
Immortal master Karan

Karan is the main character in this story, and the plot mostly surrounds his personality. He is one of the greatest Scientist from Earth. He is a very skillful and educated individual with vast experience and knowledge on different matters including Yoga , Ayurveda and has been a Wrestler However ,During an Experiment which could have opened a new door for Science . But due to some obvious reason an accident happend during the Procedure causing , Earth’s top Scientist’s soul crossed over to an alternate world, where Strength is everything ,Spiritual Energy are much more abundant compared to Earth .Here Strong prays on weak ,reborn as his 14 year old self, Karan was given a second chance at life. A second chance to change everything and save his beloved wife and friends . Later he merged with Great Thief God’s memories, cultivating Three Dragon Clone Technique, sweeping through all opposition with invincible might! Able to refine medicine, capable of crafting weapons, and knows the art of inscription&h.e.l.lip;. Being skilled in all professions is the way of kings! “Since I’m back, then in this lifetime, I shall become the King of the G.o.ds that dominate everything. Let everything else tremble beneath my feet!”

Twilight_RainGod0 · ファンタジー
38 Chs

Chapter-4 (Ram Murti Exercise System)

"Son" The voice came from the middle-aged man standing in the courtyard. This person with a strong body and disposition looked somewhat similar to Karan.

"Father" he was indeed the head of the Sharma Clan and he is also Karan's father. Due to the soul fusion, Karan currently possesses both the thoughts and feelings of the previous Karan. Thus, he felt natural calling that person, father.

"My dear son, you're….ok!" Sharma Rambalak's face quivered. Karan was sent back to the Sharma Clan with his life hanging by a piece of thread by the city guard ,he was found unconsciousness near the city and all this while he had been in a comatose state. Sharma Rambalak had to call best doctor to heel him. But at this moment, he was surprised to see that his son alive. How could he not be delighted?

"Yes, Father. I have completely recovered". Karan smiled when he saw how happy Sharma Rambalak was. In his previous life, he had to face the coldness of human nature alone and had never enjoyed this kind of warm feeling before.At that time only he got this feeling only with his master and wife.

"Good, Good." Sharma Rambalak heavily patted Karan's shoulder. A glint of light flashed past his eyes as he looked at the stone pillar that has a 2 inch fist mark. His own brothers has been eyeing and waiting for him to fall so that they could snatch the Family's Head seat. Those bastards must be feeling rather disappointed now that Karan had recovered so soon.

Son ,How did you got injured this heavily ? weren't Their some guards to protect you ? Who had the audacity to attack you asked Rambalak with a cold face..?

It was at this moment did Sharma Rambalak suddenly emit bursts of cold chills, causing Karan to feel that his body had frozen.

"Father is indeed a strong fighter in the Peak Nadi layer. Just by sending out his aura, he would be able to freeze the people below his strength." Karan said in his heart. In the path of Martial Arts, the first layer would be Body strengthening realm. Only by slowly directing the essence of heaven and earth into one's body, refining and Thus strengthen your Internal body structure. Thereafter, one would have stepped into the Nadi layer. In the Nadi layer, one can finally activate your body Nadi system. The mastery of the Nadi means that one will be stronger than anyone and with just one step, a man can be killed. And Sharma Rambalak was one of the experts in the Late Nadi layer.

"Son, Who did this?" Sharma Rambalak's face was gloomy. When Karan was sent back, he was already half dead. This proved that the opponent had indeed wanted Karan's life. And it was the truth. The opponent did wanted "Karan's" life. (TN: "Karan" in this case is the original young master that died)

"Father, please let your child handle this matter by himself." Karan did not tell Sharma Rambalak that he was wounded by his own bodyguard. He want to find the Real master of the plot because ,a guard don't have the audacity to throw him Down the clif and try to eat and drink his flesh .In the Sharma's Family, his third uncle and eldest uncle acts in collaboration and is always coveting the family's head seat. In fact, in terms of their strength and influence, it is not much weaker when compared with Sharma Rambalak . Adding on to the fact that Their son natural talent are quite good.Karan suspect that most brobably it was Their people who tried to kill him.

This hatred, Karan has to pay it back himself. The way of the martial arts does not allow any regrets or it would eventually become a barrier to a warrior's training.

