

Prince and Noah reached the training grounds in a few minutes, actually training grounds of Leon family is somewhat special its not a barren ground or something with some training dummy or some weapon and stone weights but a place you can train your body, mind and soul and many other things.

Training ground is converted into several squares each having a different uses, for example if someone stepped into training square for body training, that person's cultivation will get sealed and he\she can only use his physical power and further he walked into the other end of square further gravity on his body increase so he can train his body more effectively

Its same for soul and mind there is even some special squares like that can increase comprehension of magic spells and warrior skills and other some that are only available for those who have certain level of power

most importantly training ground can be used by anyone may that be members or servant of family there are no restriction

In training grounds there is another square with grass lands which has many fresh water springs and world energy springs spread all over, this place is used as resting ground for those become tired after training and to rejuvenate their mind, some time this square even used as assembly ground for large scale family meeting

This was destination of Prince and Noah once they got into the resting ground both of them can feel their mind and body at ease this is due to natural formation of this place not some artificial but natural formation it means it was not done by any one but it come into being when a certain condition was fulfilled

They then saw two group of people crowded at certain area Noah asked prince to join the big crowd, while Noah went to other group consisting of Theodore, Bryce standing with a white colored book and another person who has a slim body black hair and golden eyes actually, slim body is a feature of rogue classes as they always concentrate in their agility which in-turn will make their body slim, flexible and very precise for sudden movements

Seeing arrival of Noah and prince Theodore looked at Bryce and the other person, they both nodded back at Theodore

Seeing this indication Theodore stepped forward and coughed to get the people's attention

the big group mainly consist of parents and their kid who is of age below ten they all concentrated on Theodore

Seeing he got everyone's attention Theodore said "everyone I think you have all seen the light beam that were shooting to the sky till fifteen minutes ago, that was a sign of a plane's opening to be precise deity sanctum of legends, yes the one left by the revered deities, our family had send its force to acquire deities inheritance, but now they have informed us that its just not some plane left by deities, but also trial grounds prepared by deities to select their heir and only those of age ten or below can enter, now I think all of you have a hunch why I called you" he stopped here and looked at the little faces in the crowd who's eyes started to shine like flashlights" yes I called you here to ask are you interested to participate in this adventure, as there is risk of life, even though all of you can't go, as all super forces haven't arrived they are yet to decide number of participants that each super-forces will send but i guess it will be in between ten to hundred"

Hearing this prince asked "papa why can't we go with all brothers and sisters? "

Hearing this Noah thought in mind of-course that's because you will have thousands of monsters to send while others can barely scrap ten'

"Its just because some forces will have only little population of those below age ten while other have large numbers for example us humans so in order to avoid a conflict they decide to sent same numbers" answered Theodore to prince with a smile praising in his mind how kind his son was

"Father then why can't we let big brother Austin take all others to his mini space and enter to that plane " said prince while pointing another kid

"How could we do such things which will stain our reputation, we can't loose our dignity by breaking rules we ourselves made" said Theodore with righteous face he continued "by doing that isn't it like we slapping our own faces, we Leon's are trustworthy and won't do anything outside rules, after all we should keep others trust in us, if we betrayed them now it will effect our future dealings with other forces" said Theodore like he is an angel who descended from heaven to preach justice

Hearing this even Noah and parents of the kids present nodded and thought 'yes we Leon's never broke rules, if we broke rule we ourselves made who will give us face surely even if they are afraid of us due to our power they will treat us as untrustworthy and treacherous people behind our back why should we destroy our prestige for a simple matter even if have less number of people we will get the inheritance there is no value in numbers what we need is quality ' they all thought with pride and raised their head, yes we don't need numbers were written-ed on all over their face

Hearing this prince asked with a frown in his cute face "if so won't others do like that? No! I'm sure others will do so, I know others are not like us who will keep their words with such an enticement" prince asked with worried face after all if others do such things they will be in extreme danger after all for getting inheritance of deities other powers won't shy to kill them. They might even kill their own members not to mention others

Hearing this Theodore, Bryce and the man standing beside him both raised their brows Theodore thought 'good! good! my son is maturing at a fast rate look like he is being influenced by that blue maid, it will good to make him leader of the expedition and he have those two maids too, they are more experienced in worldly matters than anyone, so there will be nothing to worry'

Theodore looked at his son and said "my dump son I only said we shouldn't send more people by cheating I didn't said send we shouldn't send more people" then he laughed like a devil who had just found a loophole in his contract with a mortal and said "ninety percent of kids we sent will have servant type or army type innate powers and remaining will have storage like power and to store precious materials that you will obtain from the deity sanctum and we will add anyone with any special power that can be useful in expedition also son you will be leading this expedition"

Hearing this words everyone nearly spurted blood from tier mouth not because last words but former, they all thought when Theodore said he will not cheat by sending more people than allowed that he is righteous and need not to bully others with numbers, after all he just said that other races won't be able to send many numbers like human that is the reason behind controlling number of people going in, but now they heard what he said they couldn't help curse Theodore after all sending one with one army type innate power is already a sure kill but he has reserved ninety percent kids to be army type or servant type they can't even think how distorted will be the faces of other forces will get when they know of this matter, but again when they thought about it, it was really not cheating after all its their own innate power not more people so how could it be cheating?

