
Immortal Witch

In a world where some humans can select a power, they will have had since childhood. This power is trained in several phases until it reaches immortality. This year is the new school year of a well-known academy and only selects special students to study there. Neuvrost Academy is the academy that is also the center of various secrets of Aternum World's history. Clare is doing the most reckless thing in her life in the academy. Instead of being expelled, she gets on a mission to fix her fatal mistake that could change the world. In conjunction with her friends, she went through many things of life and death up to reveal a secret. The secret about her identity made her have to sacrifice her life.

Chintyaboo · ファンタジー
62 Chs

Fairy Girl

Tonight there were so many students coming to the hall. The hall was elegantly decorated like a royal palace. Various gold nuances of room accessories are displayed in this hall that accommodates thousands of people.

Around almost all the students had gathered. The room is already filled with formally dressed students. The men dressed in dark tuxedos and various styles, they all looked like royalty without any gaps. Girls, wearing dresses of various sizes and materials like royal princesses. Beautiful hair and facial makeup that ranges from natural to matte.

The teachers also did not go unnoticed. Apart from being charming to the students, the teachers also looked like noble ladies and gentlemen in branded dresses and tuxedos. Among those teachers, the youngest and the prettiest was only Lily. She is only 30 years old and she is already very charming like a woman in her 20s. Lily looked like those students as she blended in with them so easily.

As for Mrs. Alda, she is like an elegant noble lady. Her dark green outfit dominates with her head make-up and hanging glasses. She is just like Mrs. Ganger is even better in terms of makeup. As an art teacher, you have to show off your creativity and even your clothes are creative and not too monotonous.

The students kept coming, but absolutely nothing was really Mrs. Alda hoped. It seems that the person Mrs. Alda would be a bit late in arriving considering the location of their dormitory was quite far to the west. East and west are opposites, of course it will be far away.

Prof. Armstrong wore a formal attire, namely a cloak. She didn't want to wear a tuxedo because it didn't suit her age. She is the same as Mrs. Alda. He was waiting for his favorite students, but none of them showed the bridge of their nose. If only they knew the commotion between the four girls was taking up so much of their time.

Because their time was spent arguing over unimportant things, they hurriedly prepared and left Clare, who was tormented by herself.. The three friends don't want to know about their chaotic dormitory problems. Even the seniors had commented on the mess that their birthday had caused - Jules and Zoya to be precise - but they wouldn't admit it. So Clare has to tidy things up as a controller as well as a team representative.

While her friends were getting ready, Clare cleaned up all the mess and wasted a lot of her energy. Clare was tired and sweat soaked her. She had to take a shower after this.

Thanks to his telekinesis power, he can tidy up a room in an instant. Unaccustomed to using that much, he was as exhausted as when tidying up a new dorm. She rarely used her powers, so it took her some time to get used to the draining power.

How many minutes did Clare use her powers? Maybe until half past nine at night she just finished using her powers. The quarrel was stopped by Blaire who knocked out the two perpetrators of the commotion and immediately woke him up by force and got ready while Clare took care of everything. They should have fixed this, but Clare thought it would be too long and there was no other time. If he had tidied it up, everything would be done in a matter of minutes.

"Clare, are you sure you can do everything yourself? You'll be very late."

Clare sighed. "At least I can still rely on my abilities. Don't worry, I won't be too late."

They knew Clare was too good. Can be used to defend, attack, and even help. Clare only needed to use a little effort to help herself and was ready in minutes.

After being convinced, they all agreed to wait for Clare in the hall and left Clare alone in the dormitory. They believed Clare would be on time.

The seniors had already left and they were following. Only Clare is still in the room, alone. Clare immediately straightened herself in the bathroom. Objects floating in the air help her do everything even make up her face and hair is no exception. Many things floated around her, even clothes and accessories floated and were placed on the bed while Clare was in front of the dressing table with makeup tools floating on various sides. Thumbelina is no exception also helping the hair.

Inside the hall, things were still the same. The four men who have been waiting for have finally come to make the spotlight for women. Their looks are unmatched let alone wearing that branded and expensive tuxedo. Moreover, the four of them are both nobles, making the girls adore them even more.

Instead, they ignored the admiring gazes of the women and walked apart. They still don't get along very well together. Unlike the three newly entered girls who were always together, it was just that one of them was left behind.

Among the three of them, the one I admire the most is Jules who looks elegant even without a smile. Whereas Blaire was too mysterious for them, the look on her expressionless face made them shudder. As for Zoya, spreading a charming smile like a coquettish girl. After being taught a lesson by Blaire, Jules and Zoya's relationship improves plus they also feel bad for Clare. It's a pity, if only Clare was here, the most admired is not Jules but Clare.

Clare as the core dancer with Luke, of course, became the spotlight and gossip from various groups. They wonder what Clare will perform, is it dancing on Luke's feet again? That's too ridiculous!

