
imperfect you

This story all about a girl name Anthonia and Sylvia who were close friend. ........................................................................ Sylvia has lost hope on many things, her life her family and true love But when a persistent man appears in her life, her life seem to turn around for the better until a little mistake occurs again. How long can she hold on? Pls give a vote for my novel

Anthonyalien12 · 若者
3 Chs

Episode one

"Going somewhere?" Anthonia asked her friend who was busy with the mirror

"Hum,the club"

"It's late" Anthonia said wiping her face with a towel.

"Not too late to party!" Sylvia shrieked happily adjusting her lipstick that spread to her chin.

"You know your mum doesn't like it".

" Don't preach now Anthonia, I won't stay to listen ". Sylvia said facing the mirror to see if her make-up was okay.

She walked to the shoe rack and picked a pair of golden heels, strapping them sexily to her feet. She stood up and twisted round for her friend to asses her look. " How do I look?". "Good" Anthonia replied.

"Just that?" Sylvia face crumpled.

"Okay, you look hot"

Her smile returned. "I thought so," see ya. "Switch off my lights please".

Anthonia shook her head as she left the room. She knew very well that Sylvia won't be back until the next day. Switching off the lights she headed for her own room, she had a very important presentation the next morning.

" God keep Sylvia safe". She muttered almost in audibly as she saw her drive out of the compound from the window.

Sylvia turned up the volume of the car radio to the highest as she drove through the over busy roads to the club house.

How can it be late? Thus was Goshen city for goodness sake, Goshen never sleeps except of course for people like Anthonia who felt the world needed to be balanced. Work at day sleep at night. Sylvia considered that very boring and she sometimes wondered how Anthonia was coping.

She and Anthonia had been friends since when she was in senior high school and they had blossomed into best buddies despite their stark differences. Although they sometimes blended into one another like going with Anthonia to church once in a while or taking Anthonia to a party, they were polar opposite, even in complexion. Anthonia was fairs as the sun while despite all their difference, they love each other and stood by each other even in trouble which majority of the times it was Sylvia's dhouse 

  It was 9pm when Sylvia reached the club with a noise from her car, which was disturbing some of the boys over there before they came to meet her and tell her she was making noise with her car then she tuned off music and apologized to them, she got out of her car and went inside the club, Sylvia face wanted to be like she was the happiest woman on earth presently when she entered the club all eyes were on her because she was a regular anger in the club, Sylvia laughed as she saw people looking at her then she went to have a sit at the bar where she ordered for a alcoholic drinks which she said normally made her lively, Sylvia drank two cups of the drink then a young guy came to have a sit beside her introducing himself as John, John was a young man with a good job and a nice salary but John doesn't have a good behavior, John is a Playboy which can never fall in love with any girl, when Sylvia asked him that did he know her john replied "no" but he just wanted them to he friends and since he saw her sitting alone here that he should come join her, Sylvia couldn't say no because since she had a brake up with her first boyfriend no other man as come to her with much courage like john just did so she introduced herself to john and they were both having fun together, John told her to order anything she want that he was going to pay it no matter the amount but Sylvia said she doesn't do that but since she said so john said no problem and then they ate and drank not until Sylvia got drunk and started misbehaving before the club got closed, Sylvia stood and told john she was going home that they will see next time that she really need to have a rest at home but John insisted that she can't drive when she is drunk. John took her car key with him and held her close to his chest lifting her leg up and taking her to his own apartment.

  John got to his apartment at 12 midnight and dropping Sylvia on his bed and going to the living room to make some drinks, john was getting drunk and he couldn't control himself any longer, he manage his way to his room then he saw Sylvia on the bed he tried to take that from his memory but he wasn't in control any longer, he had no choice but to undress Sylvia and had s*x with her.


7am Sylvia worked up, with a strange look because she always forgot to drop her window blind any time she comes home late at night because she would be too tired and she noticed she wasn't the only one on the bed so she look at her left and saw John, when she saw john she was so confused about anything that happened last night but she noticed she wasn't wearing any clothe including her under wear was on the ground, Sylvia had nothing to say but to make sure she get up and wear her clothe before John wakes up, immediately she wore her under wear john woke up asking her where she was going this early morning, Sylvia had nothing to say but to wear her clothe completely and leave John's apartment, but before she goes john has some explanation to say, Sylvia left the rest room after she was done wearing her clothe she came with a hot slap on John face asking him what he did last night, John explained that it wasn't intentional and he couldn't control his body any longer Sylvia knelt down and cried and told him if any of this come out of your mouth he is going to spend the rest of his life in jail, Sylvia took her phone and saw missed call from Anthonia and from her mum who have been trying to reach her since, Sylvia doesn't know her she could explain so she just won't say anything if they start to blame her again. Sylvia went to take her car at the club which was very far from john house as she start her car she drove to her house first then after she showered and dressed up she went to her parents house where they have been expecting her.