
Immortal Witch

In a world where some humans can select a power, they will have had since childhood. This power is trained in several phases until it reaches immortality. This year is the new school year of a well-known academy and only selects special students to study there. Neuvrost Academy is the academy that is also the center of various secrets of Aternum World's history. Clare is doing the most reckless thing in her life in the academy. Instead of being expelled, she gets on a mission to fix her fatal mistake that could change the world. In conjunction with her friends, she went through many things of life and death up to reveal a secret. The secret about her identity made her have to sacrifice her life.

Chintyaboo · ファンタジー
62 Chs

Core Partner

The sun had dimmed into a blue shadow. Clare and Luke were almost late into the hall this afternoon. Clare's legs were better than before, thanks to her strong physique and increased regeneration speed, she didn't have to lie down or be barred from walking. Even though it still hurts, at least can walk calmly as long as don't run.

Luke hadn't told Clare his thoughts earlier. He would only tell if his thinking was proven right, he didn't want any mistakes.

The two of them, in a bit of a hurry towards the eastern castile. Various lamps had lit up every building, light from lamps and torches everywhere lit up every corner. There were some students who were just like them almost late, they also rushed into the hall and were followed by Luke and Clare.

The two of them saw six rows of men and women. From the various classes, there are six ranks that separate the genders. This time, it was Liliy's plan to somehow manage this. The rows are neatly arranged in a row and long. Without further ado, they know the concept that each line of men and women are separated but classes are united. Clare ran to the line of girls while Luke to the line of boys. They happened to be in the same horizontal row. So they are next to each other even though they are separated by a distance of two meters.

In this large hall, they were all facing the front where there was Liliy and one of the art teachers. Clare didn't know her because she didn't go to art class. Her name is Mrs. Alda. Her body was slender and tall, taller than the Liliy beside her. She wore black high heels and a purple outfit with a black teacher's robe. In contrast to Liliy as a supervisor who does not wear a robe, only wears a blouse as usual.

"For the dance rules this time, first is the no-touch dance to start. After passing a few minutes, then allowed to dance that has been determined. This only applies to selected couples and will be shown the following week at the actual party. For now, is the election. For those who get the best, four pairs will be chosen and the fifth as the core. After you find a partner, I will look for the best partner when you dance. I'm not forcing those of you who can't, but if you don't learn how can you? This dance is important for an event especially for noble. For those of you who aren't royalty, it's a trifle, but as a form of grace, noble blood must rule it." Mrs. Alda looked flat but meaningful. She was a noble and she knew exactly the rules.

To Clare it really was nothing, so she wasn't really interested, let alone the trauma that made her back off.

Mrs. Alda continued. "I'll show you some moves to start with so you can keep up. The average of you should be able to do it, I only showed it once."

Mrs. Alda showed it along with a man who looked younger than her. She chose it at random, most importantly she can show what's on his mind. With a relaxed but gentle and elegant step, Mrs. Alda moves and bends her knees once in a while as if she is a royal princess. It may seem boring to some people, but on average everyone enjoys it. The aura he gave off was indeed different, moreover he was a noble, so elegance and grace would stand out even more.

Dances are usually given a duration of 90 seconds for each piece of music. But since this is an example of an exercise, Mrs. Alda only shows for 30 seconds for the prefix step. During those 30 seconds, he did very well. As if time had passed, it didn't feel like 30 seconds had passed like the blink of an eye and Mrs. Alda was already standing like she was at the beginning of her speech. It feels like the royal school of the previous century.

"To determine your dance partner, it is determined when you enter the line. On your right or left, there is an opponent who will become a dance partner. Please face your partner and get to know each other, music will play one minute after."

Right after Liliy said that, they all reacted and found their respective partners. Clare could already guess, who else was on her right if not Luke who had come with her earlier? Luckily Clare already knew him and wouldn't feel too awkward.

It's just that, whether by accident or intention Jules found Louis in front of him, this was truly a nightmare for both of them!

Blaire is paired with a boy in her class, is in a second-class dorm but they don't know each other. As said before, Blaire didn't know anyone other than her friends and mission partners. Rather it certainly knows Blaire and feels a chilling and haunting atmosphere.

As for Zoya, she is with a cupu senior who wears round and thick glasses. Eryk and Xavier are on the right and left of Zoya's couple, they are laughing at Zoya full of ridicule. Zoya was never lucky to find an elite like Clare, she fell to the bottom instead.

Some of them feel oppressed, some feel resentful or unlucky. Those who feel unlucky, can only sigh like for example Zoya. As for Jules, she couldn't help but be angry, as well as Louis who looked reluctant. Jules glanced at Clare who was behind not far from her, Jules immediately felt envy but not jealous. How was Clare so lucky? Clare got what she most dreamed of in one shot. Have come together, become a dance partner too. It made the women here feel jealous to see it, it's a shame they were forbidden to switch places.

