
Immortal Witch

In a world where some humans can select a power, they will have had since childhood. This power is trained in several phases until it reaches immortality. This year is the new school year of a well-known academy and only selects special students to study there. Neuvrost Academy is the academy that is also the center of various secrets of Aternum World's history. Clare is doing the most reckless thing in her life in the academy. Instead of being expelled, she gets on a mission to fix her fatal mistake that could change the world. In conjunction with her friends, she went through many things of life and death up to reveal a secret. The secret about her identity made her have to sacrifice her life.

Chintyaboo · ファンタジー
62 Chs


Clare did not immediately gather with her friends. She was still with Luke approaching Mrs. Alda after finishing doing their performance.

It's not just Mrs. Alda was there, but Mrs. Ganger and Prof. Armstrong. Clare just realized that Prof. Armstrong was cool enough to be called a witch.

I didn't tell you, did I? Prof. Armstrong had entered immortality though imperfectly and once one entered immortality, it could be called a witch. Clare? She was indeed born as an Immortal witch therefore she has telekinesis ability and it shouldn't be that since he chose the mysterious box, it's just that Clare hasn't realized yet.

Mrs. Alda gave them as many compliments as it made Clare's ears itch. While Luke looked nonchalant, he listened from the right ear out from the left.

Then, again something bothered Clare. Just like earlier, Clare felt someone whispering something to her. And the sound is getting closer and bigger but not clear. Clare flinched slightly as the voice once again grew louder and pierced her ears. Clare spontaneously turned back to find that there was no one, only a crowd.

"What's wrong?" Luke asked whispering in Clare's ear. Clare was startled again and turned to her, then shook her head.

Luke knew something was up. After having had such a quiet and lonely day, he already suspected something would happen after the party was over. Luke had to increase his vigilance and keep a good eye on Clare.

Ending up in a crowd, it always makes Clare bored, especially when her friends choose to go crazy. Clare wanted to come with Blaire, but then she changed her mind and chose to be alone. This time Clare didn't look as cheerful as before, she became gloomy again. After hearing that strange voice, Clare's mood suddenly changed.

Then, the voice came again. The sound of the wind blowing is very loud even though the wind here comes from the air conditioner. Clare sighed and moved to a less crowded place. However, the voice came again making Clare even more uneasy.

Not! Something's wrong with the tracker! Clare thought it was Vrochis who was bothering her again. Vrochis' soul is always wandering around him and bothering him incessantly. Since the attack in the forest that time, Clare had become more sensitive.

I wish Clare would like him. However, the voice came again. It's clearer now. Like a man's voice hoarse and whisper. The voice is always changing, the tone is irregular and uncomfortable to hear. The longer, the clearer. Clare's hearing was sharp, so she could hear it clearly and look for the source of the sound.

"I will help you...."

"A reason...."

"All your questions will be answered..."

The sentence kept repeating itself, making Clare go crazy. Clare covered her ears and eyes, her heart pounding with fear.

Feeling calm, the voice was again not clearly heard. Clare decided to follow it. The direction came from outside the hall and Clare continued to follow the voice that grew louder and clearer.

The same sentence is heard again and again. Clare was sure it was Vrochis, only that monster could make him like this for months.

Clare continued to walk down the deserted hallway. That voice came from outside the academy, more precisely the forbidden forest. Clare is more rational than she used to be, she can't possibly take her life to that cursed place for the umpteenth time. He felt compelled to check his mission tablet and see where Vrochis was. She had to make sure there was something wrong with the tracker.

Clare kept walking. Lifting her long skirt and running a little. Luckily the shoes she was wearing weren't too high, so she could still run a bit. After arriving at the building where the dormitory was located, Clare climbed the stairs.

When he reached the top of the stairs, the voice was heard again and closer. Clare was frustrated and she kept running. She was alone here, no Thumbelina, Chasper, or friends to accompany her. She is alone and easy to ambush.

It still took time to get to her dormitory, suddenly someone grabbed her arm making Clare scream in fear.



Clare opened her eyes. Slowly his face lifted and saw the figure of the man in front of him looking at him worriedly. What is worry? What is Luke? How could it be?

"Why are you here?" Luke asked.

Clare tried to calm herself and breathed a sigh of relief. She felt safe if Luke was there. At least she wasn't alone and the voice disappeared.

"I have to make sure of something," Clare said. "I want to go to the dormitory."

Luke was stunned for a moment. "You heard it?"

Clare stared at him intently. How did Luke know? Is Luke the same? Many questions popped up in Clare's mind, but no one was willing to answer them. All the questions have almost no answers.

"I thought… It wasn't an illusion." Clare wasn't taking sedatives anymore so it couldn't be hallucinations.

"He's around here," Luke said making Clare even more scared. "It's not good to be alone. It's useless you look at the tracker, it's useless and just confuses you."

Clare winced. "How do you know?"

"I've confirmed it. Yesterday I checked the forbidden forest, the tracker was off."

Clare's eyes widened. No wonder there is no movement at all. So all this time what Clare was experiencing wasn't an illusion or she hadn't gone crazy. It's all real! Vrochis is after her again!

