
Immortal Witch

In a world where some humans can select a power, they will have had since childhood. This power is trained in several phases until it reaches immortality. This year is the new school year of a well-known academy and only selects special students to study there. Neuvrost Academy is the academy that is also the center of various secrets of Aternum World's history. Clare is doing the most reckless thing in her life in the academy. Instead of being expelled, she gets on a mission to fix her fatal mistake that could change the world. In conjunction with her friends, she went through many things of life and death up to reveal a secret. The secret about her identity made her have to sacrifice her life.

Chintyaboo · ファンタジー
62 Chs

Clare's Refining Process

Neuvrost Headquarters

The team members had gathered since 8 in the morning. Blaire, Jules, and Zoya both looked gloomy on this gloomy morning. They brought their own carry-on bags containing their belongings that were not yet in the dormitory. Luke, Louis, Eryk, and Xavier had also come together. It was only Clare who didn't come without news. They had been waiting for Clare for hours, but there was no sign of her coming and her cell phone was off. It made the three friends restless, afraid that something like yesterday would happen.

Blaire who used to be very patient, regarding Clair couldn't wait any longer. She rose from her seat fiercely and looked at her colleagues one by one, both seniors and friends. "I'm going to find Clare."

"Clare's at her house." Luke replied. He had looked at the tracker Clare had and it was still in the house.

"How could it be so late? Did the kid leave the tool again?" Eryk was impatient.

"There is only one way. Checking her house, I'm worried about Clare's condition." Jules couldn't keep quiet.

"We can't all go. Some of us should be here waiting for the Professor. One of them better go find Clare." Louis suggested.

"I will look for her." Zoya participates.

"No Zoya, what if Clare really isn't home and gets into trouble? Vrochis watched her. I will come. As a safeguard, I have to be around." Jules participated.

"You want to kill yourself? Vrochis is targeting us, we can't go alone." Xavier argued.

"Then what?" Blaire was frustrated.

"I will be there." Louis rose from his seat.

"At least two people. Not just one, I don't trust you." Jules started. She didn't like Louis from the start.

"All right, who's coming? As long as it's not you." Louis pointed sharply at Jules. Jules was about to come along, but Louis had already refused, he was really furious now.

No one wants to go with Louis. Basically they were afraid of Louis at will and left them in the middle of the road. Indeed their thoughts are very negative about Louis.

It was already 10 o'clock. But no one stepped in with Louis. Their gaze on Louis was never good. But it should be in this state not to care about the view. In their minds, it felt odd that Louis would pick up Clare, he should feel like he was wasting his time. That's why they don't believe, Louis always leads.

"I'm coming." Someone answered suddenly. They all turned to the source of the voice where there was Luke as the source. They couldn't believe it even though Luke had saved Clare many times. But at least Luke saving is better than Louis who plunges.

Louis' face darkened. He couldn't resist Luke either. Luke had left first with his car keys and was followed by a resigned Louis. At first he wanted to use Louis' car, but Luke was already one step ahead of him.

For the first time the rest of his comrades saw the two of them in the same car. They looked in disbelief at the front of the base, hoping that there would not be a battle like last time.

"You sure they're like this just for Clare?" Jules stared.

"I feel jealous." Zoya couldn't help but show how stunned she was to see two handsome and popular boys at the academy who were initially hostile to each other could be in one car just for a little girl. They just didn't know that what Clare had been through was worse than Vrochis' attack. Maybe if they knew, no one would dare to come and argue like before. After all, the result will also be the same as this. The bravest were just the two of them.


At Clare's house.

Luke and Louis had just rang Clare's doorbell. There was the sound of a dog barking from inside, very loudly before the door finally opened.

"Who?" There was a female figure who looked no longer young, but her wrinkles weren't much, rather she looked youthful. Her long blonde hair hung in a navy shirt that looked casual but still elegant. Predictably, she is Marine.

The woman in front of them seemed to be frowning. I feel like I've never seen their faces before. It wasn't until a few seconds later that she saw Luke's face instantly recognizing him. Instantly her face brightened as if she saw something special. Obviously Luke and Louis looked confused, was this the reason Clare didn't let them come to her house?

"We're Clare's friends. Clare in there?" Luke was friendly and so was Louis who showed his charming smile.

Marine almost had a nosebleed. She immediately came to her senses and nodded enthusiastically. "Come in." That's all that was said. She couldn't say anything at all and immediately put on a graceful expression. In front of two nobles, she should not be as tacky as a countryman.