Clare looked normal, and vice versa. Although deep down he felt happy because she managed to make her friends' eyes jealous instantly like Zoya and Jules. He didn't notice any other envious women besides Zoya and Jules, while Blaire remained as flat as ever. Blaire just looked at Clare with an amused smile, unfortunately Clare didn't know what it meant.

One minute had passed, classical music was playing. The sound of the viola and the minions accompanying the dance echoed softly and elegantly, making the students naturally moved. They must have remembered Mrs. Just now. Basically, their memories were all sharp, but not as sharp as Clare's. Clare remembers exactly how Mrs. Alda, but she doesn't want to be the best. For this step, they have the distance along the right arm while the left hand behind the back.

Without a guide, their sequences seem to come together without a problem. They all did it very well and seriously as if forgetting their first problem earlier. This is just the beginning, how about a core dance that will have their feet stuck to each other if not practiced? Like Clare, that's the main problem.

In the next second, problems began to appear in the line. There are some who do it disproportionately. It was all recorded by Mrs. Alda as its development and core partner selection.

The music stopped, their steps also stopped at the same time in no time. At last Clare could feel relieved, she had done her best not to get caught between her own cake. At least, among the previous dance steps, this is the easiest. Then how about close-up dance? Clare should apologize first before making a mistake.

According to Mrs. Alda, the music is back on and they should be performing a close-up dance. This was what made Clare tense, not because of Luke's sudden touch to her waist and arm but because of the trauma of her trapped leg. What if the sprained leg recurs? What if she stepped on Luke's foot? All the crazy assumptions that popped up in her mind made her almost crazy.

"What's wrong?" Luke sensed Clare's tension. Of course he had to ask because it would affect Clare and him's performance. Their steps stopped because Clare suddenly stiffened.

"I... Can't dance." Clare said shyly.

"Just follow."

"But . . . " It seemed that there really was no other choice, so Clare decided not to continue her comment but apologized. "Sorry if something went wrong."

They continued their dance which had been interrupted. At first Clare did get better, but as time went on it got worse and Clare accidentally stepped on Luke's foot. Luckily Luke looked normal as if his legs were made of iron and didn't affect him at all. Only Clare was depressed and she stepped on Luke's foot for the second time. Clare's steps were so chaotic, she couldn't keep up with the movement or the beat of the music at all.

For the third time Clare stepped on Luke's foot and Luke stopped dancing. But his gaze remained on the unfocused Clare and his hands remained in their starting dancing position. "Use my legs."

"What?" Clare stared.

"Just do it." Luke's tone was neither flat nor cold no matter what got into him. In this situation, he should either be angry or not comment on Clare's poor performance. It made Clare subconsciously comply.

Her feet hit Luke's, Clare had a bad feeling especially since they were getting closer than ever. Clare glanced up at Luke and back down again, at this point she couldn't show her face. She's really shy!

Clare's weight was light and it didn't affect Luke's dance at all. Until finally the music ends and they stop dancing together. Right after the musk stopped, Clare got off Luke's feet and her face remained flushed throughout the music, she didn't even dare to look at Luke directly. On the other hand, her chaotic friends looked at Clare in amusement and quietly mocked her.

Mrs. Alda looks radiant, she has found a core partner for next week. She took a step forward, keeping her eyes straight and watching the row of students facing her. "Great, you did well." Her gaze shifted to Clare. "There were some who didn't do well in the second round, but did their best in the early stages. My judgment isn't just about how you dances in one round. After I understand well, I have determined the core partner. Before that, I will choose 4 support pairs."

The students looked excited. They certainly want to appear as a core partner especially for a noble. For ordinary people, just a supporting partner is enough to make them happy. But by Clare's side, she stays calm because she thinks she can't be chosen. She didn't want to be elected either. Luke, on the other hand, didn't seem to have any desire. He was flat again.

"For 4 supporting pairs. I will choose as the representative of the couple. Edd, Billy, Barren, and Petter."

Blaire's partner is Edd. She got lost when she was chosen as a supporting partner. Even if it's just a support, it's enough to make her really work hard. She had no idea how her performance could be that good.

"Then the position of the core pair. Will belong to...." Mrs. Alda enigmatically watched each student lined up curiously. "Before that, I will tell. This position must work optimally, because what I think is the best, so there will be no doubt. But still, must maximize the potential. It can also be used at the next party for formal events. Not only the academy, but outside as well."

with Mrs. Alda said this, naturally that someone should be a noble's partner. How could an ordinary person have such minimal knowledge of official matters?

"So I'm going to pick Luke Orlane and Clare Davish."

Hearing that voice that stabbed Clare's chest Clare couldn't help but be surprised. Her face was pale and stiff as all eyes were on her. How is that possible? How could a Clare who couldn't dance well be a core partisipant? Clare needs an explanation!