
Immortal Witch

In a world where some humans can select a power, they will have had since childhood. This power is trained in several phases until it reaches immortality. This year is the new school year of a well-known academy and only selects special students to study there. Neuvrost Academy is the academy that is also the center of various secrets of Aternum World's history. Clare is doing the most reckless thing in her life in the academy. Instead of being expelled, she gets on a mission to fix her fatal mistake that could change the world. In conjunction with her friends, she went through many things of life and death up to reveal a secret. The secret about her identity made her have to sacrifice her life.

Chintyaboo · ファンタジー
62 Chs


Two weeks have passed and the four of them were able to do their probation well despite a few mistakes, especially when Zoya and Blaire got so caught up in going to the casino that they lost track of time. Clare and Jules are sometimes involved in chaos at the Academy such as an argument that causes Clare to lose control and things get even more chaotic. But that error only happens once or twice in two weeks, it's troublesome enough, they can't deduct any more coins as punishment for running out, they should be expelled.

Now the four of them were lazing in their respective beds and with their own belongings without disturbing each other. They were too tired to bother each other like the previous days. Jules is sleeping, Zoya is playing social media and busy chatting, Blaire is reading a book while eating a snack, and Clare is brooding while listening to music with her headset and eyes closed, feet on the back of the bed while the head down.

It was more desolate than the silence of the forest. Suddenly an alarm sounded loudly like the sound of a fire engine making them all flinch. Jules fell off the bed, Zoya's cell phone was thrown away, Blaire's book bounced in Clare's face. Instead of helping, Zoya and Blaire laughed at the sight of Clare's face darkening and her forehead turning red.

Clare grunted in pain as did Jules who got up from the floor, she held her buttocks which hurt from the impact, even sitting down had to slowly, Zoya rubs her phone like she's stroking a child. Only Blaire is calm here.

Blaire takes Clare's control tablet and sees an incoming message from an unknown student.

West Building 6th Floor, Foederis Room

Within 2 minutes

That was all that was written in the order and it took Blaire by surprise.

"Two minutes!" Blaire panicked but her friends looked dazed and stared at each other.

Furious and panicked, Blaire showed them the tablet screen. They spontaneously looked panicked and immediately took their respective Academy jackets. Luckily they had mastered the shooting technique, so they could quickly exit the dormitory and head for the west building via the emergency stairs.

Arriving on the 6th floor to be exact in front of the door marked Foederis Room, they sighed and rushed in. Maybe today was the day the four of them decided, but for some reason Clare felt depressed especially after approaching the door of the room.

They enter the room. To their surprise, Louis waved his hand in the chair next to Luke at the end. Seriously, Clare didn't understand what was really going on. It wasn't just Luke and Louis, there were even Xavier and Eryk sitting neatly at the long table.

"What dream did I have last night?" Zoya mumbled shrugging her shoulders. She couldn't believe in being in a room with four popular guys when she had the worst reputation in the Academy like Clare.

They were still standing in front of the door and Clare hugged her tablet tightly, dumbfounded by what had happened. His eyes were fixed on Luke who seemed to be crossing his arms with an even expression, unlike the others.

"Sit down before Professor Armstrong comes." Louis ordered.

"Professor Armstrong?" Zoya repeated.

"I doubt you know anything." Xavier said glancing at them.

"We weren't told." Jules said coldly.

"You've been here for too long even though you've been given a message and haven't seen it. Forced to use the best way to wake you up. I don't know what you were doing there," said Eryk who seemed to be the one who set off the fire alarm in the dorm room.

The four of them snorted in annoyance and scattered to sit in front of these boys. No one dared to sit in front of Luke, couldn't help but Clare who was sitting at the very end opposite Luke made a mess. Jules sits next to Clare because Clare has been holding her hands since she doesn't want to be separated while Zoya is at the back in front of Eryk.

The atmosphere became awkward, no one greeted each other or continued the debate earlier. Everyone was silent as well as Clare who kept looking down and playing with her fingers under the table.

Clare silently glanced at Luke, but Luke quickly noticed and turned to look at Clare who looked down again when their eyes collided.

"When is the Professor coming?" Jules asked.

"Soon." Xavier replied then went back to playing the game with Eryk.

A few minutes passed, the door opened to reveal Professor Armstrong casually walking towards the end of the table where there was a single chair between Luke and Clare.

"Already know each other?" Professor Armstrong asked pressing the table with both hands.

There was silence for a moment, no one dared to answer for whatever reason. Everyone sat quietly and just turned to look at the Professor.

"Looks like this senior and junior relationship is already good," continued Professor Armstrong.

"No." Jules said spontaneously making everyone turn to look at him except Luke.

"Jules seemed to object. It doesn't matter, everyone here initially objected and didn't get along."

