
Chapter 45: Blackmarket

With his senses, he felt that he should leave the capital sooner.

He packed his belongings and walked towards the city gate and left.

After walking a certain distance, he pondered over and rushed back to the city.


"Looking for me?" An old man with tattered clothes, drinking wine from the winegourd; looked suspiciously at the quartet.

"Old senior, we are looking for the entrance of blackmarket!" Xin and Fatty greeted together in a polite tone.

The old man looked at their facial expressions and body language.

Drinking the wine from his winegourd and wiping his wouth with his hands, "Follow me!" He commanded them and walked towards an alley.

"Go in!" He pointed at the passage and walked his own way after showing them the route.

"That old man is really a drunkard!" Little Wei said.

Seeing her expression so cute, both Fatty and Xin chuckled.

"Fatty, what are you laughing at?" She jumped and pounced on him.

"Now, now. Little Wei, do not cause trouble." Xin warned and lifted her up; braced her in his arms.

"This little girl is really a trouble maker!" Fatty murmured in a dissatisfying tone.

"Fatty, little Lu, let us go in!" Xin said without any delay.

After coming in through the door, they observed that there were people wearing hood with masks.

It seems that people choose to keep their identity secret.

They walked and perceived that there were people sitting on the floor with a signboard; some were having their own store, etc.

They strolled through out the street, taking a glimpse of the market.

Arriving at an old dilipated blacksmith shop, Xin knocked the door, "Is anyone here?" He called out.

"What is it you want, young man?" A bald old man opened the door and looked at them.

With an unkempt hair; dressed in tattered clothes with a beard on his chin; leaning on the side of the door with his body and one of his hand holding a wine clay pot, the bald old man totally looked like a ruffian from the streets.

"Greetings, senior! We are here to sell the items." He calmly said.

He gulped down a few cups and stared at them.

"Come in!" He opened the path.

The quartet looked at each other and followed him inside.

Xin put down the little girl from his arms and told her not to cause any trouble.

"Show me the goods!" Without wasting anytime, he directly went to the point.

Xin directly took out the goods from the bow and piled up infront of the old man.

"Hmm, not bad." He commented without even blinking his eyes.

He naturally can perceive that these weapons are extraordinary but aura has been dimmed alot.

The old man sighed and lamented: "Sad that there is no one to understand the mystery of it!"

"Senior, how much can it be sold for?" Fatty Jin asked politely.

"Not much. It can only be sold for 1,500,000 Mortal coins." Old man said without blinking an eye while drinking his wine.

"It is a big loss!" Fatty sighed. And did not bother about it. He thought he could sell for around five million or twenty million. But expectation and reality is different.

Xin thought of an idea and said: "Old senior, help me these weapons to turn into a set of cooking wares. More the weight, the better it is!"

Instead of taking money, it is better to make something into useful artifact rather than wasting it.

The old man coughed and spilled out wine from his mouth and looked at Xin: "Really?"

"Yes!" Xin responded.

They did not understand why the old man acted strangely.

"Young man, you have good presence of mind." With that he got up from his seat.

"You four, help this old man." Turning his back and going into the room, he left.

The quartet looked at each other with their eyes saying: "Does he want us to work?"

"Hurry up!" The old man's shout echoed throughout the room.

They hurried over by bringing the materials.

"Usually, I don't allow anyone in my smithing place except for my disciples. It is a taboo for an outsider to see it." Old man talked without thinking anything.

Naturally, Fatty Jin knows that it is really a taboo place. Any blacksmith master will not allow the outsiders to go to their smithing place. Martial world is really full of tabooes!

"Put the weapons in the furnace!" He commanded.

The weapons they put were burnt at high temperature; melting it into liquid form. The liquid is flows out from another passage hole and is collected. The shape is then made by pouring into different structures.

"Hammer the items continously!" The old man commanded them.

When they lifted, it is really heavy. But no matter what the circumstances is, they have to do it.

After long six hours, the trio- Fatty Jin, Kid Lu and Little Wei, were worn out! As for Xin, he is not tired at all, after all he has done worse training than these!

"Not bad, not bad! To endure such things one has to suffer in order to gain something." Old man commented after looking at them.

"Here you go! The cooking wares you need are all inside." He pointed.

"Little Lu, follow me!" Xin called out and went in.

The others also went in and there were no words coming out from their mouths.

"Really good, exquisite and shiny yet it has it's own arrogance, so stuborn and pride. It is dark and goes well with the night kings. I shall name it as Shadow! For it shall bring a begining of a new era!" Xin stroked patiently to each item as a beloving girl and it hummed.

No one noticed this little movement but the old man from aside noticed it. He was very shocked with his eyes open wide.

He looked at Xin carefully with his eyes wide and smiled. He has not been happy for many years but now he is excited and laughed himself.

"A very interesting young man yet it excludes vanity! Really interesting! It really is!" The old man thought himself and had not been in vain for many years. He can see the light coming in the future years. At least it will be worth while.

"As your master, I have not been able to give you a gift, so this is yours. Cherish it well! As for the name I have given is Shadow." Xin handed over the items to kid Lu.

Fatty Jin and Little Wei are really envious of kid Lu.

"Young man, you hide your identity really well. This old man is fooled. But you are interesting fella." He smiled and looked at him.

The others wondered what kind of identity does he have especially Fatty Jin. He wondered whether he heard it wrongly.

"Senior is joking!" Xin smiled and responded.

The old man can see that from his words, he does not want to be exposed.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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