
Imperium Aureum

In a war torn medieval world young prince August Dane Davion fights to usher in the age of a new empire. But to bring about his envisioned empire he must struggle through the corruption of nobles, the Ire of his father the emperor, and the machinations of the secretive mage's guild.

Spookyyymann · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Chapter Seven: Parley

The sun was high and bright in the sky spreading the warmth of summer onto all those under its gaze. The hill seemed to draw its gaze most of all making the men on top it sweat in their armor. None seemed to be particularly bothered by it or if they were they didn't show it. Four of the five men all sat at a prepared table enjoying their refreshments while waiting for their guests to arrive. The fifth man a brute in massive steel armor stood a foot back scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger. 

"Adonis we still have some time until Lord Arber arrives drink some water or something I would hate for our bodyguard to pass out from the heat." I knew my attempt at making Adonis leave his post was futile but I tried anyway. 

Good. He knows to never leave his post. Adonis is a fine warrior and dependable I will do whatever I can to ensure his continued loyalty. Adonis would fit into August's plans perfectly.

"Say my prince Ive noticed you have been practicing your sword play with Adonis nearly everyday recently. Do you not fear breaking all your bones you two don't pull any punches." 

"Lord Simon I must admit the thought has crossed my mind but I would rather break some bones now than get stabbed by some peasant with a sword. I might not always be able to rely on bodyguards best to be prepared for the possibility." Simon was hypocritical with his question he himself was a renowned swordsman although age had made him more conservative in when and where he decided to fight.

"We shall ensure your safety as long as we live Prince." Alexandros had just returned when the group left for the parley.

I am eager to learn what news he brings about the dwarves but that can wait until the parley is over. It was good timing he returned though he is well known and just as good with his words as Simon.

"I should hope so Alexandros but to many kings and queens have been killed surrounded by even a hundred well armed knights. But enough talk about all that our guests are arriving."

Five riders strode to the table all of them were clad in ornate and expensive armor marking them out as members of nobility. Arber Lead the new arrivals easily made out by the feathers on his helmet. The other four I didn't recognize but it was likely they were other lords or at the least wealthy knights. They got off their mounts and took seats following Arber's lead aside from one that stood adjacent from Adonis sizing up the other bodyguard.

"So the Prince of Orpheus was the one at my gate this whole time. I should have captured you when I had the chance" Arber recognized August as the knight that had posed as Alexandros a day earlier.

"It would have saved you a lot of trouble Lord Arber. Thankfully I have lady luck on my side." My jests brought a chuckle from the group.

"Perhaps you do or maybe you'll find she has abandoned you. Either way Allow me to introduce my fellows." He pointed to the one closest to him a modestly built man with wavy dirty blonde locks and a face that is sure to make any woman infatuated with him.

"This man is Sir Armend of Navind. He is my senior Lieutenant and a well renowned knight from Lodal you might have heard of him" Arber moved onto the next man 

"This is Lord Alban of Tassy and his brother Lord Baland also of tassy." I remembered these two. They were present at Ardenawood opening when he had massacred the whole army.

"Ah Lords Alban and Baland It is good to see you two survived Ardenawood I wish I could say the same of most the other men however." The reply was intentionally provocative.

"It was a mere set back mongrel you army will wither away and fade into obscurity under the walls of Ardenafast." Alban's reply was cocky and confident.

"They seem very confident. It could be that they overestimate their position or if fate has it they have a hidden card to play. That could bode ill per..." My thoughts are cut off as Arber continued his introductions. 

"This last man as requested to remain anonymous so I will not introduce him. He is here because he wished to attend and nothing more." The hot sun suddenly felt all to cold. Something wasn't right about this last man something that I didn't quite understand but still made a chill run down his spine. He was the least armored of everyone here clad in a simple robe with chainmail over it a hood concealed his face in darkness even thought the sun was shinning brighter than ever.

"Perhaps that hood is an enchanted item although that would mean this man was rich and had friends in high places. I needed to know more about him."

I knew very few people that could afford enchanted items from any of the mages guilds and even then at tremendous costs. Even my father the emperor only had a handful of such item and those had been passed down from generation to generation.

He could be a mercenary from a foreign land hired at great cost

I had heard of such people from a few well traveled courtiers in the capital. Some traveled by sea or land from across the world in hopes of finding fortune or adventure. Some of them would come in foreign equipment and items that would be hard to get here. 

There was no point in speculating now he had to introduce his attendants.

"Well met lords. This man to my left is Lord Simon Drakes a good advisor to me and a senior commander in my army. After him is Sir Alexandros a knight I'm sure you have heard of from his time in the tourneys at your capital. Next is Scribe Balius Teyles and lastly Sir Adonis of Bexley also know as The beast of Orpheus" 

Most of the companions I had brought were well known in their part of the world. Alexandros was a tourney champion that spent many years traveling from contest to contest. Lord Simon had fought valiantly in a few wars as a mercenary commander before inheriting his fief. And Adonis was known for his nickname the beast of orpheus after killing a not insignificant amount of men in single combat and in border skirmishes. Balius Teyles was the least well know which was something that suited Balius just fine. What he lacked in Martial Prowess he easily made up for with his astute intelligence. He was a childhood friend and the son of a wealthy merchant. I had personally asked Balius to join the army as the chief logistics officer and paymaster something he had no qualms about doing for his close friend. 

"Now that introductions are complete let us cut straight to the chase. What is it you want August if you expect us to surrender you are very mistaken." 

"I suspected as much. Lord Arber as I am sure Alban and his brother have informed you your army in no more. We out number you ten to one while you have no hope of reprieve in sight. Why not consider surrender and save the lives of your men."

"Ha. Surrender. You must surely take me for a coward mongrel prince. My family has held this castle for six generations and I'll be damned if it falls under my command. You may outnumber me but I have two years worth of food and with the survivors from Ardenawood my garrison has over 800 soldiers it is stronger than ever. Your army will lose thousands in this siege however if you surrender I will ensure you are all treated properly."

"Lord Arber is a fool. I barely spoke to him and he already revealed the his strength. There is a chance he is lying but I do find it hard to believe he is lying."

"Lord Arber surely you have an ounce of reason in you. Surrender and you will keep your fort. Serve Orpheus and live or Defy us and die the option is simple."

"It seems this is going nowhere August surely you had a better reason to call us here or are you really That stupid. I heard Elves were smart but it seems none of your whore of a mother's blood didn't make you any smarter."

"If I wasn't so well trained to control my emotions I might have attacked the man. Maybe when I was younger I would have although the insult was rather boring to begin with."

"You are correct lord. I offer you a deal. If no allied army arrives in three months to relieve you surrender. If the army does arrive we will withdraw. It will save the lives of many."

"No. What a waste of time." Arber and his retinue got up and made their way to their horse. Leaving rather abruptly.

The table sat in silence none willing to speak until the price made the first move.

"That went exactly as I hoped. Hhahaa. What a fool that Arber. I barely spoke and he told us how many men he has and his food supplies. This will be an easy siege. I must hear your thoughts on that hooded man what do you all think of him?" 

He was a mystery to August and that was something he hated more than anything. August turned his gaze towards his companions awaiting their response's. 

"He had an odd feeling about him. Maybe he is an adventurer or a mercenary."

"Yeah I agree with Balius but no mercenary I know has given me chills like those."

"It is pointless to speculate. Let us wait and see I'm sure he will reveal himself soon."

"Heh" August scoffed "Agreed for now let us all prepare for the battle ahead of us. Alexandros meet me at my tent with your report on the dwarves in an hour. Everyone else you are dismissed."