
Immortal Witch

In a world where some humans can select a power, they will have had since childhood. This power is trained in several phases until it reaches immortality. This year is the new school year of a well-known academy and only selects special students to study there. Neuvrost Academy is the academy that is also the center of various secrets of Aternum World's history. Clare is doing the most reckless thing in her life in the academy. Instead of being expelled, she gets on a mission to fix her fatal mistake that could change the world. In conjunction with her friends, she went through many things of life and death up to reveal a secret. The secret about her identity made her have to sacrifice her life.

Chintyaboo · ファンタジー
62 Chs

Looking a Die

Clare gasped in surprise and saw a man's figure tugging at her hand. In an instant the door closed again, making Clare startled again.

The handsome young man in front of Clare was currently staring at Clare sharply. At first glance Clare was caught up in her charm, but remembering her principles, Clare withdrew. She glanced at Louis behind the man who looked wide-eyed. Even Clare wondered how she got here past Louis without Louis knowing? Clare swallowed hard saliva seeing the man's sharp gaze as if Clare had made an unforgivable mistake — Clare had indeed made a mistake by opening the forbidden door.

"How can you open it?" The young man asked flatly still gripping Clare's arm tightly. He looked angry and it scared Clare.

"I don't know." Clare shook her head nervously.

"I warn you, don't come here again. If they see, you'll be in trouble." He warned with an air of intimidation and coldness.

Clare nodded quickly before the young man finally let go of his grip. Louis approached them with an annoyed face then he pulled the young man and pushed him. It was obvious that they were enemies.

"You told the underclassmen to enter the forbidden room, what if they find out about it?" He wasn't bluffing, but his voice was very cold.

"She himself agreed, I didn't push him too much." Louis was nonchalant.

"Once you do it again, I'll make sure you endure it." The young man was still in an even tone. He looked angry, but that anger was limited to a cold, stifling tone.

"Do it, I'm never afraid," said Louis. "I want to see how you threaten me next."

They stare at each other with sharp eyes and hate each other making Clare who is in the middle of them feel disturbed. Clare rolled her eyes then pulled Louis roughly though it was a little difficult to get out of the hallway. Clare doesn't like it when there's a fight in front of her so Clare decides to take Louis, If you bring the man Clare doesn't know him and it will be awkward.

After being away from the youth, Clare let go of her grip and kept some distance between herself and Louis. Clare silently glanced back, Louis spontaneously turned Clare's head right — straight ahead.

"How handsome?" Clare mumbled softly but still heard Louis.

"Am I not handsome?"

Clare glanced at Louis intensely. "That girl wants to be with you, you should already know the answer. But if I was in that woman's position, I would run away, this is how I have self-respect."

"You're standing here is it still called having self-respect?"

"Why are you talking like that?" snapped Clare.

"This is the place of the seniors, you are still brave?" Louis raised the corners of his lips mockingly.

Clare narrowed her eyes sharply and snorted. "I told you, I'm not afraid of anyone."

"Oh, yes? But you looked panicked earlier." Louis stifled a laugh.

"Panic doesn't mean fear!"

"Whatever." Louis snorted seeing Clare like that.

Clare was still wondering, who was that man? Why does Louis look like he doesn't like it? They also seem hostile to each other.

"Who was that person?" Clare was curious.

"Not important." Louis was indifferent.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell. I also have more important things to do than you." Clare then ran into the elevator and immediately closed it.

It was getting darker, Clare's mind was running wild with some questions. First, why did he enter the 1st class dormitory? why did Blaire say that Clare was special? Third, why is the dark and empty room called the forbidden room? Fourth, who is that man? Why did he so forbid Clare from going inside?

All these questions Clare wrote her daily greetings and still dizzy thinking about it. Thumbelina came to Clare's dormitory and approached Clare who was contemplating in front of the tv. Thumbelina landed on the table reading a note with a question that was making Clare's head spin. She glanced at Clare who was still contemplating then patted Clare's arm to break her daydream.

"What man do you mean?" Thumbelina asked.

"Looks like he's in the same class as Louis and Louis' enemy. They'd almost get into a fight if I didn't pull Louis by force." Clare's gaze remained dim on the note on the table.

"What is he like?" Thumbelina was curious.

"He's the same height as Louis, his eyes are silver and his hair looks a little disheveled, he's a cool guy too." Clare clearly remembered his charming appearance earlier.

"The cold man and enemy of his master Lotus," muttered Thumbelina thoughtfully. "Lotus had said that his master had one enemy long ago, his name was Luke. I don't know his full name and he's in the 1st class dorm."

"Class 1 dormitory? I never saw it."

"No idea."

"Does he have elves too?" Clare asked.

"Seems to have, but not a fairy. As far as I know, all 1st graders have their own elves. I should have known that kid had an elf in the form of a fairy." Thumbelina explained thoughtfully.

