
Immortal Witch

In a world where some humans can select a power, they will have had since childhood. This power is trained in several phases until it reaches immortality. This year is the new school year of a well-known academy and only selects special students to study there. Neuvrost Academy is the academy that is also the center of various secrets of Aternum World's history. Clare is doing the most reckless thing in her life in the academy. Instead of being expelled, she gets on a mission to fix her fatal mistake that could change the world. In conjunction with her friends, she went through many things of life and death up to reveal a secret. The secret about her identity made her have to sacrifice her life.

Chintyaboo · ファンタジー
62 Chs


Clare tidied up all the books on the table and rearranged them. She picked up the book and carried it out of the library which was about to be closed.

The atmosphere in the hallway is currently so quiet, most of them have returned to their respective dormitories and are doing their night activities there. Clare entered the elevator to go faster to the 15th floor where her dormitory was located.

The elevator door opened, Clare immediately got out of there and walked towards the dormitory. Arriving at the front door of the dormitory, she was greeted by 3 humans who had burdened her until tonight.

"It's impossible for you to change dormitories," said Clare.

"Who said move?" Zoya responds. "It's still half past ten, tomorrow is a holiday. You don't have to go to bed early."

"You're not afraid of being found out?"

Jules chuckles. "You forgot? The students are released on Saturday night, tomorrow is Saturday so we are free even though it's late."

"Don't tell me you're afraid of the dark." Blaire scoffed.

Clare took a deep breath. "Then what do you want?"

Zoya smiles crookedly. "Well, how about going to the common room? We can karaoke, watch movies, billiards—"

"So you've been there every Saturday night." Clare guessed.

"Not just Saturday night, but Sunday night. You miss a lot of things, every month there is a small little party there." Jules explained.

"You mean there's going to be a party now?" said Clare.

"Tomorrow more precisely," continued Zoya.

Clare snorted looking disinterested in party stuff, that's why Clare was always said to be not a socialite during JHS.

"Come on Clare, it's the first time we've asked you, at least once you come." Jules asked.

"I'll go now, but not tomorrow. But if you don't come now, tomorrow I will come." said Clare.

"Arghh, you're boring." Jules said.

"No wonder you don't sell well, so introverted." Zoya pouted.

"I'm asking, has Blaire been with you?" Clare was curious.

"He's been with him twice, even though he's just watching, right?" Zoya said getting Blaire's nod.

"Hey, you think a party here is like a party out there? If that's the case, then the routine has been disbanded." Jules chuckled

Clare was stunned for a moment. "Well, I only have one choice. Today or tomorrow."

They sighed in annoyance seeing Clare who was so stubborn and hard to persuade.

"Fine, since if there's no party now, just relaxing normally, then you should come tomorrow night." said Blaire.

"Not Problem." said Clare casually.

"Promise" Zoya demanded.

"I'm Promise." Clare said calmly.

"Sure?" continued to make sure.

Clare sighed. "Sure!"

They looked happy, so happy they left Clare alone. Clare saw him chuckle in annoyance because of their coercion and immediately entered the dormitory.

The night was so cold, Clare woke up from her sleep and saw the open window entering the cool breeze. Walking towards the balcony looking at the sky filled with stars, the wind blowing hard tossed the strands of her blonde hair. Instantly, the sound of music sounded like it came from a music box, that's right, the music came from a very familiar music box located on the balcony railing.

Clare approached the music box which looked very familiar, a pair of men and women in the music box danced to the rhythm without being stiff. Inside there is snow flying as if it was snowing, right now it should be winter and it will snow, maybe tomorrow.




The academy clock's hands showed 12pm, Clare turned to the clock in surprise at the sudden sound of that's voice. Without realizing it, the music box behind him turned into crystal grains that floated towards his body.

Clare turned back to look at the music box again, but apparently the music box was gone but the sound was still audible, it made Clare confused.

Then he remembered when he was 9 years old, he also experienced the same thing, the music box turned into crystal grains and disappeared. Then the same music box appears again, it makes Clare's head spin thinking about it. Clare held her dizzy head with both hands, she was dizzy thinking about the crazy things in her memory when she was little, it was very strange for her.

