
Imperium Aureum

In a war torn medieval world young prince August Dane Davion fights to usher in the age of a new empire. But to bring about his envisioned empire he must struggle through the corruption of nobles, the Ire of his father the emperor, and the machinations of the secretive mage's guild.

Spookyyymann · ファンタジー
14 Chs


Our camp was on a hill that overlooked the large beachside city. Polis was one of the wealthiest cities in the region. The closest cities that were runner ups for the title were the city states on the western side of the peninsula past the small petty kingdoms that made up the area. The kingdom of Valtoria also had two cities that brought in a large amount of money but the political instability and corruption of the kingdom meant the king saw little of that money. Or the lower classes.

What made Polis richer than all those other cities was its merchant class. Polis was home to multiple wealthy merchant families that operated massive trade fleets that traveled all over the known world. Five of the six wouldn't hesitate to sell out the king should they see the war as a loss I had already made plans to portion out the holdings of the sixth family to the others. The sixth family was known to be very 'patriotic' and in a very rare case for merchants; have morals. That wouldn't matter if the plan did work out however.

"Nikolas prepare an escort for me. We are going to go speak to the king."

"It will be done" Nikolas marched out of the tent.

He was slowly getting better at not questioning orders it was a good sign but there was still much to do.

I slowly and with great effort got out of the bed where I laid. My cuts were still barely healed and prone to having the stitching ripped at any moment. My face was now heavily scarred from the fire that had touched it from the mage. From my upper cheek down to my shoulder was now a mass of burnt and scarred flesh that was bound to make my face both ugly and intimating. The burns didn't hurt anymore but the flesh would occasionally snag or catch on a piece of armor with would cause a volt of pain. 

The wounds would heal in time although the scares would always be visible. While I wouldn't say I was to bad looking my looks was never something that worked to my benefit. In my eyes the scars would make me seem more intimidating which would help negotiations.

I leave my tent to go check on Adonis who had it much worse than me. The beast of a man had charged head first through mage fire and as such suffered much worse burns. I hadn't been able to actually see him yet so this was all from Balius. In between his fits of consciousness and unconsciousness he had demanded to remain with the army instead of being left at Ardenafast.

My movement is slow as I walk aided by a makeshift wooden crutch one of the healers had made during the journey. I pass by the occasional picket and patrol walking through the camp they all nod their heads in respect as I pass. Moral is high but with the majority of the army being levied peasantry it wouldn't be long until homesickness would start to set in. I find the hospital tent eventually its location marked by the curses, groans, and most noticeable the smell of death.

There are about a dozen patients in total. While most had been left back at Ardenafast these ones decided to continue on with Adonis. Infection had festered in most of them. Out of the dozen here only a lucky handful would survive even out of the ones that survived some would require amputation. I find Adonis laid out in his cot still unconscious.

Even if he lives it will take him a long time to be combat effective again if its even possible. 

If burns I had suffered would undoubtedly get me labeled as ugly. The burns Adonis had suffered would get him labeled as a hideous ogre. The man was scarred head to toes In barely healed burns. His hair had been burnt away leaving his whole body without a single strand. His breath was ragged and painful with effort as he labored to breathe from his destroyed lungs.

His actions had earned him the greatest honors if he lived through this, I would ensure he lived his days out as a rich and wealthy man. Sadly it seemed likely that his fighting days were now over. Maybe the royal mage would be able to help to some degree it was question worth asking when I returned. 

"Your entourage is ready Prince." I jump at Nikolas's sudden voice. It seems my hearing hasn't fully recovered yet I would need to be more vigilant.

// // // // // //

The dirt road to Polis was muddy from constant use and the recent rains. Roads across the world were poor things poorly described by the word. The pathways were made over countless centuries of foot traffic from the major hubs to their smaller villages. In certain seasons it was easy to lose the road and get lost in the wilderness .

There was five people in my entourage although I only knew Nikolas and Alexandros the rest were knights that had distinguished themselves as part of the tunnel teams during the siege. I would have liked Simon here but I had given him the task of organizing the camp and scouting missions. 

Nikolas head the white flag of truce high above his head marking us as under protection by the laws of chivalry. It wouldn't be unheard of or even uncommon for someone to kill someone even while under a white flag but even a greedy king like Mesil was smart enough to understand the social distain that such an action would cause. Even if it would save the country.

We stop just short of the first gate and I ride ahead of the group.

"I seek an audience with King Mesil the first! Fetch your King in the name of Honor!"

Someone spits at me from a top the curtain walls I can hear a murmur from the defenders.

"That is I. State your business." The man was adorned in his very rich looking suit of armor. It was encrusted with gems and exotic ores but showed no sign of real use. I had never seen the king before but this checked out in my eyes.

"I seek a Parley. Tomorrow at sun rise."

"No. Speak what you will now. There will be no parley." The response caught me off guard. 

"Fine then. My terms are simple. Surrender your city to me and in exchange I will return your son. Everyone in the city will be spared and you will be given a nice stretch of land to live out the rest of your days in luxury and peace." The offer was rather one sided but the king would remain alive and be able to live in luxury for the rest of his days. It was a good offer if you considered the alternatives; namely death.

"Fuck your terms. I can always make another son. I hope you Brought more than that sorry amount of men." 

Shit. He isn't even willing to negotiate. This is not good I need to think fast.

"Think of your men King."

"Fuck off"

"Then I challenge you to a duel! Man on man. If I win I take your city. If you win you'll have my head and my army will leave. All your lands will be returned." My challenge brings up shouts from even my own men. It doesn't take a genius to see the flaws in the plan. If I lose everything we have won is gone. Not to mention the fact that I am barely able to walk properly.

"Ha! Surely you jest. Why would I agree?"

"Your men have heard my proposal. Perhaps you can withstand a siege Mesil but are your men whom have already seen defeat three times in barely as many months ready to see their families butchered when we inevitably take their home." Everyone knows how sieges Like these end. After months of frustration the city will be sacked brutally. No army could be disciplined enough to stop the crimes that would happen. Homes would be set afire, the men would be killed, children would be shipped off to slavery, the women would fair even worse. I had given the kings men a way to avoid all that and save the lives of their families. Even if the king rejects the challenge many would turn traitor and aid us in exchange for safety. There is a slight chance they would even completely riot and turn on the king.

"Fine. We fight now then. With what we have on our persons. Send a rider to inform your army of your terms." Mesil was known as a cunning if weasel like king. He wasn't blind to the danger I had exposed him too. 

He would be at an advantage during the duel. I would likely die. It was a risk I would take without second thought.

Do or die