

Avil swore not to date a fellow student,and she did because of her choice of school, all girls school but when during her last year, she enrolled into a mixed school, her promise still stood until she started falling for the school hunk she hated. He saw her as someone that he could love but a casual remark from her poured cold water on him, he decided to date another who also happens to be her worst enemy putting a strain on their friendship

Daoistyie1gd · 若者
20 Chs


Avil and Ramon's relationship were very good,both parents knew and advised them not to be distracted and just as he promised, Ramon took the first position that season.

soon it was Avis graduation, both parents came to congratulate him on his graduation, him and Justin decided to wait till they are through with studies before telling their families, they also planned to find a surrogate mother for themselves since they are they only sons of their families.

To everyone's dismay and surprise Jen and Victor became a couple, as such Annabel after the fight with Avil that made Ramin tell everyone about who she really is, she transferred schools... again.

Everyone was happy, Avil and Ramon were preparing for their exams, they applied for the same schools abroad and fortunately and unfortunately they got admission abroad but different universities but it was okay since they were living off campus, the day they departed both parents came and wished them safe journey, they looked at each other with love and held hands and went in " Avy after graduation let's get married "

"okay, sure,..... who knew we will end up being a couple, you were such an asshole then, it hasn't changed much but it's manageable now"

"yes, you were such a fake witness too, tell me did you do that to get back at me? "

"I don't know what you are talking about..... hey stop that, we are on the plane.... hey.... hahahaha"