
Immortality System: The Last Human's Transmigration

[You have died] [Initiating System Activation...] Those were the words that rang in my ears the moment my vision had turned black. But unlike others who were thrown into the same situation as me, I didn’t die. [Immortality System has been activated] I was thrown 300 million years back in time to an era where the weak were preyed on, and the strong ruled with iron fists. An era of magical creatures beyond human understanding. An era of intelligent creatures that could rule over humanity with the power of their stare alone, and ones who could dissipate a hurricane with the snap of their fingers. An era with magic and evolution that would allow me to climb to the top… Thrown into the wild with no one to rely on, I was forced to turn towards the only semblance of hope in this cruel and uncaring world. The only thing that could help me survive this madness. The light at the end of the tunnel for the last human who persisted until the end. The only system worthy for the last survivor, and humanity's final anchor. [Welcome to the Immortality System. A system that makes sure you never die as long as you work for it!] ------------------------------------------------- To interact with the author, report mistakes, and see what the characters look like, join the discord Server: https://discord.gg/PtzXQBvAj5 ------------------------------------------------- Author's Note: The story will have elements of psychology and will explore the main character's mental health. It might also sometimes have information dumps but I'll try to keep it to a minimum.  This is not a novel with an overpowered MC. The mc, while being immortal to an extent, starts off very weak and slowly gains strength. WARNING: For the first 30 or so chapters, the mc is barely survives by the skin of his teeth. Give the novel a chance because the mc does become much stronger from chapter 40 and onwards. NO HAREM! ------------------------------------------------- --------------------Rewards-------------------- Golden Tickets (Per month): -100 GT = 1 Extra Chapter -300 GT = 5 Extra Chapters -500 GT = 10 Extra Chapters ------------------------------------------------- Gifts: -Castle = 5 Extra Chapter -Spacecraft = 10 Extra Chapters -Golden Gachapon = 15 Extra Chapters {Do take note that if you do give me a spacecraft or a golden gachapon, I might not be capable of giving you the chapters on the same day. However, a castle should be doable} -------------------------------------------------

GRE3D · ファンタジー
132 Chs

The Awakening


A man with long black hair stood in front of the corpse of the young man that he had just killed with a single stab of his hand.

A sympathetic smile curved up the edges of the man's lips before he finally shook his head and took a step back, appearing almost 50 meters away in less than a nanosecond.

"You are quite strong. You must not be human" The white-haired elf concluded aloud, making sure that the man heard the last part of his sentence.

"You are wrong..." The man finally spoke, his deep voice resonating with the air while creating spatial distortions as it left his mouth. "I am human. I am the most powerful human anything in this universe will lay their eyes upon... Yet you seem to not remember me?" the man let out a subtle smirk before once again shaking his head.

After finishing his short dialogue, he did not waste another second as he slid his right foot back. At the same time, he placed his left fist at his hip while stretching his arm forwards, opening his palm, and gesturing to the white-haired man with a 'Come at me' movement of his hand.

"Insolence! The human of the prophecy is dead and yet you dare stand against me!?" The white-haired man began to float in the air, his hair floating up and dancing around in the wind while a chaotic red and black aura, similar to the color of his armor began to shroud him within it.

"Dare?" The black-haired man scoffed before unleashing an Azure-golden aura laced in a deep red, an indication of how many people he had to kill to get to where he was today.

"Let us see who the arrogant one is after our clash shall we." as the aura exploded out of him, it caused his hair to also blow back and flutter in the winds, finally revealing his handsome face without a trace of imperfections.

Simultaneously, his deadly golden eyes with several deep crimson Halo's around his silver pupils locked onto the flying red-figure draped by a red aura, making that very same figure feel a shudder down his spine, a shudder that he had not felt in over tens of thousands of years.

'Is it who I think it is?' The man's face stretched with a cruel smile reaching from ear to ear. It looked like something straight out of a horror film.

At the same time as this battle began, a figure clad in black from head to toe looked towards earth from an ashen grey sphere outside of earth that just happened to be the moon.

