

When prince regained his awareness he was standing in a large room, the room only extend less than hundred meter but its roof is thousand meter tall, the floor is paved with white crystal like stone and room was brightly lit with light element crystals at end of the room there was a door were you can see white color water like curtain through it

He was holding hand with one of his cousin, after everyone gained their awareness they began to look inside the room, the reason why they hold hand together before entering, was because warning given by his maid Anne, she said there is a chance to them to be separated during the entry if they entered separately

Prince looked at all of his cousins in the room, there was three girls and seven boys including him, each one wearing a bracelet that look somewhat similar to he wore and a backpack which disappeared from their back after they regained their awareness

Yes this is the same bracelet Anne made but they don't have the treasure finding compass on them instead a five centimeters diamond shaped mana gem fitted in it which can taken by simply pressing a button

Seeing the bracelet prince thought about what happened yesterday after Anne introduced the bracelet, everyone was shocked and they were showing ridiculous expression on their face, at first he thought the bracelet was something special seeing their expression

But later he understood from his father though making such bracelet is a lost technique, the main reason for their happiness was current situation, yes having a storage item during expedition of deity sanctum is practically like a tiger growing wings

Because although a spatial storage items is something very common in world, but there is need of a energy to operate such an item, which is impossible for participants as they have no mana or any such energy they can control, so during expedition every force must sent someone with storage or space type innate power to procure treasures

even if they find such a person, he will simply become a burden to the expedition, as you know the only method to defend against danger in the trial is innate power, if there is no innate power the person is simply like a cobra without teeth, although it look ferocious its no better than a scarecrow in front of danger, as it could do nothing

So having a storage bracelet, for Leon's who know there are many rare and precious treasures in the deity sanctum, was very shocking news as it mean each person can act separately and collect much treasure than others, also after knowing about expedition Anne added more features to the bracelet, like SOS function, communication function and so on, she only made total fourteen off them and that too with help of various artificers of Leon family, due to limited time

Prince shook his thoughts away looked at his cousins who have quenched their curiosity looking around he then summoned his maids and said "everyone summon your innate power and those with army type innate powers summon only your three highest rank holders lets scout the area"

Specialty of army type innate power is each time it evolve its number will get multiplied by ten 10. And any army type innate power consume large energy, that is why the function of high level mana gem fitted on the bracelet's Leon's wore is, beside providing energy to activate the storage item is to provide energy to their innate powers

Yes that is the reason they have such large high level mana gem fitted on the bracelet, while prince have only some high level mana gem of few millimeters etched sides of the compass because he didn't energy to summon or maintain his innate power

While using army type innate power host need more energy to summon soldier, but only little energy to keep them summoned, only after the host stepped into iron level will the soldier's able to cultivate and step to iron level as well, if so they can absorb energy from surrounding to exist without help of their master, but the summoning energy will kept increasing as their level increase

And like every normal person they too need resources to cultivate, food to eat, shelter to stay, place to vent their pend up emotions and all other necessary needs of a living beings, only then the army can show hundred percent of their power, so maintaining an army type innate power is not simple, but if they kept unsummoned they will hibernate which will in-turn dampen their growth

Hearing this everyone nodded out of nine, on seven of them suddenly appeared a military type coats of varying colors and style, on their shoulder there were varying number of stars in bronze color, were the highest number is four and smallest is two

these seven have army type innate power, as it is distinct feature of an army type innate power that host donning a military coat and stars on their shoulder representing his or her rank, he is given rank according to the number of soldiers he have

the color and style of coat are adjustable but the insignia, which forms when the host forms commanders seal using various precious object cannot be changed, none of them have a insignia on their coat which denotes none of them had formed their commanders seal and insignia

Each of them summoned three person with highest rank, each of them wore different type full body armor of different style with varying color and carrying different weapons and they stood at three sides of their commander who is their host protecting him or her

As for remaining two, one was a girl in green dress with beautiful face who summoned a white lotus flower of nine meter, with a yellow fire at its center which has a shape of a little girl, while the lotus has long vine with leaves on it

After it was summoned the lotus shrinked to become a bracelet on its host's hand, the flower become a crystal white flower with dim lights while the vine bound around from her wrist to elbow to form a vine like tattoo with leaves in it forming a breath taking bracelet

She is the same Emily Leon who awakened innate power along with Prince, during innate awakening ceremony

And other person is a nine year old kid with black hair and golden eye he had actually awakened his innate power two years prior, he too summoned his innate power but it was actually a little bee or precisely a bee of four millimeters in size that is dark black with a golden bands all over its body instead of yellow and another golden band on its head like a crown, it was surprisingly a queen bee

The bee flew around the boy for a while before sitting on his head, like its her favorite position

