lottie rubbed her sore brow. She didn't sleep well last night, and now she still felt groggy.

She frowned and looked at Mario in confusion,

"The staff from the Civil Affairs Bureau?"


Mario looked at her with a smile.

"Congratulations! You've passed the test, and Mr. Chapman's going to marry you. From today onwards, you're the mistress of this place."

Lottie came to her senses at once.

This news really surprised her.

She looked at Mario in shock, "Are you sure Mr. Chapman wants to marry me?"

Last night, she fled in fear as soon as she saw him!

How could he want to marry her?