
Chapter 225 Holy King


Five Thunderous Strikes.

This oath first appeared in the Dao Sect, and it is the most revered oath by Daoist Sect Disciples.

Because the oath is taken at the time of initiation, if one violates the rules of the Dao Sect in the future and commits a capital crime, it is then that this Daoist oath becomes effective.

As above, so below, it spread from the Dao Sect to the common folk, and Five Thunderous Strikes became the most commonly used oath in people's hearts; of course, for mortals, the oath does not carry the same deterrent power.

After carrying out the rightful punishment, everyone dispersed in succession, and today's events instilled a sense of awe for Xu Xuan in people's hearts; they understood the authority of the Dao Sect.

"Nicely done," Xu Xuan patted Ming Hao on the shoulder.

"It's my duty," smiled Ming Hao.

Afterward, he went to the storeroom and met with Mei Xi, who was guarding it.