Sharma Rambalak looked somewhat surprised at his son and at this moment, he saw that Karan's attitude has changed and his eyes was firm and resolute. He no longer showed and give off the feeling that he was weak and dispirited.

It would seem like this incident was a blessing in disguise. Sharma Rambalak was pleased in his heart and nodded his head. "Go with me to the family meeting tom at the end of year . I would like to see how they would kick me off my position."

Night time, in the Sharma Family's public library .Karan was engroced in Those book about cultivation , ways to cultivate faster and problems related to cultivation . After spending a whole Night and a whole day in library ,he was not particularly satisfied with his gain. He came to know the body strengthning period is about making your body strong both internaly and externaly ,So that They can withstand the flow of spiritual energy throughout the body without any wear and tear ,Body strengthening Realm is divided into 11 Realm steps . After ,that comes Nadi Awekening Realm where spiritual energy is moved through every Nadi in human body ,Nadi is like a mini size pipeline in our body through which Prana energy ,blood and other necessary things flow in our body .It is like a network which connect our body together and help them comunicate and transport substance ,electric signals ,impulse ,water ,blood ,Plasma ,lymph ,Spiritual energy(PRANA energy) throughout the body. But when he saw How to make your body strong ,he was quite disapointed .Their was not particularly Good way They just Talk that about How to make bicep muscle and trisep muscle etc .Doing push-up ,seat-up as much as possible .Person have to take a body building peel every mourning for the best effect .These Medicine act as spiritual energy but with mild nature ,They help in saturating the body and slowly strengthening it. But the problem with it is that ,a person with best qualification can also only absorb only 30 percent of the drug ,So ,it is advised to do proper workout .which can help in enhance the body consumption of body building Medicine and strengthen its effect ,Thus ,enhancing the speed of breakthrough.

Karan was sitting cross-legged in his Room and Trying to remember Four Vedas given by his master and started to search the content related to body strengthening. In previous life he suffered a disease Well known as HYPERTHYMESIA leading to a super memory. He can remember each and every word whether he understood its meaning or not .All Four vedas were written in ancient Sanskrit ,so it was quite hard to undestand even though he himself was well versed in this god's language. Sanskrit is known as a god's Language and can be called only perfect language in this world.

While searching he found the content and roughly understood the slight meaning of the content.

Strength doesn't mean thickening of you muscle and giving Lot of time on exercise. Strength mean making you strengthen both Internaly and externaly and mental fitness. For being strong people prime requires Physical Strength ,Stamina,Flexibility ,Concentration ,Technique and Mental Strength .Physical Strength doesn't mean fatten your body muscle and looking Good ,Strengthen means compacting your muscle ,bone ,visera and nadis . Strngthning your body can indeed increase your Strength and make your body like a steel giant but it also makes your body a easy target .So ,with Strength our body also needs flexiblity. Concentration is necessary for focusing your energy to a certain point and release it through that point ,Thus enhancing your destructive power. and technique for properly using your power ,it contains archery ,boxing ,swordmanship etc. We often do Yoga and exercise in wrong way , doing five correct pushup is better than fifty wrong push-up .

In Exercise section Their is Ram Murti Dand comonly known as Ram Murti push-up . Here the originator Ram Murti talks about Physical body and Say .It is quite wrong to Say that I did 100 Push-up in 20 minutes. Instead for better result you should try to do 1 Push up in 20 mins. by following the following steps-

1- First you should go in initial position of Push up ,take a long breath .

2-Slowly and steadily move your chest toward ground.

3-stay in the position where your chest is 2-3 inch above the groung and exhale the breath ,Again breath in ,

4-move your body forward in that position ,remember to keep your chest 2-3 inch above the ground .

5-Stay in that position for few some time ,Breath in and out during the process.

6-Reurn to Step slowly by moving your body backward .

7-Then again keep in that position for some time and breath in and out .

8- Slowly rise you body in the initial position

REMEMBER:-During this forward and backward motion ,don't move your toes from its position only use the flexibility of your feet and move the heel near and far from the position.

Do the exercise slowly and increase the initial time of 30 sec to several minute .This one exercise steps is better than many such repeatative steps.

We can also use this way of slow exercise in many other exercise like seat up ,pull up etc .