When Clare lowered her hand, a flash of white flashed across her line, Clare also remembered the same thing happened as a child, and it happened after she took the box containing the power. What is this power? But what? How to use? The question filled Clare's mind and confused her like an idiot.

Clare sighed still looking at her palms. "This makes me emotional." She lowered her hands back and looked at the view at night, what a tough day.

Tonight, Clare was really forced to attend a party on the grounds of an appointment, they took Clare to the 2nd class dorm and kept her there.. They even chose clothes for Clare who was lazy and instead wore cream pajamas.

"Clare, don't be lazy like that." Jules scolded already annoyed with her youngest friend.

"At least help me choose clothes, you have to look stylish too." Blaire protested.

"I can't be stylish," said Clare who was lying on the bed.

"If you can't be stylish, at least adjust your clothes to the event, you'll end up wearing home clothes." Jules scolded.

"I didn't bring a dress." Clare whined, rolling over and over on the bed.

"Who said don't take it? I found this in your closet." Zoya said showing the white and brown clothes in her hand making Clare limp, she regretted bringing the dress.

"Caught lying." Blaire teased.

Zoya threw the dress in her hand towards Clare and sat next to Blaire who was ready as well as herself. Blaire wore a long-sleeved reddish-brown dress while Zoya wore a black knee-length long-sleeved dress.

Jules who had just finished immediately pulled Clare to put on her dress. Jules wore a long-sleeved black polka-dot dress above the knee and there was a ribbon accessory in the middle of her outfit like a tie.

Now it's Clare's turn to wear a knee-length brown vest with a white shirt and a black belt as accessories.

"Looks like you're a Korean lover." said Jules.

"Even though I'm not an ordinary person, I still like Korean idols. I once took pictures with Exo members." whispered Clare.

"Can't believe it." Jules said sarcastically.

"Yeah, I'll prove it later." Clare said proudly.

"You guys talk a lot, the party has started." Zoya protested.

Clare put on her hat as well as her cloak and then followed them from behind and of course Jules led her not to run away. When they arrived at the door, they took off their robes and carried them, Clare just followed.

They entered a room that was so bright and majestic, Clare widened her eyes and gaped in disbelief that in the academy there was a party as grand as this, she thought it was just a small party. No wonder every night she sleeps alone at the dorm and her friends really force her to come along.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLARE" shouted her friends made Clare shocked, ridiculous.

"Wow, you look cute," said the figure of a man who apparently Gavin approached Clare. "Happy Birthday!" he said giving a long gift wrap.

"What is this?" Clare asked accepting it.

"Gavin, you are so childish. Giving gifts like a child." Zoya protested.

"Did you give him a present? I'm the only one here who gives him a gift," said Gavin.

"Said who?" Zoya protested.

Gavin huffed in annoyance at the hypnotist, then he at Clare and approached her ear.

"Have you found your strength?" he whispered.

"After a while you're like Louis." Clare protested, frowning.

Gavin shrugged. "I'm just curious."

Clare shook her head weakly in response to his question. "I don't know, just something weird happened."


"Suddenly Zoya found the dress I was wearing, even though I kept it well." Clare smiled mischievously making Gavin look like he was being bullied by Clare's off-topic answer.

Suddenly Jules pulled Clare and entered the room further away. Since earlier Clare received a happy birthday but Jules hasn't spoken.

"You think there's something strange?" Jules asked.


"Gavin is so cold towards women, why not with you?" Jules said in astonishment.

"I'm his friend" Clare answered briefly.

"Even he's the only boy who gave you a present." continued Clare.

"You? Didn't give me a present?" Clare asked back instead.

"We have prepared. Later you have to come." Jules gave a condition.

"Where else?"

"Secret." Jules said with a wink.

"Please don't go to the 5th floor, there is horror." Clare muttered.

"You've been there? I think it's nothing, why the horror?"