Her face looked even, but still friendly. Marine led the way inside, so happy she forgot to let go of Clare who had become a puppet. Even though her face was flat, in her heart she was so excited that he jumped up and down. Two angels came to her house early in the morning on a gloomy morning, her gloomy heart because of Clare was brightened by two angels

As soon as they entered, Luke and Louis were already startled by Clare standing helplessly in the corner of the room as a decoration. It can't be a display robot, right? They were equally stunned by Clare's misfortune. Clare wanted to cry so much, she couldn't help being embarrassed and closed her eyes.

Clare had decided to pretend to be an inanimate object while they were here, she closed her eyes and remained flat even though she was very embarrassed and angry inside.

Marine still looks calm and happy. She had forgotten the only Princess who was still frozen because of the two angels who came to her house. The Marines didn't even realize they were looking for Clare! She no longer remembers her tormented daughter!

Inwardly Clare screamed loudly. She cried and rebelled. Her pitiful appearance was revealed in front of the two seniors she avoided. Especially Louis, she couldn't stand her taunts later.

"Sit down, I'll make you a drink." Marine was still asleep.

"No need. We didn't linger long." Luke politely refused.

"We want to find Clare. She's home?" Louis continued.

"No need to hesitate. Clare's home, she'll come later. Sit down, I'll make you a drink." Marine was too enthusiastic to let Clare torment too long. This was the toughest punishment ever.

After making sure Marine had gone to the kitchen. Luke and Louis both approached the statue of Clare who was still blindfolded. In his heart, Louis wanted to laugh, he must have realized that this was Clare, it just looked lifeless and cold. Seeing this condition, Luke couldn't help but frown. Marine abilities are extraordinary.

Go! Go! Don't make me suffer, arghhhh. That was how Clare's screams suffered in her heart. She screamed and screamed knowing the two men in front of her. Even Louis was already smiling his mocking smile that he wanted so badly to be slapped. While Luke remained flat as if he couldn't laugh. Truth be told, Luke laughed inwardly too, but he still felt sorry for Clare unlike Louis who thanked her.

Enough! Clare couldn't hold on anymore. She opened her eyes making Louis almost jump. It was like being in a horror movie. The statue suddenly moved to open its eyes with a sharp gaze like a knife.

"Keep laughing under the suffering of others. I'm suffering here. It tasted worse than Vrochis attack! Even you couldn't save me. Don't laugh!" Clare snapped especially at Louis who had kept his mouth shut.

"How can you be like this?" Luke asked.

Clare sighed in despair. "Forget it, this is so embarrassing. At least I wasn't sent to Korea. You go, I'm fine."

Luke refused. "There's a meeting with the Professor. How can you not attend?"

"Meeting? I don't know." Clare frowned.

"Since when are you like this?" Louis asked trying to swallow his laughter.

Clare innocently replied, "Since ... Yesterday when I came home." She said then sighed again. "I'm fine. At least last a few days like this. You guys home. Tell the Professor about my condition."

Louis started the action. "The professor won't believe it. How about..."

Seeing Louis' cheeky expression holding the cell phone. Clare knew what he was going to do. "Louis! Don't be like that!" Clare immediately picked up Louis' phone and floated in the air.

In the kitchen, Marine's gaze sharpened as she felt a force being released. She quickly finished his work and rushed to the living room. How surprised she was to see Clare hugging Louis while Louis' cell phone was floating in the air, so high that Louis couldn't reach it. Looks like Clare really can never let go.

Suddenly Clare's mouth shut tightly. Cold air filled his mouth. Now she can only move her eyes, she can't speak at all. Clare screamed inwardly cursing Louis, because Louis' punishment was increased while Louis' cell phone was returned to its owner. Marine really loves a handsome man more than his own daughter.

Their gazes turned to Marine standing next to Clare with a ghastly smile. Clare was already crying silently, Luke and Louis could see how Clare was suffering. Looks like they came at the wrong time...

"Clare is in the process of refining. Can't go anywhere. Can pick her up another day."

Right, Clare will be fine here. This state is more sinister than Vrochis. The two of them could not be disobedient. They feel pressured by the creepy Marine. Marine directed them to sit down and put the drinks on the table. Luke and Louis' eyes kept on aiming at Clare who kept trying to rebel, but only her eyes moved. Clare was already crying, but the tears dried up in an instant so that no tears could be seen. It's really scary. Louis also didn't take Clare's portrait like this. They were too horrified by the Marines.