

Theodore walked to the teleportation portal and disappeared and he reappeared beside the grass plain were ancestor is residing, he walked to ancestor who was drinking with lady violet he didn't find other old monsters beside ancestor it look like others all had disappeared, which puzzled him after all he had just left for little more than twenty minutes

Theodore came before ancestor and bowed and said with a serious face "ancestor I have to inform you a very important matter"

Seeing Theodore coming back and seriousness in his face ancestor directly asked "what is it?"

"Ancestor its like this....." he quickly explained every thing he heard from Grand elder of sun 'n moon clan William Yang and agreement between them

Hearing this piece of news undisguised excitement bloomed on ancestor's face he asked with shocked eyes "you are saying inheritance of deities is going to reveal itself? and the myth about deity sanctum is true? and deity sanctum itself is a treasure trove" face filled with excitement ancestor continued "this is really most important event happened ever since ancient era"

"Yes ancestor there is even universe energy mine in the deity sanctum we must get one with that our families power will increase a notch" said Theodore with serious face

Ancestor looked at Theodore like he was a fool and said "who care about universe energy what we should focus on is inheritance of deities little theo know this even if we considered the entire cosmos inheritance of deities is a valuable unlike some energy crystals"

seeing ancestor showing nonchalant attitude to universe energy made Theodore confused, but he didn't delve into it as he know he has only six star authority so there is many things he doesn't have knowledge off

He then asked ancestor "ancestor should we start preparation for the appearance deity sanctum?"

"of-course we must prepare fully for appearance of deity sanctum" he stood up from ground and walked in circle while thinking something and he ordered to Theodore "Theo, we will deploy Damocles and support Damocles with the dragonfly fleet and the blaze corps I will also sent hundred peak admantium class beings and I will also sent lady Galva and violet hmm...take the one of large scale teleportation ring from treasury in case of something unexpected happens " said ancestor with full of determination and he continued "do we know the precise time of appearance of deity sanctum?"

"No ancestor the time is not clear but the location of appearance is, it's said to be thousand miles away from west of deity continent " said Theodore

"Then theo, order captain of Damocles Gorrod Aston to always be ready to teleport to west any time on order and order them to be fully operational from now on " said ancestor with serious face and he continued "and also order dragon fly fleet and blaze corps to fully prepared and ready to be deployed on notification and be fast with my instructions after all within ten days means it might be tomorrow or next second so hurry"

"Yes ancestor I will pass down your order" Theodore bowed and left hurriedly to complete instruction given by ancestor

Dragon fly fleet is one of largest fleet of Leon family with all of them being gold level with with hundred thousand battleships containing hundred dragonfly battle insects and its logistics the dragon fly fleet itself has more than ten million gold levels

And the blaze corps is one of highly destructive army of Leon family were everyone is at-least at titanium level and highest tier 9 mithril level and most importantly they all have fire elements as main elements, the most efficient and destructive element in a fight

And lastly Damocles it is the ancient battle arc of Leon family, which is ten kilometer long and look like a gigantic white sword lying flat in sky, with one main cannon which is at the very end of the sword blade, there is also many hundreds sub-cannon and thousand mana turrets on above and below the blade like surface, it houses many battle insects, battle birds, battle boats and some battle ships it is a weapon of mass destruction and at the same time it is also weapon of precise destruction it houses more than two million people in which five percent is low or medium level Admantium beings and lowest is Titanium level

Looking at the disappearing figure of Theodore violet looked at frank and said " looks like long time power balance of world is going to get destroy by appearance of deity sanctum"

"you are right there might be new additions among super forces may be even removal!! ....Hmph it doesn't matter, what if power balance got destroyed and what if its not, no one can touch my family even if they got entire deity sanctum alone" snorted frank there was no emotional changes in eyes of frank Leon when he said this he was calm like water as if no matter what happens in deity sanctum it will not effect Leons

Mean while prince reached his home the silver blade landed in landing area of villa he got out of the air ship

he was dying to test various abilities of his maids and his new battle arc in his excitement he even forget to ask for another gift from his grandpa which made latter heave a sigh of relief

He hurriedly left to the garden at the back of villa telling the servants to not disturb him he was eager to check his new innate power and how powerful is his new servants and battle arc are