He watched at two lights, one gold and the other crimson-red, begin to shine with enough radiance to blind a normal human even if they were seeing it from space. Those lights eventually began to expand further, becoming larger and larger until finally, they had each covered half of the planet with their aura alone.

"Another failure huh..." The cloaked figure spoke out loud, and even though he was technically in a vacuum, his voice traveled through space as if he had spoken into a microphone on Earth.

His eyes narrowed down as his gaze fell upon the body of an unmoving corpse of a boy less than 20 years old. A hole could be seen through the boy's chest, blood gushing out almost endlessly, yet their eyes remained lifeless.

A smirk appeared on the face of the man, however, in an instant, the man disappeared into thin air with his final words echoing through the vacuum of space.

"Look's like I've found my next subject..."



[You have died]

[Initiating System Activation...]

[Rebooting Life-force...]

[Decoding the universal Code...]

[Breaking the universal code...]

[Calculating energy needed...]

[Absorbing blackholes for energy...]

[1 supermassive black hole has been absorbed into the system!]

[Soul-Energy deficit!]

[117 874 982 105 wandering souls have been absorbed into the system!]

[Polishing code...]

[Patching loopholes...]

[Creating 'The Dice']

[Rolling dice to determine system type]


[System type has been confirmed]


[The Immortality System Has Been Activated]

[Welcome to the Immortality System, a system that makes sure you never die as long as you work for it!]


[You survived for 19 years, 7 months, 20 days, 05 hours, 53 minutes, and 06 seconds]

[You have been rewarded with 3 Immortality tokens]

[You will receive 1 immortality token after 5 years of survival]

[Immortality Tokens have been locked until the trial period ends]

[Trial period will begin in 30 seconds







I watched as the number began to tick down every second, and even if I wanted to look at something else, I could not.

Right now I felt like an unknown entity floating in the depths of the abyss that we humans called space. However, unlike what people would usually imagine being in space would look like, I saw nothing but darkness.

There was not a single trace of light, not from the stars that were millions of light-years away from earth, nor the moon that we humans would see when looking towards the sky whenever it is night.

I couldn't feel my body, nor could I speak, turn my head or even move. It felt like I had become nothing but a conscience floating in the waves of the ocean with nothing but water in sight, being forced and dragged to wherever the waves would take me.

At this point, I couldn't even hear my own thoughts. All I could do was listen to the constant dings that entered my ear every time the timer went down by a second.






[A error has occurred]

[Transmigration to any nearby planet has been deemed impossible]


[Rerouting has been deemed impossible]

[No foreign intervention detected]

[Contacting operators...]

[Unable to contact operators]

[Finding the nearest planet with life detected...]

[Planet Proxima B: 4 Light years away]

[Habitable: Yes]

[Life: Existent]

[Power: Almost non-existent]

[You will be transferred...]

[Unable to Transmigrate Entity: Ezra]

[Sovereign of time; Lord Chronos has detected a problem with the transmigration process]

[Solution has been proposed!]

[You have received -Time Crystal-]

[-Time Crystal- has been shattered]

[Absorbing black holes...]

[34 black holes and 2 supermassive black holes have been absorbed into the system!]

[Enough energy has been collected]

[You are being sent back in time]

After that final message, I could feel my mind consciousness slipping into a deep slumber, one that might have taken millions of years to awaken from.




The sound of me hitting the floor echoed throughout the forest, subsequently causing me to scream out in pain.

[Transmigration into a humanoid vessel was not possible]

[Humanoid body had been created in the reference to your previous vessel]

[Vessel had been created]

[You have arrived at your destination]

[Planet: Earth]

[Age: 4.268 Billion]

[Tier: A]

[Description: A world with millions of known species alongside millions of unknown species. It is filled with different climates, from hot to cold, an enormous amount of intelligent races, and high concentrations of mana, some areas richer than others. You cannot ascend past the Astral plane on this planet unless some conditions are met.]


To interact with the author, report mistakes, and see what the characters look like, join the discord Server: https://discord.gg/PtzXQBvAj5