The crowd couldn't help feel sorry for other forces after all how in the world would they know there is a monstrous force among them who woke servant army type power like weeds in forest, even if they are thousand time clever they won't be able to think something like this because its something beyond their imaginative power

Hearing this, prince who was worried about his brothers and sisters nearly swore himself as he thought how could I forget that those old fogey's who are more devious than other will let us go without planning something like this, I must have gone senile sigh.. with this force who will dare to challenge us hehehe

Theodore looked at the crowd and continued "ok now let me introduce you, this is uncle Nicholas he will teach you some important things you should remember while exploring the plane, for your reminder he is one of best adventures in our family and all seniors please stand to my side" hearing this all parents stood to Theodore's side, then Theodore looked at the slim person who is standing beside him and said "uncle please"

Nicholas stood forward and said "l know you all are very eager to go on adventure, but remember this, to become a good adventure you first have to learn how to survive, only if you have a number survival method you will become a good adventurer" he looked at crowd seeing them earnestly listening he continued "first skill you should learn is method to hide, as you know which ever plane it may be there will be some type of forest were there will be many precious resources in them, and most time this resources will be guarded by some beasts, the rarer the treasure the stronger the beast, if you plan to take this treasure and from this beast something you can't defeat you should learn its habits and take it when beast leave it or you should lure it away for that hiding skill is a must, not only for that if you need to escape from dangers you need to learn hiding skill, so its a skill must in escaping and surviving in forest, so let me show you some methods" fishing he start to show how to hide their breath and scent and so on

Seeing this scene someone might think how could some little kids learn survival skill just by a little demonstration they will also think Leon's are fools, but the main reason Leon's are confident in the last minute demonstration is because the book Bryce holding, yes that book Bryce holding is not some ordinary book but a artifact called wisdom of earth, which have a a special function, and most this is not a man-made artifacts this is a natural artifact so its more powerful than man-made and it can be only used once after its energy is full, to recharge again it might take hundreds of thousands years so family only use this for matters with great importance like now

Its ability is like a cheat, and that is also why it can only be used once in several hundred thousand years, its ability is after its activation, those who the wielder of book targeted can learn anything they saw and heard instantly not only that they can also get every experience of the one teaching them like it was you who done it all along, if it's not a cheat what is a cheat?

The reason Leon family used such artifact is. because they know that all though the kids are thirsting for adventure they know nothing about it and dangers surrounding it, because Leon family have a policy till age of nine no matter what kids must live under the love and care of their parents for producing a sound minded generation so although kids want to do many things they have no any practical experience, they may learn some skills from their parents but that's all

After two hours the lecture stopped, not because there is nothing to teach but the energy in artifact has used up now it can only used after the energy in the artifact is filled which will take a long time

Without the artifact continuing teaching is just foolishness, but still everyone was satisfied as Nicholas has actually covered almost every important things to note

Just as the lecture was over there came sound of some one running, when crowd turn to look who was it they saw a beautiful women in blue maid uniform running to the crowd of kids happily

Seeing this women prince stepped forward with Maggie and Anna, seeing them the lady hurriedly ran to prince's side, yes this is the blue maid Anne who had shut herself in her workroom and vowed to show her usefulness to her master

Blue maid hurriedly run to prince after reaching she took a bracelet from her blue pouch and gave it to prince and looked at prince with shining, eyes with a look as if asking him to praise her, there was no sign of her usual calm and amiable smile on her face instead a creators hunger to acknowledgement of her creation

Prince looked at the bracelet which contain a sacred level beast leather strap and a wood compass on top of it with ten stars on its frame seeing this he asked "what is it? I mean what is its uses?" Hearing this the crowd also looked at the normal looking bracelet only normal looking as the strap is made of sacred class beast

Hearing this Anne said "master its something I made especially for you, hehe I saw you stealing glances at my pouch while we are shopping so I created this for you, its a storage equipment and the compass is also artifact, I created the compass with great difficulty as my level is too low still its a 3 star spirit grade artifact it can alert you if there is any treasure around you and the compass can show you the way hehe, master don't you think I am genius, master why are you looking at me like that, come on praise me"

Hearing the former sentence prince thought 'no I was not stealing glances at the pouch but checking were all the my money is going' hearing latter prince said to Anne "what happend to you Anne are you sick anywhere? don't you know I can't control any energy even you are summoned because of Vega, then how can I use an artifact and even a spirit grade at that "

Hearing this Theodore, Bryce, Nicholas and others nodded yes without knowing to control energy you can't use artifact only exception is innate artifact which can be used by sucking energy from mana stones, but what happened next made the crowd shocked so much that their heart jump to their throat

"ehh? Energy ..dump master when did I said you should have energy to use this bracelet" she put a sad face and continued "master as I said I especially made it for you how could I make something that you can't use? Look" she then took the bracelet and prick prince's hand and dropped a drop of blood in a foruin combination at the back of the strap and let him wear it and gave him a coin and said "master think as the coin going into the sub-space you feel when concentrating on the bracelet"

Hearing this prince was amazed as he can feel a small sub-space when he concentrated on the bracelet, he hurriedly did what she said and then the coin disappeared seeing this he couldn't help but say "I am sorry Anne I doubted you, you really are the best support maid I could ever get" praised prince

Hearing this Anne jumped with happy expression and next second she returned to her calm and amiable appearance and said "master serving you is my dream and my wish"

Suddenly prince felt the atmosphere is too quite and eerie so he turned back to see what happened