
Immortal Witch

In a world where some humans can select a power, they will have had since childhood. This power is trained in several phases until it reaches immortality. This year is the new school year of a well-known academy and only selects special students to study there. Neuvrost Academy is the academy that is also the center of various secrets of Aternum World's history. Clare is doing the most reckless thing in her life in the academy. Instead of being expelled, she gets on a mission to fix her fatal mistake that could change the world. In conjunction with her friends, she went through many things of life and death up to reveal a secret. The secret about her identity made her have to sacrifice her life.

Chintyaboo · ファンタジー
62 Chs

Aidez Moi....

Today, is a Sunday. Clare had just finished helping the librarian organize the books on her own initiative and left the library after finishing work. She intends to go to Rowler's house with Jules Zoya, and Blaire because they have an appointment to see the rainbow unicorn that has just been found.

Jules, Zoya, and Blaire had been waiting for Clare near Uncle Rowler's house patiently, but Clare didn't come somehow Clare walked for a long time to get to them.

"What did Clare do? She said it's done." Zoya muttered glancing at the watch.

Jules sighed and started pacing back and forth watching the castle hoping Clare would come soon, whereas Blare had been playing with the grass and was getting bored.

Besides, Clare, who was just about to take the elevator to go downstairs. Stopped right in front of the open elevator when she heard a strange faint voice calling her name.


Clare turned and walked straight down the deserted hallway.

"Aidez moi...."

Again the voice sounded in Clare's ears saying words that Clare didn't understand.

"Who are you? What did you say?" asked Clare trying to stay calm even though she was in a bad mood.

"Aidez moi...."

Clare was getting more and more confused, she looked for the origin of the sound and arrived at the emergency stairwell. Clare put her ear there trying to hear the voice again.


The voice sounded again right in Clare's ear which was attached to the door until Clare flinched and backed away from the door. She was so confused and worried, she remembered that he never found anything there as long as he passed the stairs.

Clare dared to open the emergency stairwell door slowly by relying on her strength to make it easier to open. The door opened, the first thing Clare saw was a ladder like the last time she used it, everything seemed normal.

Clare sighed thinking that she was just hallucinating, she was about to close the door but the voice came back.

"Clare~~ aide moi, sors moi d'ici."

"Who's there?" asked Clare curiously.

"Aidez moi...."

Clare really didn't understand what he meant, at first Clare thought to ignore it because it might just be a prank. But after thinking about it, who wants to be pranked on the emergency stairs? If it was Louis, Clare knew Louis wouldn't work on the stairs. Gavin? The underworked kid also didn't have the heart to prank Clare on the dark emergency stairs, because Clare was afraid of the dark and Gavin knew it.

From curiosity to death, Clare ventured into there to make sure that all she heard was an illusion or hallucination.

Clare stepped up one step and looked up.


The voice came again and was now coming from downstairs. Clare was really confused about what was happening to her now. Clare reached for the stairs leading downstairs to hear it again aloud


The voice sounded again and louder but faint, Clare really made goosebumps by the sound. What is a ghost? thought Clare.

Just as Clare was about to walk downstairs, the sound of the phone interrupted her.

Tililit tililit

Clare took her cell phone from her pocket and picked up the phone from Blaire, who seemed so bored that she called Clare.

"Clare, where have you been? Why haven't you come yet? Why did you just pick up the phone?" Blaire asked for the first time in a row.

"I'll be there in a minute," said Clare glancing at the stairs downstairs.

"5 minutes, more than that we go." Blare said then turned off the phone.

Clare put her phone back in her pocket and looked again at the stairs downstairs and tried to listen to it again, but the sound was gone. Clare felt there was something strange, she had heard that voice many times and it couldn't be just her hallucination, the hallucination wasn't that clear.

Clare decided to leave the room and closed the door again. She ran into the elevator and down to the ground floor.

Her friends were now tired of waiting, they got up from their seats and were about to leave, but a voice stopped them.

"Wait!" shouted Clare gasping for air from running.

"Just arrived " Zoya mumbled.

