
Impossible to Forget about You

Gabriela is a girl who is in the last year of her degree when a person she thought she had forgotten, Alex, shows up at her same university. He will try by all means to fix the mistakes he has made with her in the past and win back her love. In the process, they will have to overcome potholes and problems that will try to prevent that from happening. Will these problems prevent them from being a couple again? Will Gabriela be able to forgive him for all the bad things that the one who was her first and only love has done to her?

Guada_IP · 都市
49 Chs

Chapter 41


Classes were slow, but not too slow. It could be I was waiting for them to pass so I could be with Alex, I had a great time with him and my mood improved. Also, it should be remembered my eyes were happy to see him, those green eyes that captivated me, his tight shirts, his prominent muscles... I don't think I need to keep saying things because I could spend hours saying things, I liked about he. 

Recess finally arrived and Marcos was waiting for me by the door of my class since he had no class the previous hour. "You look in a better mood than in the morning, did you fall asleep in class or did Alex have something to do with it?" he asked with a big smile on his face "You're going to take advantage of every moment to talk about Alex, right?" I asked, rolling my eyes. 

"Of course, but this time I'm telling you because in the morning I saw you talking to him." He replied "So what?" I inquired, because I haven't the slightest idea what he meant by that "I could tell how your mood was improving, that's what I mean." 

"And what do you want me to do to you? It's the truth, I'm not going to deny it." I assured "Can I ask you a question without you getting angry?" he asked and I stopped short, turning to focus my gaze on him "That doesn't sound good to tell you honestly." I admitted "But I have to ask you." he assured "Then do it now before I regret it." 

"Why aren't you with him?" asked "It's not the time Marcos." I answered, because I felt we weren't ready to be together yet, and I didn't want to screw it up like we had eight years ago. "Just that or there's something else?" 

"Does there have to be something else?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "I don't know, I'm asking you." I had no idea what to answer Marcos to that, but to my luck Sara and Clara arrived and greeted us and we went down to sit and take advantage of the sun was out there. We were talking for a couple of minutes about how our day was going at the moment until Sara quickly changes the subject. 

"Is that asshole really can't stop looking here or what's wrong with him?" With those words Marcos stops laughing at something Clara had said and turns around looking at me and Clara looks at her sister and then looks back at me. "Sara please, he's not an asshole." 

"Since when do you defend him, Gabriela?" she asked angrily "Since I can, any problem?" I asked defensively "I don't understand your attitude for a couple of weeks. Can I know what's wrong with you? Gabriela, he hurt you." 

"That has nothing to do with it, people change." I assured, because I knew better than anyone, "I don't think they do, let alone people like him." She affirmed and I rolled my eyes "Look, I had this conversation with Carlota and she couldn't change my mind, so don't even try because you won't." 

"So can you explain to me what's wrong with him?" she inquired "I will, when I feel like it. Now if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere to go." With that I got up and walked over to where Alex was. I know it would upset Sara, but honestly, I didn't care, what I did or didn't do with him was up to me and him. If not, even Carlota managed to convince me otherwise, much less is she going to do it, so she'll have to get used to Alex, the sooner the better, because he's going to hang out with us whenever she wanted. 

"Hi gorgeous." he said with a big smile "What are you doing all alone? And Dani?" I asked looking around, to see if his friend was nearby "He had things to do." He simply said, "Why don't you come along with us then instead of being here alone?" I asked with a smile planted on my face "Sara doesn't like me, I don't want to bother her." 

"You'll see it won't bother her, and if it does it doesn't matter." I assured; the last thing mattered to me was Sara would get upset about something it didn't even have to do with her. "I don't want you to fight with your friend Gabriela." Alex protested and I denied "Don't worry about it, I know how to control myself. But come on." I said, stretching out my hand in his direction "I don't want to disturb, really, I'm fine here." he insisted. "So, you're going to make me drag you there?" 

"I don't think you were able to." he challenged and I denied "You don't want to try." I assured him "Won't my presence bother you?" he inquired now seriously "If your presence bothered me, do you think I would be here?" 

"I didn't think on that." he admitted with a small smile on his face "Well come on, Marcos will surely be delighted to have you there with us." I assured "I doubt it." He answered and I denied taking a breath of air "Don't doubt me." 

"Then I'll go, but only if you don't erase that smile in the remainder of the day." he said and my smile widened a little more "I won't." I assured "I accept then." I laughed and started walking. When we arrived, Sara's face made it clearly didn't like his presence, but she didn't say anything to him. We spent the rest of the break talking about everything, and Marcos paid attention to every detail regarding me and Alex, probably to tell Carlota later. 

Class ended early for me and both Marcos and the girls had left a little before I played because his class was a bit far from where we were, and that left me and Alex alone. "What did you say to Sara so she wouldn't talk?" he asked "Nothing really, it was her choice." I assured rolling my eyes, because sometimes Sara could be like a five-year-old girl. "Are you sure?" he questioned and I nodded "Sure." 

"I understand. Do you know what I don't like about this day?" he asked and I frowned for a moment, not understanding what he was getting at. "What?" I questioned curiously "Not having class with you, no matter how much free time I have at the end, I would rather spend it in a class where you were." 

"I also have free time at the end of the day." I admitted "Really?" he asked surprised "Yeah." I assured him, laughing, "So would you like to go for a walk? As friends I mean" he clarified "Of course, I have nothing to do." 

"If you want, I can take you home myself later." he assured and I denied, because even though I would love to, this week wouldn't be possible "I have to take Marcos and my sibling's home, I have to drive today." 

"It will be another day then." He said with a big smile on his face, which automatically caused one the same size as his to appear on my face "I sure do." I replied "Do you want me to walk you to class?" 

"I don't want you to be late for your class." I said "It's not far from yours." he assured and I frowned, because how did he know his class was close to mine? "Do you know what class I'm in now?" I asked. "It would be weird if I didn't know." 

"You would make a perfect stalker." I admitted laughing "Maybe, but I would only harass you" she said "Should I feel harassed or something?" I asked ironically "Maybe, but in my defense, I will say I can't help it, I don't want anything to happen to you." 

"Then you are like my guardian angel." I replied "Name it whatever you want, your guardian angel, your stalker, your lover, your friend, I will always be there in case you need me and you can count on me for whatever, even if it's a crime, I won't hesitate to help you, but, above all, my unconditional love." 

"You are very cute and a cutie. You can't help but say those things to me right." I affirmed and he rolled his eyes, but with a smile on his face "No, not really, but I have to do it, if I show you my love that way, I'll do it until I die." 

"You won't die so young; I wouldn't allow it in a million years." I assured "Anyway, I love you, my queen, like I never loved anyone. You are my great and only love." he replied and a smile my smile increased in size "I love you too, but now I have to go to class." 

"I know, see you later, queen" he said giving me a kiss on the temple "See you later, cutie. I'll wait you outside of college." I said, still with my smile on my face "Okay." He said goodbye and I entered class but not before taking one last look at it. This couple of classes would go by slowly enough considering I would meet Alex, and even if it wasn't a date, it could be taken as something similar, we loved each other, I loved him and I couldn't help but feel the way I felt at his side, much less hide it, but it was something I wouldn't allow myself anymore, I was going to let things flow and I would decide according to the circumstances. 

I was going to close the door when suddenly they grab my arm and I was going to answer in a bad way until I see Sara who begins to take me to the opposite side.