
imperfectly Perfect

It was after many years of hard work and training in different martial arts like Jeet kune do , Taekwondo,Judo , Aikido, I won another Taekwondo match and got gold medal. I saw someone looking confused and sad, and he was approximately 35 years old I think. He sat near my bag. I went to pick my bag, and he suddenly asked me with a monotone voice – “What is Your style?”. I replied spontaneously – “Using No Style as a Style”. He said that, he was impressed with my fighting style and liked it because its like a well planned drama but fought seriously. I don’t know him and I asked – “Why are you looking so sad?”. He then started :

Reyansh_ · ファンタジー
18 Chs


"Saanvi is a nerd, you know.", Reyansh said.

"How can I know, I never met her.", I replied with a little laugh.

Reyansh continued, "she used to code from her primary school and is good at multiple programming languages and she gave a hard time for lecturers too by pointing their mistakes in class sometimes"

I replied, "Then what about you , aren't you good at programming and also how much will a lecturer know"

Reyansh replied, "I wasn't good at that time but now I know a few to survive in software industry and I still remembered the day when HOD of our department took DBMS lecture and my Saanvi pointed out her mistakes without any hesitation and I was really happy as I hate my HOD"

"Most of the students do hate their lecturers and HOD's it's common",I replied.

"But it's uncommon for lecturers and HOD to hate someone and ask for help from that student but ofcourse we students like Saanvi alot but she didn't spoke much with anyone except me", Reyansh said.

He was looking happy and there was a slight smile on his face, I wanted to know about this geek girl more and Reyansh continued,

"One day in SQL lab when HOD was explaining something and struck in a problem and is unable to complete the query and find the solution, we started laughing but Saanvi completed the problem and got the answer, as HOD wanted to meet DBMS lecturer she passed by Saanvis system and saw that she got the solution,

Hod asked why she didn't told she completed the problem already and Saanvi replied , "Everyone is already laughing already and what do you think if I tell I already the problem, you might say this student again wanted to prove that I don't know much and you would curse me for your incapablity of knowledge "

Whole class was shocked when she stated this, ofcourse she stated what is true", Reyansh laughed alot.

I was shocked at the dareness of that geek girl, telling HOD on the face that she don't know anything.

"What do you think of Saanvi?", Reyansh asked.

"She is very intelligent and ofcourse she don't care about anything or anyone", I replied.

"She cares for me and that's what matters to me" , Reyansh replied with a proud smile.

"No one in the entire college could defeat her in coding competition and all students don't dare to compete with her", Reyansh told.

"So she is totally into computers only" , I replied.

"No, she likes travelling and me", Reyansh replied without much delay.

"But you liked Rashi right?", I questioned.

"I thought, I was liking Rashi but it's just that I used to admire how positive she was and used to help people around her and we don't really know the meaning of love when we are in school age, we just assume things" , Reyansh replied

"Then how do you started liking Saanvi", I asked out of my curiosity

"She made me realise what Love is", he replied with a deep tone of voice

As Reyansh's words hung in the air, I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder at the mysterious Saanvi. Her intelligence, confidence, and unapologetic attitude were traits that commanded respect and admiration. And yet, beneath her tough exterior, she had a soft spot for Reyansh, and perhaps even a passion for travel and exploration.

I pressed on, curious about the dynamics between Reyansh and Saanvi. "So, how did you two become close? You're not exactly in the same social circle."

Reyansh chuckled. "That's true, but we bonded over our shared love of coding and problem-solving. She saw something in me that I didn't even see in myself, and she pushed me to be better. We started working on projects together, and before I knew it, we were inseparable."

I raised an eyebrow. "Inseparable? That's a strong word. What makes your bond so special?"

Reyansh's eyes sparkled. "Saanvi gets me in a way that no one else does. She understands my quirks and flaws, and she accepts me for who I am. And I do the same for her. We're two misfits who found our perfect match in each other."

As we continued talking, I realized that Reyansh and Saanvi's relationship was more than just a friendship or romantic partnership. It was a deep and abiding connection that transcended labels and definitions.

Just then, his phone buzzed with an incoming message. I glanced at the screen and smiled. "Hey, Reyansh, I think your 'geek girl' is trying to reach you."

Reyansh's face lit up as he grabbed his phone and started typing away. I watched, amused.

As I observed, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the power of human connection. Here were two individuals, once strangers, now bound together by their shared passions and quirks. And at the heart of it all was Saanvi, the enigmatic geek girl who had captured Reyansh's heart and inspired him to be his best self.