"You took so long " Jules grumbled.

"How dare you make us wait," chirped Zoya.

"Something's bothering me, sorry for making you wait so long."

"Tsk, that bastard must be bothering you." Jules sneered at Louis.

"This time I'm sure it's not Louis." Clare said confidently.

"Who is it, then?" Blaire asked curiously.

Clare recounted her experience as she walked toward Uncle Rowler's house without anyone being left behind. Clare really confused what to do.

"What did it say earlier?" Zoya asked once again.

"If I am not mistaken 'aide moi, sors moi d'ici' That's what I heard," replied Clare.

"It's French, who here can speak French?" Zoya muttered.

"You know French?" ask Clare.

"Have learned a little, just a little. The word 'moi' refers to 'I', the speaker." Zoya said remembering.

"There's something right, the sound is very strange and sounds like a whisper, not a recording or anything like that," said Clare confused.

"You are on the 10th floor, the sound is coming from under the 10th floor. It could be 9, it could be below it again." Jules muttered.

"I need to know the meaning of this language."

"I heard Uncle Rowler can speak French, love it," said Jules.

"Are you sure you told this?" ask Zoya unsure.

"Many things Rowler had hidden in his life, he kept the best of secrets. Even has a secret Prof. Armstrong." Jules whispered when talking about the Head of the Academy.

"Then it's a coincidence, this will be a golden opportunity." said Braire getting Clare's nod.

They immediately rushed to Uncle Rowler's house to find out something unexpected that Clare had found earlier, as well as the reason she was late.

Arriving in Roller's yard, they saw Rowler reading the newspaper on the terrace with a cup of tea on the table. They immediately went to Rowler and stood in front of him.

"There are so many monsters roaming the woods these days, people don't even dare go into the woods," said Uncle Rowler, his face covered in the newspaper he was reading.

"Maybe it's because they don't know how to deal with it," said Jules casually.

Uncle Rowler glanced at him. "Maybe you're right, but do you still want to go to the woods now?"

Jules snorted. "I'm not a coward who easily runs away when she sees a monster."

Rowler chuckled "I know how you are." He said then closed the newspaper and set it on the table.

"Rowler, I heard you speak French," said Clare.

"I have mastered 4 languages ​​in the last 3 years, including the language you are asking about. What is wrong? Why the sudden question?" said Rowler.

"Are you sure you know the language?" Clare repeated, pretending not to believe it.

"You underestimate me?" said Uncle Rowler.

"Let me test. What's the French word for 'Market'." Clare confirmed.

Uncle Rowler laughed, "You really underestimate me. It means 'Marche'."

Blaire nodded if Uncle Rowler's answer was correct. "What about apples?"

"Pomme." replied Uncle Rowler curtly, folding his arms across his chest

"What about 'Love'." Zoya said hooked.


"eat?" Zoya shouted without stopping

"Kids, this isn't French class. You guys playing a prank on me?" Uncle Rowler protest.

Clare nudges Zoya's arm which has gone beyond limits. Now Clare doesn't want to talk anymore.

"One more time, then I'll believe it" said Clare outsmarted.

Rowler sighed before finally nodding in resignation.

"What does it mean 'aide moi, sors moi d'ici'."

"It's easy, it means 'Help me get out of here'." Rowler answered suddenly. "You're not checking something, right?" Rowler asked doubtfully.

"Nope, for what? We just want to know. I happened to be reading a book and came across that line," said Clare.

"Oh, yeah? What book?" Rowler asked curiously.

"A novel, that's the title." Jules answered immediately because he was afraid that his friends would say the wrong thing, because Jules is an expert in lying.

"What's interesting?" asked Rowler.

Jules thought again. "About a woman who wants to be released from a luxurious prison prison. Unfortunately it's in French, but I don't speak French. So forget it."

"Hmm, seems interesting, where did you find the novel?" asked Uncle Rowler who seemed suspicious that Jules was lying.