Seeing this Emily eyes shined she asked "big brother Cale is that your Golden Empress Bee that even platinum level beings are afraid off?" Surprisingly the bee is called Golden Empress Bee instead of queen

Hearing this Cale said with a prideful tone "yes its my little Ivy, little Ivy say hello to little sister emi" when he said this it the bee buzzed its wings in reply as if saying hello

This is Cale leon he has a special type innate power, his type is known as Hive type, it is a type more terrifying than army type if developed with care

While prince looked at another girl who looked nine years old, who wore a long grey military coat and have four bronze stars on her shoulders she had long blonde hair and a beautiful golden eyes and said " big sister Lora please summon ten scouts too " hearing this she nodded

She is Lora Leon the only person present in group who have rank of Colonel and have a battalion of soldiers under her, all other are two star and three star which is lieutenants with a platoon and Majors with a company respectively

Among the seven people there four lieutenants, two majors and only one colonel which is Lora

If other forces saw this line up they will curse all eighteen generation of Leon's and say it was better for them to cheat than this

After all, the soldiers of army type are hundred percent loyal to its host and coordination between them is hundred percent precise as their mind are connected to each other, they are like twins who have mental ordination with each other, but here there are thousands of them so they can act like a single entity

Which is nigh impossible, even if other forces sent tens thousands of people through cheating using storage type innate power

And most terrifying thing about army type innate power is the dead soldiers can be revived by their host, by consuming large amount of energy as the soul soldiers won't disperse after their death instead will return to its host

unless their commander is dead the army can be practically be called immortal army this is also is the reason army type is classified as one terrifying innate power

While Anne and Anna was summoned first think Anna did was to stand beside prince with vigilant expression

While Anne took a transparent crystal semi-sphere like artifact and hold it in her hand flat part facing her, there can be seen many inscription on the transparent crystal glass, inside it were many gears etched with many runes, and on flat part of this semi-sphere was clock like having second, minute and hour hands

She took a pinch of soil from her pouch at dropped it on the flat surface and activated the the semi-sphere like artifact

Just after Lora summoned ten scouts, they saw a ring of light forming above semi-sphere Anne holding and a second later another ring formed above the first one which is little bit larger than first one, more ring start to form each larger than the other after the tenth ring formed all the ring burst into light particle at same time and disappeared, at the same time needle start to rotate showing a particular time

Seeing this prince curiously asked " Anne what is this" pointing at the semi-sphere artifact

Hearing this Anne answered "master this is a time measuring artifact, as master's support maid I must support you in every way this artifact can help you to understand the present time look its eleven o'clock" showed Anne by showing the clock on flat surface

Hearing this everyone's lips twitched as they thought 'all those commotion just to know time, why do you even waste money on such a waste of artifact' but what they heard next made them froze

"And master it can also used to find out time difference between two place like here, one year inside this plane is one day outside in thousand deity world" said Anne with a mischievous smile on her face

Hearing prince shouted helpless face "come on say the important matter first" though prince was shouting but his heart was beating fast while his brain was working furiously assessing various merits and demerits that this time skip can bring them

Hearing this one of his cousin said "if time is moving with such speed, this is clearly a boon to those forces who smuggle more people here, big brother prince I think we should inform this news to family, other wise we might become only force that lose opportunity to become more powerful after all we haven't smuggled any one while others surely have smuggled many people,and so all of these members can evolve their innate powers with the resources left behind by deities and they can also spread much area than us using their numbers"

Hearing this Anne's face twitched as she said angrily "oi oi what did you say kid, you have totally twelve thousand four hundred and twelve people here and that kid with that bee, he is surely a terrifying hive leader and you are saying you will be the one going to lose, come on kid how can you be so shameless even I am thousand time less shameless than you"

Hearing this just when the kid was about to refute her prince interjected " little brother Arnold how do you intend to let family know of this matter?"

"Of-course we can sent one of my soldiers back through this....." he suddenly stopped talking as he remembered something, he turned back and searched all place but he didn't see the way they came through he was stunned speechless

Prince looked at this cousin of his, although he is only two months younger than him he is a little naive, he have brown hair with golden eye and have a tough big body with looks way above his age and he is one of four lieutenants, as he always act straightforward manner his soldier's are also influenced by him his second sergeant is same as him with a big body tough muscles and straightforward character but the first sergeant is totally opposite, he is a slim man with cunning and devious face he is also the main decision maker of the troop as their commande hasn't matured yet

Prince looked at Arnold and said "Little brother Arnold you don't need to worry, just by us we can secure much resources than others, and if big brother Cale cultivated and become iron level we will be having iron level golden bee army that itself can make us stronger and we can collect many resources with their help, also i don't think others will scatter to cover more area because of hidden dangers"

"Master I have another Idea why don't we make a base?"asked Anne