"Doesn't mean we get along now, right? The proof is these two seniors always make me want to scream." Jules said very bravely. He was already furious with Luke and Louis' aura as if they were in a cold war.

"Jules, you are very brave. I like your style. How about the others? Do you mind if I unite you guys into one group?" The professor chuckled.

"Professor, can you form a starting group? It would be more comfortable if it was like before." Jules negotiated.

"I'm giving you a choice. First, unite your group like this. Second, they are divided into 2 groups but seniors and juniors are united."

Zoya, Blaire, and Jules looked at each other not accepting the choice. They didn't want to separate just because of this problem or join the people in front of them. Only Clare was still looking down silently, even looking up so reluctantly, she was resigned to all decisions.

"Professor, leave us alone like last year?" Louis objected.

"Okay, then the second option!"

"NO!" The girls shouted except for Clare who was still looking down.

"Professor, since the beginning the four of us have formed our own team during the probationary period. It's impossible to separate." Blaire spoke up.

"It's complicated," murmured the Professor. "Then the first option. There is no rejection, no one alone, no self-chosen members," said the Professor, not wanting to bother.

"You children are respected, must be able to unite for a big mission. Can not be done individually if you still love yourself. You girls, should be able to return your lost points especially Barker (Zoya). Davish(Clare), this is also a punishment for you " The professor stood up straight again. "I hope you can cooperate."

"Now I want to split the position. Based on academics and strengths, Luke and Clare are superior. But based on reputation, Luke and Louis are superior. Accuracy, Luke and Xavier are superior. Frightened, Luke and Blaire although slightly different from Jules. In terms of speed, Zoya and Eryk are superior. Luke has 5 ranks, Clare has 2 ranks, the rest have 1 rating. So, who can be the leader?"

Jules, Blaire, and Zoya pointed at Clare while Clare pointed at Jules. Unlike the men who pointed to themselves except for Luke but they were reluctant to do so and were better off pointing at themselves.

"It's impossible for girl to lead," said Louis lowering his hand.

"I'd rather not if you lead." Zoya said.

"Why are you pointing at your sister?" Xavier asked.

"Doesn't Clare have 2 ranks?" Blaire said.

"The ranking is not important at all, what matters is the intention. Your brother didn't mean it at all," said Eryk because he saw Clare who looked completely disinterested.

"So far, it was Clare who took the lead. Even she is holding the controller tablet." Zoya said.

"I told you that women can't lead men!" said Louis.

"You say that again, I'll break your tongue!" Jules growled.

They fight each other will fight for the position. It made Clare dizzy and dropped her head on the table, she didn't want to get any position at all, she just wanted to be an ordinary student with the best grades, that alone was enough to make her happy.


They all fell silent as Professor Armstrong pounded the table. The professor stood looking at them one by one with a blank stare before finally making a decision.

"I'd better decide," said the Professor making their shoulders relax. "Luke, why don't you volunteer?" the Professor asked, glancing at Luke.

"There's no reason for me to apply. You'll be the one to decide after all." Luke said flatly.

"You knew from the start." The professor chuckled then glanced at Clare who was still resting her head on the table. "Clare Davish."

Clare spontaneously raised her head and sat up straight facing the Professor. She only heard her name being called, nothing else. "Ya?"

"Why are you like that?"

Clare glanced at her friends and looked nervous then shook her head, "It's nothing. It's just, my head feels a little dizzy."

Blare almost laughed when Clare said it reminded him of the accident earlier in the dorm when Blaire's book flew into Clare's head.

"Whatever your situation. You must always be ready in all circumstances," said the Professor got Clare's nod.

"I will determine the position of each of you. Luke Orlane, you will lead. Clare Davish who will be his deputy as well as the controller tablet holder, it is suitable for her strength. Jules and Louis have to make sure that all of you are safe while on missions. Zoya will take care of all your needs including helping Clare. Xavier and Blaire are your informants. Eryk will be working outside as a scout."

Clare's face paled. He really doesn't want that position, if only he could swap with Zoya but its impossible. Inevitably having to be the assistant of the cold master and it is troublesome.

"As usual, on this mission nobody should know," continued Professor Armstrong.

Deputy = Assistant, thought Clare weakly. She started to think about her messy work. Following Luke around like a robot, she was also afraid that Luke would give her a chore that would make her insomnia, ordered to do various things and other things as if he was his servant. Thinking about it made Clare want to scream out loud but she held it in if she didn't want to be called crazy.

"For this mission, I'll tell you later. It's better for you to adapt first to your respective positions." The professor went out of the room but stopped when he reached the door. "Clare, don't forget to organize your dorms." that was all he said before finally leaving the room. This is ridiculous to Clare!

Luke left the room leaving silence in the room. Clare who couldn't stand it anymore, got up from her seat and just walked back to the dorm. Her friends looked dazed and immediately followed her one by one except Jules who gave Louis an intimidating look before she finally left.