
Immortal Witch

In a world where some humans can select a power, they will have had since childhood. This power is trained in several phases until it reaches immortality. This year is the new school year of a well-known academy and only selects special students to study there. Neuvrost Academy is the academy that is also the center of various secrets of Aternum World's history. Clare is doing the most reckless thing in her life in the academy. Instead of being expelled, she gets on a mission to fix her fatal mistake that could change the world. In conjunction with her friends, she went through many things of life and death up to reveal a secret. The secret about her identity made her have to sacrifice her life.

Chintyaboo · ファンタジー
62 Chs

The Highest

The sound of the monster behind Clare slowly faded away. Luke quickly stepped away to put some distance between them and Clare could breathe a sigh of relief. She glanced at Luke, how did he get here? Was Luke following her?

"Why are you here?" Clare asked quietly.

"I should be the one asking, I told you not to come here." Luke spoke coldly.

"But you came here looking for trouble, I was on a mission."

"You can't believe what you're saying." Luke couldn't believe it. For a year Clare is a first year student who likes to find trouble with himself and is bored with life.

"What's that got to do with you? Nothing, right? What do you care about me anyway? Perhaps...." Clare pointed at Luke suspiciously then Luke immediately grabbed her arm tightly making Clare flinch.

"Luke...." Clare choked.

"We have to get out of here"

"I'm not done yet!"

"So you're waiting for your death?" Luke was annoyed.

"Blaire said it's still a long time, I still have a long life." said Clare even though Blaire didn't say that.

"You don't know Vrochis can transform into whoever he wants, you will be easily tricked." Luke confirmed. He was already annoyed with this one girl.

"Shaped?" Clare's eyes went wide and quickly released Luke's grip then looked at Luke intently. "Are you really Luke?"

Luke chuckled "You thought I was Vrochis?"

"That's right, you look like him." Clare said mockingly which made Luke even more annoyed.

"I'm serious." Luke glared at Clare making Clare more afraid of Luke than Vrochis.

"What guarantees that you're not a monster?" Clare couldn't believe it.

"That monster can't be me, I'll explain it outside."

"But I'm in a hurry." Clare refused.

Luke quickly dashed out with Clare before the monster saw them. Once outside, the monster actually saw them and immediately darted towards the door. Luke immediately closed the door so that the monster's hand was squeezed outside and burned by the sun that was about to move.

The remains of Vrochis's burnt hands turned to ashes and fell to the floor. Clare's eyes lit up, she immediately took the ashes and put them into the bag she had prepared.

"This kid is crazy." Luke muttered annoyed.

Clare stood back up with a smile she had never shown Luke before. She looked at Luke who still looked flat, her face pouted again when she saw Luke's disapproval.

"You're not happy at all, lucky we survived." Clare pouted seeing him like that. Precisely saying that shows how stupid Clare is.

"You know how stupid you are!"

"I know, and I'm really stupid and crazy, satisfied?" said Clare with an annoyed smile.

Luke's face was irritated, he wanted so badly to tear this one child apart and throw it at Vrochis. He really didn't understand how Clare's thoughts were messed up.

"BTW, thanks. This is the first time I thank you, I finally got this ashes." said Clare looking at the bag filled with ashes then, at Luke who was still watching her quietly.

"You haven't answered, why did you come in and save me? You know it's a big deal, how many times have you stopped me from going in there." Clare was curious.

"Just a coincidence." in short.

"You ... Not a monster in disguise are you?" asked Clare doubtfully.

Luke looked at Clare intently, "What if I really am a monster?"

Clare gulped her saliva, she didn't expect that, it was very scary!

"Come on, I'm not a monster. I saved you, because Chasper asked me to. Since then he's been barking incoherently and tugging at me." Luke explained whether lying or telling the truth.

"Using Chasper as an excuse, I can't believe it. I'll ask him directly," said Clare loudly.

"You think he'll answer you?" Luke asked disdainfully.

"Yes, even though I don't understand but I will make my own answer like you did," said Clare.

"It's up to you to believe it or not." Luke muttered then left.

Clare immediately stopped him and stood in front of him holding his shoulder. Luke glanced at Clare's hand and immediately Clare pulled it back.

"How can I believe that a rain monster can't be you?" asked Clare.

"What's important to you?"

"I just want to know, I can't sleep and keep thinking about it. Please tell me so I can calm down," said Clare pitifully.

"In that case, stay restless."

"At least my burden is lighter." Clare whined.

"You've got it. If you keep asking the same questions, I'll report you." Luke threatened irritably.

"Sooner or later the Professor will find out." Clare muttered sullenly.

Luke ignored him and left without heeding the call from the crazy girl behind him. Clare who kept calling him felt useless, she snorted in annoyance and immediately went to her private common room to meet her friends.

Clare entered the common room where her three friends were waiting on the sofa. The friends immediately pulled Clare to the sofa and closed the door again as if they were going to interrogate her they sat on the sofa in front of the sofa where Clare was sitting. Seems right, Clare will be interrogated.

"What did you talk to Luke about?" demanded Jules.

"Are you guys close?"

"A fortune!"

"Not luck but a miracle."

"How did you guys get there?"

"OMG, the two of you?"

"Perhaps.... "

Clare hissed in annoyance and immediately put the bag containing the ashes on the table in annoyance. Clare folded her arms and looked at them suspiciously.

"You're spying on me?" asked Clare.

"We're just worried." Jules said flatly.

Clare grabbed her clothes at the chest where there was a chip attached.

"Camera surveillance." Claire placed the Chip on the table.

"I already answered, at least we can see you." Jules said casually.

"Nothing wrong." Zoya as if there is no problem.

"It's not wrong, I don't mind this." Clare then put the chip on the table. "Did the monster show up on camera?"

"Unfortunately it's not very clear, Luke immediately closed the door so that only his burned hand could be seen." Jules replied.

"At least it's good." Clare heaved a sigh of relief.

"Listen, we thought Luke over there was a monster in disguise. We panicked earlier." Zoya exaggerated.

"At first I thought so too, but he said that the counter can't be him." Clare still hesitated.

"Why?" ask Zoya.

Clare shook her head. "He's not answering. I've been whining but still."

"Unfortunately this camera doesn't have a voice recorder." Jules muttered.

"As far as I know Luke has the highest power in the school, just face." Blaire muttered.

"Really!" Clare thumped the table in surprise at Blaire's statement. "That's right."

"Could you not hit the table?" Jules protest.

"No wonder I can't hypnotize him." Zoya muttered.

"I can't tease him either." Clare muttered.

"I can't see his death, I'm curious." Blaire said making her friends shudder

"No wonder he can guess me." Jules mumbled

"Guess how?"

"At that time I turned into Lily and met her. That kid actually destroyed my disguise to its original form, all my efforts have been destroyed." Jules chuckles in annoyance.

Clare snorted in annoyance. "We are all no match for him. No wonder he can open the doors of the forbidden room so easily. I suspect he is Prof. Armstrong's favorite."

"As far as I know Luke is Prof. Armstrong's favorite. He's already got a lot of missions that time, I heard from his fan conversations," explained Blaire.

"Apparently Balire likes to eavesdrop." Zoya teased.

"If we can conquer a school like Luke, will we also get a mission?" ask Clare.

"Who knows. Professor is unpredictable." Blaire said.

"What if it's true?" ask Zoya.

"The first hope is Clare, even Clare can conquer us." Jules glanced at Clare and the others followed.

"I didn't expect that." Clare didn't want to get on a mission. She just wanted to graduate from the Academy safely and with the best grades she had hoped for from the start.