Karan knew that his spiritual root was quit terrible. So ,he have to try every posible way to make himself strong and help his father to keep his mayor position .At the end of the year ,a family meating will take place ,which will Talk about family expindature ,income ,and all elder will acumulate to take on important mattet .A young generation martial art competetion will also take place and on the bace of this competetion family will decide whom to give the seat for Chinmaya cultivation School .

So he has to hurry up to Practice this Ram Murti way of exercise , only 3 months are Left for him .Initally it was quite tough do any exercise through this way ,it took him 3 days just to increase his exercise time from 20 second to 2 minutes , but he din't give up on himself .He knew that Strength is respected in this society,and to find his wife ANJU ,he has to constantly move forward,and may be he can somehow find Her in other places. He Practiced hard and the result also came quite soon.

The talented when practising would have a faster rate of heaven and earth's essences to gathering around their body and at this moment, when Karan went in that state and his Body building dan absorbtion from initial Step of 11 percent absorbtion went astoundly to 90 petcent absorbtion.

Right now, Karan was breathing steadily and looked peaceful and calm. The heaven and earth essences are flowing through his body and dissolved in his blood vessels, strengthening his bones and physique.

After a long time, the light flashed and Karan's body suddenly became like a black hole and in an instant, he swallowed the entire milky white heaven and earth essence into his body. He imiadiately went in PRANAYAM state.

Opening his eyes, a fleeting light flashed across his eyes. Karan stood up and a hint of a smile appeared. He had broken through in one night to the next layer. At this moment, he has reached the Third Body Strengthening layer.

However, Karan was not satisfied. From the library Books and his memory, he knew that the eleven Body Strengthening layers was only the starting point of martial arts. The real martial arts experts are able to fly in the sky and travel beyond the highest heaven. How carefree and happy would it be? In his previous life, that would have been seen as a God.

Thinking about it, Karan started to sway his fist and a whistling sound came forth. A momentary burst of wave energy caused the surrounding bamboo to explode.

Body Strengthening Realm is separated into eleven layers. With every increase of one layer, his strength is increased by a 1 Horse Power. Right now, he is in the Third Body Strengthening layer and possesses the strength of 3 H.P. And if he uses the martial technique "Nine heavy waves" which he has trained till the sixth wave, he would be able to send out a force of 3.5 H.P. However, it was still not enough to win the competetion . He has to at least Strengthen himself to 5 Body Strengthening steps and his technique Till 8 waves at least.

Under the ferocious force of over 3.5 H.P. , the fragile purple bamboo exploded endlessly. The entire s.p.a.ce became ocean-like and the howls of the fist and its shadow were the only thing left.

It was at this point of time, did one of the bamboos not explode but instead, rebounded back. When Karan saw that, the speed of his punching slowed down.

"The Nine Heavy Waves technique was created based on the ocean's waves. Every wave would be stronger than the previous wave and it is domineering. However, not matter how dominating it is, it would also have a gentle side. It was only when toughness and gentleness combine together would it become unprecedented."

Enlightened, Karan's fist was no longer constantly dominating. But instead, it was now occasionally tough yet occasionally gentle.


Karan shouted while sending out a punch.

"Hong, Hong, Hong…."

Sounds of explosion busted out. Six booms.....seven booms

The purple bamboos touched by the qi waves were all completely turned into dust.

"Seven waves, strong.." Karan withdraws his fist and took a deep breath as he looked at the now empty s.p.a.ce in front of him. Having gained comprehension of the "Nine Heavy Waves" technique, he was able to breakthrough one stage and reached the seventh wave. But Karan had done it.

"Now that I should possess the strength of 4 H.P and as long as I fully comprehend the notion of combining both toughness and gentleness together, that would be when the "Nine Heavy Waves" technique is completed." Karan felt pleased in his heart. Martial techniques would become increasingly difficult to practice in the later stages but the power of the techniques would be several time stronger. The him now possesses the strength of 4 H.P. Even if he faced a warrior in the fourth Body Strengthening layer, he would still be able to put up a fight.

The Karan in the past was looked down on by others as he was not even able to win against a normal first Body Strengthening layer warrior. But the Karan now, although he had only arrived in this world for Four day, he had improved and now possesses the might of a fourth Body Strengthening Layer warrior.

(Writer Coment-If you want to know about Ram Murti Dand ,you should visit Swami Satyendra Satya Sahib ji on YouTube)