
Immortal Mortal

Here, only those with spiritual roots can cultivate while those with mortal roots are destined to stay mortal. Mo Wuji only has mortal roots, but will he only remain as a mortal? ---------- Watch as Mo Wuji fights against this destiny with his grit and tenacity. Feel your hearts pound as he goes through exciting adventures and encounters. Cry as tragedies befall him. Smile as he crushes his enemies and forges his own path. Where will his cultivation ultimately lead him?

Goose Five · 東方
1230 Chs

Wu Ben Husband and Wife

翻訳者: Sparrow Translations 編集者: Sparrow Translations

Mo Wuji felt very satisfied looking at the 12 high grade Immortal Copious Pills. After reaching the Grand Yi Stage, Mo Wuji felt that he would be able to concoct high grade Immortal Copious Pill. Now that his Scholar’s Heart had advanced into a Grade 7 immortal flame, everything he couldn’t do in the past became simple to him just like how he expected it. The very first batch of pills he concocted was the 12 high grade Immortal Copious Pills.

Given his understandings towards Pill Dao, it was certain that the future pills he concoct would not be any lower than high grade.

Mo Wuji grabbed a bunch of immortal herbs once again as he prepared to concoct the second furnace of Immortal Copious Pills.