Clare sighed before she finally told her about the super strange forbidden room plus she thought that Luke was a monster at that time, actually Clare is embarrassed to say it but it's fine if only Jules knows. But who would have thought that his two friends would even eavesdrop and laugh at him, especially Zoya.

"I can't believe Clare is that innocent." Zoya said giggling.

"Zoey, stop it. Not funny," said Clare lazily then Blaire nudged Zoya to stop laughing.

"What do you think is there?" Blaire asked tanya

Clare shook her head. "I don't know, I'm really curious but every time I go there, there is always a problem before entering, so I don't have time."

"You're unlucky." Jules smiled sadly.

"As far as I know, no one can open the forbidden room except the principal." said Blaire.

"How about we go there, didn't Clare say she managed to open it even a little bit?" said Zoya.

"I'm not sure I can do it again, last time there was no problem but instead failed to open it." said Clare resignedly.

"Seems to have something to do with your strength " Jules guessed.

"Maybe, I don't know. I don't even know my own strength," said Clare.

"No way, you're 17 years old you should be getting stronger. In fact, my strength is getting stronger and lasts longer when I turn 17." said Jules.

"I'm also able to manipulate time." Zoya continued.

"I can see death specifically, before only knowing how," continued Blaire.

"Looks like I'll have to find out myself." Clare mumbled glumly.

"I'll help you, come with me." Zoya said then ran into a quiet room. There were candles around the wall and on top of glasses neatly arranged on a long table.

They all go inside then Zoya closes the door again so there is no music or people talking, the room is soundproof.

"Now listen to me, at first I didn't know my strengths either but finally after trying a few things I immediately found out," explained Zoya.

"Don't we all do the same thing?" said Jules sahut.

"I'm sure Clare is too busy with her world to not practice her strengths." Blaire quipped getting a nod of approval from Zoya..

Hearing that, Clare felt sarcastic and embarrassed, she had never thought of it. He thought that the power would just appear by itself without having to be tested or trained.

Zoya takes a glass and places it on a single table to test Clare.

"Now, try to do something with that glass." Zoya ordered.

Clare didn't know what to do with the glass, what if it broke and failed? Or what if nothing happens, it's not funny.

Clare tried to approach the table and crouched down to examine the glass on the table even though she hesitated, she glanced at her friends who were still waiting for her patiently. Really Clare feels very doubtful about this.

"I can't," said Clare standing facing her friends.

Her friends look disappointed and annoyed with Clare who is not confident about this.

"Well then, maybe you don't want us to see you try it for the first time, I understand." Blaire said understandingly.

"Stay here and try, we're gonna party. Bye." Jules said waving and then left with her two friends to join the party.

"Fighting!" Zoya said before finally closing the door again.

Clare was really annoyed and confused, she didn't know how to do it. Even he didn't know what kind of power she had, it frustrated her.

Clare looked at the glass in front of her then took it, maybe she could change the glass like Jules did. Clare focused her mind and tried to turn the glass into a candle, but nothing happened.

Then Clare thought, maybe he could fly or teleport or disguise or be invisibility. But all that has been tried but to no avail, Clare was really upset and very upset.

Then she looked at his hand which had a flash of white in the outline of her hand, she still didn't even understand the meaning of the flash. She pointed his hand towards the glasses on the long table then moved her hand to the side quickly.


Her eyes widened and he quickly covered her face in fear of the broken glass hitting her. The glasses on the table followed the direction of the movement of his hands and were thrown away until they were all broken, there was only one glass on the single table next to Clare which was still standing straight. Clare spontaneously crouched down and hugged her knees watching the mess she made with so many questions. What happened exactly? She didn't even notice.

The door opened and a head walked in, meaning 3 heads who were shocked to see the mess Clare made. The three of them both glanced at Clare who was still digesting his actions on the side of the room while crouching.

"Clare." Jules murmured wide-eyed.

"I told you to do something with one glass, but you ruined it all. You even left a glass that should be a test material." Zoya said in disbelief and still digesting what Clare did.

"How did you do that?" Blaire asked in disbelief.

"What is telekinesis?" Clare mumbled still watching the broken glass she made in disbelief.