When he reached the garden he first summoned Vega and then he let her hover in front of him unlike before he was not playful but serious, though in his cute face it look more cute than normal period, he then asked in his mind " Vega you said no living beings can enter inside you does that include me?" he asked with anticipation

Vega know though her master act cute and playful he is very clever and intelligent even among Leon's, and she know his dream is to become powerful and to adventure around world, as they both are privy of others feeling she know he is dying to see the outside world. So he most likely want to adventure world inside her so she answered " yes and no"

"What you mean by yes and no" asked with both expectation and worry like he guessed something

"Well your soul can enter but your body will remain here your body will only be able to enter if you equip a storage type innate power, 'any storage' type innate that can store matter ...giggles" said Vega with giggling

"I am your master and I can't enter who the hell made such law ...hmph .....Well whatever let me enter" said prince gritting his teeth

"Oh! to enter it's easy peasy master just lay down there and think you want enter any planet in mini universe, and please remember to lay down otherwise when you got unconscious your body most likely fell down and get hurt" said the lively Vega

Prince lay down and did as Vega said he thought he want to appear beside Anna and Anne

He then appeared beside a river were he saw the blue maid and red maid sitting cross legged and cultivating seeing this he was confused as he know innates can't cultivate so what are they doing he thought

"master innate power can't cultivate but they can in my universe!!! by absorbing energy produced by dark blue sun they have chance to awaken some extra powers but their level won't increase" Vega's proud voice could be heard in prince's head

As if sensing presence beside them both maids woke up from their cultivation and looked at the source of disturbance

Seeing it was prince they both got up and happily went to his side

The red maid Anna spoke with sexy voice "master are you here to see meee, Then you came to best place, let me serve you come master let me give you a bat....aahhhh" suddenly she was thrown to the river by some force

And by a calm and amiable voice can be heard "You muscle headed b*tch with big boobs and no brain are you thinking of tainting our master, he is only a kid hmph if I see such antics again I will shrink it using my shrinking magic wanna try?" said the blue maid with smile and twitching face

hearing this the red maid who just swim back shouted "you smelly women who has no boobs you are just jealous of masters love to me ...." before she can finish she was again thrown to water and the blue maid too start to fight not with mana or warrior energy but with their physical power, you may think how frail blue coop with strong red maid obviously she buffed herself and debuffed her enemy

seeing this prince got goosebumps all over his body he thought is this really my innocent and lively red maid and amiable and quirky blue maid


he quickly ordered Vega to separate them and bring them to him which Vega complied followed by an invisible power separated both of them like a telekinetic separating two people no matter how two maid struggled they were powerless against this force

At last getting their attention he asked them " Anna and Anne I came here to see your powers please explain me how powerful you are, after all if you want to help me I first must understand you don't I? "he paused here and said" so start with Anna what can you do I mean I know you are fighter and all but what is your limit" asked prince with serious voice but cute chubby face

hearing prince's words they both said at same time"master came here to know more about us we are very happy that we are willing to die for master" said both maids with happy face and glittering eyes flowing tears

seeing this scene Theodore was more confused at last he asked Vega " hey Vega what is happening they were not like this before why are they acting like this as they are nuts" asked prince in his mind

Vega said "idiot master you are talking like you know them before" hearing this prince opened his mouth to refute but he couldn't say anything after all its true,today was really first time he seeing them, seeing prince becoming speechless Vega giggled and continued "actually they are like this!! they will only show their real faces only when they are alone with you, in front of others they will always mask their original characters as they think its some thing only can be seen by their master each servant has their own features and this their feature that they are only open to you only to you they will show their true happiness and sadness, actually I think they are good wife candidates for you hehehe"

he looked at Anna asked her to explain her powers again this time which she did

Anna said "master I am grand master in combat may it be closed, ranged, magic or assassination I am a grand master in all of them in the same level" and

Prince nodded keeping reins on his happiness and asked "what about you Anne?" he looked at Anne

Anne said " master like Anna I am too a grand master, but in creation and support magic creation include black smith, rune master, inscription master, alchemist master, puppet master, formation mater, artifact master, construction, herbalist and artificer at same level"

hearing this prince almost become dumb how did they study all of this, really their previous master has really bled on them, no wonder he left them behind after all they two are truly precious treasures