"We just came from outside the Academy and found the novel in a bookstore. But after knowing the meaning of the title, it seemed too dark. I don't like anything dark so I gave it back." Jules had lied all the way. Isn't it a half-and-half lie?

"Have you ever heard the saying 'Don't lie halfway'? You seem to be following her."

"Oh come on. Don't make my mood down." Jules protested.

Rowler got up from his seat and faced the four of them looking at them carefully one by one, their expressions saying nothing and staying calm.

"Alright, this time I half believe you," said Rowler making all four of them feel relieved.

"Go away, don't disturb my leisure time," shouted Rowler then sat back enjoying tea and reading his newspaper again.

Not wanting to linger, they quickly turned to return to the castle, almost forgetting their main purpose of meeting Rowler. Jules and Blaire stopped in their tracks and together approached Uncle Rowler again except for Clare and Zoya who were still standing watching them.

"Uncle, don't you want to show me the Rainbow Unicorn?" Jules said not wanting to miss the moment.

"I've been released into the forbidden forest again, it's a shame to be detained here. It's so beautiful and rare."

"Forbidden forest? Why don't you wait for us first!" Jules whined feeling weak at the missed opportunity.

"I didn't have time to wait for you, so I just let it go. If you want to see, just look for yourself, don't bother me." Rowler then waved his hand to shoo them away.

Annoyed, Jules turned around and walked over to his two friends along with Blaire.

"Jules, sorry...." Clare feeling guilty for stalling.

"It's okay, in return we have to know where the voice came from." Jules said calmly.

"Then we have to go to the emergency stairs." Blaire said.

"What are you waiting for?" Zoya continued then they ran into the castle.

In this deserted-looking castle, they quietly entered the dark escape room, the only light being the sunlight from a small gap in the wall.

Those on the ground floor, glanced up the stairs which were so high and circular. If only they came here at night, it would feel like a horror movie.

"Clare, try listening again," said Zoya.

"I didn't hear it," answered Clare.

"Well, it's useless for us to come here but there are no clues." Jules said with an annoyed chuckle.

"Sabarlah...." ujar Blaire.

Clare stepped toward the stairs and looked up at the circular staircase. Just as her friends were about to leave the room, the voice came into Clare's ears again.


The voice sounded very similar, Clare immediately pulled back her friends who were going to go back to their original place.

"What's wrong?" Jules asked irritated.

"Shh, did you hear?" said Clare listening again.

"Clare...." The voice appears again but they don't seem to hear it at all.

"Hear what?" asked Blaire.

"Someone called me like that. Didn't you hear?"

"Looks like something happened to your hearing." Jules said on his hips.

"I'm not liar, that's real," said Clare convincingly.

"It seems that person only called Clare, that's why only Clare can."

"Please help me." Clare begged because she was already scared.

Jules turned to Clare and saw Clare's ears that weren't wearing earphones. She was sure.

"Maybe you're right, that guy summoned Clare with magic," said Jules.

"Is it some kind of hypnosis?" Blaire asked.

"If true hypnosis, it will influence Clare to do what she wants. That person also said to take it out, does it have anything to do with the Forbidden Space?" said Zoya who for the first time can be serious.

"In that case, it'll try to get Clare out of there." continued Blaire

"To make sure, we have to go there," said Jules.

The three of them nodded in agreement and immediately went to the 5th floor using the flying stairs to be faster than normal stairs.

Arriving in front of the door to the forbidden room, again Clare heard the voice that was still faint right in front of the door.

"it's really from here," said Clare looking at the door.

"Vrochis again, that always persuades Clare to open this door," said Blaire.

Clare was silent, she had no intention of opening it again because she didn't want to get into trouble. She also didn't want to see the monster that nearly killed her.

"We'd better get out of here." Jules said pulling Clare's hand who was still staring at the door and the others followed.

The voice grew even more pitiful and Clare couldn't help it. She continued to be quietly pulled by Jules and still listened to the words of the creature that endlessly filled her head, Moreover, Clare did not understand the language and it seemed that the creature was deliberately making Clare dizzy because of the indistinct voice.