There was no sign of Clare's appearance. It made them assume that Clare was afraid to show up and be Luke's partner at the dance. They had expected from the start that Clare would not come.

"Where's Clare? She should have known that her time was coming." Mrs. Alda rebuked her three friends Clare.

The three of them looked at each other and felt guilty. They should have accompanied Clare!

"Mrs. Alda, there was a commotion in the dormitory. Clare took over the commotion and tried to fix things." Jules spoke apologetically.

"It's not Clare's fault. We both had a fight and made a fuss. But Clare chose to endure everything." Zoya joined in and lowered her head.

Mrs. Alda sighed. "I just hope Clare can make it in time or she has to be replaced."

If only Clare had heard of this. That kid would have been better off sleeping in a dorm than coming to a party. It's 9 o'clock and it's time for Clare to rest after exhausting her energy, why did she have to come? Unfortunately Clare didn't know that.

The trio grew restless. Especially Jules who felt too selfish and started an argument. She seemed more agitated than her two friends. "Claire, where are you?"


The hall is getting crowded. It was already 9 o'clock. Only 5 minutes to reach the real party and Clare still not showing the bridge of her nose. They were increasingly worried about Clare's absence.

Mrs. Alda had been pacing back and forth, looking at the clock and the direction of the hall door waiting for Clare to arrive, but to no avail. Luke also wondered where Clare had disappeared. His friends were there, but Clare wasn't. The trio of troublemakers, except for Blaire, were equally dazed and panicked to find Clare who didn't appear.

How long must it be like this?

Four minutes passed, there was no sign of Clare's arrival and even Thumbelina did not give any news. Mrs. Alda was forced to go on stage and announce the situation.

There is already a mic available and Mrs. Alda was already standing there. The students are focused and prepared no matter what happens and whoever is chosen next. They knew Clare wasn't coming and were ready to replace Clare and Luke. Even the girls wished only Clare had been replaced.

"The 2021 Neuvrost Academy dance party is about to begin. One more minute, the main event will be held and please prepare everything and gather with your respective partners. For the selected couples, prepare yourselves and stand around the dance floor." Mrs. Alda's words stopped before announcing about the core couple. She was still hoping for a miracle to happen from the front door, but there was no sign of it yet.

Mrs. Alda sighed in resignation. "For the core partner...."

Suddenly Mrs. Alda stopped. Her eyes were still on the door and a faint smile appeared on her face making everyone even more curious about what Mrs. Alda.

"The partner Luke and Clare are welcome to hang out with the supporting partners around the dance floor."

His words made everyone widen. Where's Clare? Did Clare really come? They weren't sure about it and immediately looked back, in the exact direction where the main door was.

Their views changed. The figure of a blonde girl standing in a charming sky blue dress. Her eyes are big and her face looks sweet and beautiful like a child. Her wave hair makeup was slightly ponytailed from the front back and there were some fairy accessories in her hair, obviously decorated by fairy. The plain blue dress is blooming and there are additional accessories in the form of flowers which must have been made by a fairy with fairy powers. Her makeup was unobtrusive, simple, and elegant, she looked more like a royal princess.

She was not wearing gloves and displayed her slender smooth arms. A faint smile appeared on her beautiful face. She's so inhuman when she smiles! No one can turn away from her simple yet beautiful appearance. No one had such an appearance among the students present even the prettiest fell when the fairy girl appeared.

"She's Clare, right?" Jules couldn't believe it. How did the dress get any better than the last time she saw it? What did the designer do to make her dress fresher?

"Was it his power? I didn't know Clare had such great transforming power." Zoya was stunned.

"I do not think so. Thumbelina should have helped him. Fairy makeup is always unmatched. But it's rare for fairies to do that well." Blaire concluded. Clare's ability is telekinesis, there's no way she can change herself like a transformation. If true, it's something that only famous designers can have.

Luke couldn't help but blink. He initially couldn't believe that Clare could look any more inhuman and would dress up as usual at the party the other day. That time alone was inhumane, let alone now!

Clare has become the dream of women and men. Women really want to have their appearance while men want to be their partner. They felt Luke was lucky to be paired with Clare at the ball. Too bad this was Luke's last dance at Neuvrost Academy. However, it opened up opportunities for these men to be able to pair up with Clare the following year.

Luke came and greeted Clare with a warm smile. Even though she's used to it, Clare is still surprised. Was Luke really smiling for her? That's something that needs to be immortalized, unfortunately Clare's phone is in the bag Thumbelina brought. While Thumbelina was watching at the cake stand with the other fairies, of course the fairy was proud of herself for making a Clare look like a fairy girl.

With Luke's peerless and inhuman appearance, Clare really felt humbled. She didn't realize that he had become the dream of the disciples and she still felt inferior as usual. Being side by side with Luke was something that made her uncomfortable, even though she looked stunning, still Clare didn't feel any better.