Clare sighed. "Who is he?" mumbled Clare rubbing her chin.

"I can help you message him," Thumbelina offered. "Some of my elf friends may have seen him."

"No need, now I just want to focus on Blaire."

"Should I tell him if you want to meet him? I can assure her, Blaire has fairies too." Thumbelina provides a solution.

"Is it true? Then try it," said Clare again cheerfully.

"When do you want to talk to her?" asked Thumbelina.


Thumbelina nodded then flew out towards the elf that Blaire had. Thumbelina did her job very well, she went to Blaire's elf and spoke to her. After Blaire's elf agreed, she flew to the 2nd class dorm to meet Blaire. Then Blaire's fairy returned to Thumbelina and said that Blaire agreed and asked her to meet him in the library.

Thumbelina immediately told the message to Clare who just came out of the bathroom in blue pajamas. Hearing that, Clare immediately put on her jacket and left the dormitory. She used the elevator to go faster and ran to the library.

Clare opened the library door and saw the figure of a brown haired girl reading the same book when they met earlier. Clare walked over to him and sat across from him.

"Can you explain to me how this story goes, also recommended some vampire novels and movies for me," She Said. "Including telling me a place where I can meet a vampire."

"I'll tell you everything," Clare said smiling. "First I want to know why you suddenly said that I was special."

"I hope you live longer than you think."

Clare was stunned for a moment. She didn't understand why Blaire was talking like that. "Why do you talk like that?"

Blair smiled sadly. "You won't believe it."

"I believe in miracles, whatever it is, I believe in it," Clare insisted, genuinely curious. "If it's a secret, I'm good at hiding secrets. Everyone's secret is with me, you can trust me."

"You're really curious." Blaire muttered.

"Blaire, you should understand me," Clare said pitifully. "I wouldn't be able to sleep if there were still questions about me."

Blair chuckled. "In fact this is the reason why I was put into the 2nd class dormitory."


Blaire casually replied. "I dare not say anything to seniors."

Clare was blank for a moment. Even he himself didn't say anything about his strength to the seniors. "If you're supposed to be in the 1st year dormitory, I have a friend. Do you know? I can't even answer Louis' question either."

"You can't?" Blaire asked in disbelief. "Why?"

Clare smiled sadly and sighed. "I don't know. You alone?"

Blaire snorted and returned to the book. "They won't believe me."

"Don't I believe? Just tell me." Clare pressed back.

Blaire looked thoughtful, then after a few minutes of thinking and Clare still faithfully waiting, Blaire finally gave up.

Blaire turned to Clare and spoke seriously. "I can see someone's death and know when that person will die."

Clare was taken aback for a moment. She didn't expect that there was someone who possessed such terrifying power. "Did you see the way I died?"

Blair was stunned. She originally thought that Clare was special and stronger than hers, that should have happened if even his own strength didn't affect Clare. "I only see how you die, not when you die. I don't know the reason myself because it's my first time experiencing this."

Clare sighed. "Hopefully it will be longer."

"Do you believe it?" Blaire wasn't sure.

"I promised to believe, if that's your ability I certainly believe. Why don't I believe it?" said Clare, grinning. "You must be afraid that people will use you to know when they are going to die and avoid it."

"You're right, but still they can't avoid it. It was fate," Blaire said. "Besides, my powers are rare and few people believe in them. Most of the time they would have underestimated me and chose to avoid fate rather than face it."

"Fate," Clare muttered. "That means you'll never tell them."

Blair nodded. He will never publish his mysterious power to outsiders. Moreover, her strength isn't just seeing death. It's not as simple as one thinks.

"It must be difficult, I myself don't know what strength I choose until this moment. They all stay away from me because they think I'm useless." Clare propping her chin on her hand on the table with a resigned sigh.

Blaire thought for a moment about Clare's problem. "I got my power the day after I received the black box I chose. You must have received something from the box you chose."

"You're right, it's just that it suddenly disappears into a crystal grain," said Clare, pausing for a moment while remembering. "And I don't remember anything anymore."

"You'll find out soon enough, it seems so big that you'll have to wait years." Blaire said getting Clare's weak nod.

"Well, what's your fairy name?" ask Clare.

"Jessabelle. you alone?"

"Thumbelina, isn't it beautiful?"

"Very beautiful."

"You can change dorms, why can't I?"

"My reasoning is logical, I don't want them to know that I can see the death and date. Moreover, that senior you call Louis also forced you to tell the power we have, it's a secret," clear Blaire.

"That kid is really sneaky," said Clare muttered cursing Louis. "When do you think he died?"

"Still a long time." Blaire said almost laughing.

"Too bad, I wish he died sooner." Clare muttered like a child cursing people to die quickly.