
Imparting My Cultivation To Beasts Gets Me 10,000X In Return!

# pet beasts # impart cultivation Lin Bai transmigrated to an eastern fantasy world where everyone cultivates. On the day he transmigrated, he received an Impart Returns System. As long as he imparted his cultivation to a pet beast, the system would return him a random reward that could be anything between twice the amount he imparted or even up to 10,000 thousand times. [3 years of cultivation imparted to White Cat. 10X returned. You now have 30 years of cultivation!] [White Cat has activated the genes of the ancient White Tiger! White Cat has evolved into White Tiger!] [5 years of cultivation imparted to Green Snake. 100X returned. You now have 500 years of cultivation!] [Green Snake has activated the genes of the wild Green Dragon! Green Snake has evolved into Green Dragon!] [8 years of cultivation imparted to Firefinch. 1000X returned. You now have 8000 years of cultivation!] [Firefinch has activated the genes of the ancient Phoenix! Firefinch has evolved into Phoenix!] [10 years of cultivation imparted to Spirit Fox. 10000X returned. You now have 100000 years of cultivation!] [Spirit Fox has activated the genes of the Nine-tailed Fox! Spirit Fox has evolved into Nine-tailed Fox!] Before imparting, everyone always says, “My goodness! This guy’s pet beasts are so powerful!” After imparting, everyone always says, “Good god! This guy is way more ridiculously powerful compared to his pet beasts!”

Juju Lost in the Fog · 東方
410 Chs

Black Jade Black Turtle

翻訳者: Dragon Boat Translation 編集者: Dragon Boat Translation

Lin Bai walked closer to take a look and pushed aside the water plants in front of him. Only then did he realize that it was actually a completely black turtle. It was like black jade, shining with a sparkling light.

However, there were wounds all over the turtle's back. Its flesh and blood were tumbling, and fresh blood kept flowing out. Even the turtle's shell was missing a big hole. It looked very terrifying. It just stood there motionlessly. If it wasn't for its weak breathing, Lin Bai almost thought it was dead.

[ Sing -- Black Jade Black Turtle with black tortoise bloodline detected! ]

The system's voice in his mind immediately made Lin Bai ecstatic, and he immediately made a contract with the Black Jade Black Turtle. His blood dripped onto the turtle's back mountain, and a huge spell formation lit up, enveloping both the man and the turtle.