
Imperium of Eden: The Tragedy

Short-story on the LORE of Forsaken Odyssey

Lispy · ファンタジー
2 Chs

The Outcast God

In the realm of divine beings, where power and prestige reigned, there existed a god named Aetheron. However, Aetheron was an outcast, scorned and rejected by the rest of the pantheon. They saw him as a disappointment, a god who failed to meet their lofty expectations.

One fateful day, as Aetheron stood on the edge of a celestial precipice, his heart heavy with the weight of their judgment, he heard a voice behind him.

Voice: "Aetheron, do not let their words define you. You possess a power within that they cannot comprehend."

Aetheron turned to see a wise old sage, his eyes twinkling with ancient wisdom. Intrigued, Aetheron approached him.

Aetheron: "Who are you? And how do you know of my struggles?"

Sage: "I am Oramis, a guardian of forgotten truths. I have observed your journey from afar and witnessed your potential. You have the power to forge your own destiny."

Aetheron's curiosity piqued, and he eagerly sought guidance from Oramis.

Aetheron: "Tell me, Oramis, how can I rise above their doubts and fulfill my true purpose?"

Oramis smiled, his voice filled with reassurance.

Oramis: "To find your purpose, you must first discover yourself. Seek out the realms beyond the divine, explore the depths of your own soul, and embrace the uniqueness within you."

Inspired by Oramis' words, Aetheron embarked on a journey of self-discovery. He ventured into the forgotten corners of the cosmos, challenging his own limits and pushing the boundaries of his abilities. Along the way, he encountered beings of immense power who tested his resolve.

One such encounter was with Seraphiel, a celestial being known for her wisdom and formidable strength. She stood before Aetheron, her eyes filled with skepticism.

Seraphiel: "Aetheron, the outcast. What makes you believe you can transcend the limitations set upon you?"

Aetheron, his voice unwavering, responded with determination.

Aetheron: "I believe in the power that lies within me. I am not defined by the judgments of others, but by my own actions and choices. I will prove my worth."

Impressed by his conviction, Seraphiel acknowledged Aetheron's potential and offered him guidance.

Seraphiel: "If you wish to rise above the constraints of your past, you must confront your fears and embrace your true nature. Only then can you unlock the full extent of your abilities."

Aetheron's journey continued, filled with moments of self-reflection and growth. He sought the counsel of wise elders, engaged in intense training regimens, and delved into the depths of ancient texts.

One day, as Aetheron stood atop a mountain peak, the wind whispering ancient secrets in his ears, he felt a surge of power coursing through his veins. It was a revelation, a realization of his true purpose.

Aetheron: "I am not defined by their expectations. I am a beacon of hope, a protector of the innocent. I will use my gifts to shield the Lumina people from the darkness that plagues their world."

With newfound clarity, Aetheron channeled his energy into creating the Zens, a group of extraordinary beings who would stand by his side in the battle against evil. Each Zen possessed unique abilities, representing a different facet of Aetheron's own strength.

As he called upon the Zens and shared his vision, a sense of camaraderie and purpose filled the air.

Arlecc, a Zen with the power to manipulate time, stepped forward, his voice filled with determination.

Arlecc: "Aetheron, I believe in your cause. Together, we shall forge a path of light amidst the darkness. I offer my unwavering loyalty to your mission."

Aki, a Zen blessed with the gift of healing, smiled warmly, her eyes shining with compassion.

Aki: "Aetheron, let us bring hope to the hearts of the Lumina people. Through our actions, we shall inspire courage and ignite a flame that shall never be extinguished."

Pier, a Zen gifted with incredible strength, clenched his fists, his voice resonating with determination.

Pier: "Aetheron, I am ready to face any foe that threatens the innocent. With my might and unwavering resolve, I will be your shield."

Zonar, a Zen with the ability to manipulate the elements, stepped forward, his eyes reflecting a deep sense of purpose.

Zonar: "Aetheron, the winds and the earth shall answer my call. I will use my powers to defend the Lumina people and uphold the balance of this world."

Together, the Zens formed a formidable alliance, united by their shared purpose and belief in Aetheron's cause. As they embarked on their journey to protect the Lumina people, they knew that their destinies were intertwined, and that their actions would shape the course of the world.

Little did they know that their path would be fraught with challenges, sacrifices, and unexpected revelations. But with each trial they faced, the Zens would grow stronger, both individually and as a collective, and their bond would be tested in ways they could never have imagined.

And so, the story of Aetheron and the Zens began, with their fates forever entwined in a tapestry of adventure, discovery, and the pursuit of truth.

Despite their valiant efforts to safeguard Earth, the weight of Aetheron's godly power became too great for him to bear. Exhausted, Aetheron succumbed to an eternal slumber, his once radiant presence fading into the realm of dreams. The Zens, now bereft of their guiding deity, faced an uncertain future. They carried the burden of their fallen leader's legacy, tasked with protecting Earth from the encroaching darkness without his divine guidance.