
Yun Xi Dresses LIke a Man

翻訳者: Nyoi-Bo Studio 編集者: Nyoi-Bo Studio

After Yun Xi had started going up the mountain, Mu Feichi had asked the housekeeper to change the guest room on the first floor into a little room for her.

The clothes Ling Jing had sent over for her were all kept in the room. In order to make herself appear unobtrusive, Yun Xi had chosen a long black coat.

She also had on a pair of black ankle boots, black velvet trousers, and she put on a plaid scarf that she had dug up from somewhere to hide her slender neck and delicate-featured face.

Finally, she chose a black wool hat and tied up her hair in it. Trying to make herself look like a man, she needed to hide her hair under the hat.

After getting completely dressed, she looked at her disguise in the mirror with satisfaction and shrugged.

She wasn't trying to be high maintenance, but with Mu Feichi's current status in Jingdu, any woman close to him might become other people's targets.