"What should we do?" Clare was already panicking. She couldn't even control herself.

"We'll talk about this after the party is over. Don't go alone, even though it's an academy it's still dangerous." Luke insisted.

Clare nodded obediently. She didn't know things would turn out like this. She thought everything was under control, but it was even worse. Vrochis is already in the academy, it's not simple! Should be Prof. Armstrong and prof. Ganger already knew that.

Clare felt her arm being carried by Luke, not as rough or firm as before but soft. Clare couldn't think straight at the moment so didn't notice anything. It's not just Clare, Luke is the same. They didn't notice that a pair of red eyes were watching them from behind the pillars of the building. His claws gripped the pole until there was a real scratch, his teeth gritted sharply with emotion. If an ordinary person saw it, that person would pass out in seconds.


The sun shines. The dormitory looks deserted in the morning because it's Sunday, especially last night the students had a party and slept very late. The average student is still asleep in their respective dormitories, not to mention the blonde girl who is still sleeping upside down.

All night Clare couldn't sleep. He could only sleep at 5 am due to his anxiety. For hours he changed his sleeping position until his position was reversed, it was still difficult. Now that the sun is up, the child is still sleeping soundly on the bed.

The three humans watched her, to be honest they were still wondering how Clare could change that much overnight. Not much, just being a different Clare. Much less like Clare now, more like a fairy. That's what makes them wonder what if Clare really grows up.

"The sleeping princess still hasn't woken up, does the prince have to kiss her first to wake up? She said there would be a meeting in the meeting room in the morning, but the deputy was still sleeping." Jules sneered. She was annoyed that he didn't get to mock Luke last night because all of a sudden Luke and Clare had disappeared like the earth had swallowed her.

"We can't leave it. Are we tricking like yesterday?" Blaire said.

"Not a great idea. It was Sunday and Clare had forgotten her promise. Clare won't be affected by time because for her today is free." For the first time Zoya was able to think clearly.

"What's the real problem to suddenly have a meeting like this?" Blaire asked.

"Vrochis is coming!"

The voice came from Clare who still had her eyes closed. Clare is delirious!


"Stupid, it's not an illusion." Clare was delirious again.

"Illusions?" Jules asked, grinning and looking at her two friends in turn. "What is she talking about? Vrochis?"

"Something to do with Vrochis? No wonder it's always been so calm lately." Zoya sighed.

Tok tok tok

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Zoya immediately darted and opened the door, finding Luke in front of the door with a cold face.

"Didn't I tell you there was a meeting today?" Luke insists making them all shrink.

"Clare ... Not awake yet." Zoya responded and pointed at Clare who was still sleeping on her stomach.

"You gathered. Leave her there." After saying that, Luke left.

The three of them looked at each other. Did Clare really not have to come? Although his mission is to protect Clare, but as a representative must be present. Unless the discussion is about the real target.

Thinking like that, they immediately rushed out of the room without any preparation. The seniors didn't like waiting, so they had to be faster.

Just out of the room, they were surprised by Eryk with his pillow face in front of them. Suddenly they screamed a little while Eryk just scratched his head, his eyes were still heavy, and his face was really like a lazy person. The man just left the dormitory following Louis who also had the same pillow face.

"Looks like we're just panicking," Zoya said then glanced at her two friends in turn. "We're leaving now."

They all gathered in the meeting room discussing the matter of Vrochis disappearing from reach.

While in the girls' room, Clare who was still sleeping unkemptly rolled over and fell. Spontaneously Clare woke up and opened her eyes wide. Surprised, her strength was uncontrollable and all the display items fell.

Clare sighed and looked around. Her room was empty and her brain was not clear. There was only Chasper there and went straight to Clare with a bark.

"Enn ... Get busy. I'm still sleepy." Clare went back to her bed and lay down. Her blonde hair was very messy and tousled, I don't know what she did to her hair out of frustration. Also don't forget the panda eyes are very visible.

When Clare pulled back the covers to sleep, suddenly her ears heard again the sound that had disturbed her last night. Her movements stopped and Clare froze with a tense face. Clare cornered herself and pulled the blanket back over her whole body.

A chill shot through her and Clare was frustrated again. Last night she also felt the same thing that made her unable to sleep, now it happened again and worse. Clare trembled, remembering all of Vrochis's attacks scared her.

Then, his eyes fell on someone outside the window. A man looked at him deeply and mysteriously. Not only was he looking at her like that, he was grinning too. That made Clare even more erratic and even more scared. Clare lifted the blanket even more and pulled the blanket up to her neck.

He was so scared, his powers spiraled out of control. Recently Clare's strength has increased drastically especially after the refining seal is removed. Objects hanging in the room float and fall. The cupboard was wide open and the contents fell. The chandelier above moved and almost broke. Clare didn't notice that and focused on her own fear.

How about this? The power of Vrochis is mentally disturbing Clare and Clare can't help it. Although Clare's mental strength is strong, if she is attacked by a more vicious force, she will weaken. Clare couldn't do anything and made a fuss of her own in the room with her strength while the person was just hiding under the covers.