Clare just stared at Luke who came up to her and held out his hand. This is really beyond expectation! Clare has to thank Thumbelina!

"How long are you going to stay there?" Luke's voice startled Clare. His tone was low and only Clare could hear, there was no coldness or anything to frighten Clare. Clare was just dumbfounded and surprised.

"Ah, yes." Clare started to fidget again. She was too nervous to be the center of attention. She thought everyone would make fun of her like that day especially what Jules and Zoya said back then.

Clare took Luke's hand. Luke felt Clare's hand was unusually cold. But maybe it's because Clare is too nervous and embarrassed. That should be tellable. After that, they simultaneously walked to the center of the dance floor.

Lots of envious stares from everyone. Either envy Clare or Luke. Luke looked normal and calm, while Clare was really nervous and shaking but still trying to stay calm and regulate her heartbeat so well that she didn't feel that her heart was beating.

"Didn't I make the wrong choice?" Mrs. Alda boasted. She had panicked at first because of Clare's absence. But now, all that has disappeared and has become happiness.

"Your eyes are very observant indeed." Mrs. Ganger was not stingy to compliment her. It was something that Mrs. Alda had been waiting for.

After everything is in place, classical music plays. Clare and Luke were at the center of the dance floor being the highlight. While the pair of supporters surrounded him and the rest just followed randomly.

As per the rules, the first round is a no-touch dance. It is reserved for the chosen couple. Clare and Luke did it easily because Clare had it from the start. They became the center of everyone's attention and the gazes of envy and jealousy became one.

Then, the music stopped and was replaced with other classical music. This round, is a movement that matches the music. Their dance touched each other and certainly closer. At first Clare wasn't confident, but she was finally able to do well without looking down like she did during practice.

On the big dance floor, they dominate the dance floor. There were a few who stopped to see their performance especially Clare's three friends. Blaire, though still dancing, kept her eyes on Luke and Clare.

"Aren't they like real lovers? I'm so jealous. My single soul is shaking." Zoya leaned on Jules' shoulder. He lamented his fate without a partner while his dance partner was so cute and ugly.

Jules just didn't respond. He smiled enjoying the view like a Disney movie in front of him. This was really something he had been waiting for from Luke. Could it be that after this Luke would be honest about his feelings? Jules has to push him before Gavin or Louis grabs Clare first!

While dancing, Luke felt something from Clare. He felt Clare was not as usual and her face looked pale even though no one noticed because it was covered in makeup. But, what can be hidden from Luke?

"What's wrong with you?" Luke asked, breaking Clare's thoughts.

"Huh? I..." Clare blinked her eyes. Her brain was loading because she was so nervous. "Why?"

"You look pale, your body is also cold. You are sick?"

Clare shook her head slowly. "I just need a lot of my strength. I have a lot of things to do."

Luke understood. Clare has done a lot of things to make the dormitory as it was before it was a broken ship because of her friends. Plus Clare was in a hurry to prepare for this event. Clare was very tired even though she had a hard time sleeping during the day.

"Don't take it all on your own. You should have let your friends tidy up the dorm and help you out. The mess that happened was their fault, not yours."

"They are my friends. They've done a lot for me. I have also punished them. Without them, I have nothing to wear."

Luke thought Clare was too innocent. It was also because another senior had urged him to tidy up the dorms, which irritated Luke. "Next time don't have to work so hard."

Clare didn't answer again and just nodded slowly. The music is getting faster. Luke spun Calre around and brought them closer together until their pointed noses almost touched. Clare is getting more and more erratic, she can no longer feel her heartbeat in her place. She had even been holding her breath for a long time avoiding nervousness but instead he was getting more and more awkward. It wasn't just Clare who was flustered, Luke was the same. Luke didn't know they could get that close when it felt normal before.

Jules saw that she couldn't hold it anymore. She crumpled Zoya's dress next to her feeling exasperated with both of them. Zoya immediately brushed off his naughty hand and smoothed back her dress. Zoya doesn't pay much attention to being busy eating.

The music stopped when Clare bent her waist back and Luke held her back. Their waists pressed against each other, that's all again Clare awkward. Even though she had done it before.

As they took their normal stances, the students applauded at their extraordinary performance. They were both silent while Jules was so irritated by their stiffness that they hit Zoya's back and Zoya almost spit out the cake in her mouth.

It so happened that Clare saw Jules and Zoya's behavior, couldn't help but laugh seeing Zoya tormented. Then, something made her uncomfortable. It wasn't just applause that she heard, but another sound that made her shudder. Her smile faded as soon as she heard a mysterious gust of wind and indistinct whispers from her left ear. The whispering annoyed Clare even more and she touched her left ear and tried to stay calm.

What's that?