
Immortal master Karan

Karan is the main character in this story, and the plot mostly surrounds his personality. He is one of the greatest Scientist from Earth. He is a very skillful and educated individual with vast experience and knowledge on different matters including Yoga , Ayurveda and has been a Wrestler However ,During an Experiment which could have opened a new door for Science . But due to some obvious reason an accident happend during the Procedure causing , Earth’s top Scientist’s soul crossed over to an alternate world, where Strength is everything ,Spiritual Energy are much more abundant compared to Earth .Here Strong prays on weak ,reborn as his 14 year old self, Karan was given a second chance at life. A second chance to change everything and save his beloved wife and friends . Later he merged with Great Thief God’s memories, cultivating Three Dragon Clone Technique, sweeping through all opposition with invincible might! Able to refine medicine, capable of crafting weapons, and knows the art of inscription&h.e.l.lip;. Being skilled in all professions is the way of kings! “Since I’m back, then in this lifetime, I shall become the King of the G.o.ds that dominate everything. Let everything else tremble beneath my feet!”

Twilight_RainGod0 · ファンタジー
38 Chs

Chapter-32(Guardian Spirit)

"Karan I saw a Grand fort 20 Li North-East ." Akash came running .

" You saw a fort there , It might be the training ground of Nawada Kingdom army . Let's wait for others return ,then we will go their together .

From the history information ,this place used to be like a school . Children whether they were nobelity Or commoner, they were used to be sent here for their practice at the age of ten.

Nawada Kingdom used to beleive in unity and equality . So , children of all classes of society were sent far from home . To toughen them and make them strong . All children of Nawada Kingdom had to at least spend next period of time in this training ground .

Only after reaching Black Gold Rank Demon Spiritualist Or Peak Marrow Opening Rank Fighter . They were allowed to Return home ,if they want or they can choose the carrier as an instructor Or a Soldier .

" Their might be a chance to find some Good opurtunity here, which can help us in growing faster," Karan thought.

"Let's wait for them." said Karan.

After half an hour ,Yudhishthir returned,"Karan I din't found anything of particular significance on my side ,just some broken Arrow ,spears and rusted sword were found".


Everyone was attracted by the cry , They saw a group of three people coming their way . They were quite injured and their all of their bodies were covered in dirt . Their faces were unrecognizable.

"Who are these guys? How did they come here."

"Karan ,What is this place ?"one of them asked.

"How dId you know me?, Karan questioned. Were They following me on the way "

Hey ,Don't you recognize me ,I am Bheem . Even my best friend can't recognize me ,How will beautiful girls recognize my charming face?


"Hi..sss, everyone gasped . How did you become like that ?" Karan asked

"It was all your fault ,you must have been jealous of my charm . So, you send me to that place ." Karan gasped with sad face.


"That, You went in the direction of billowing yellow sand place. What did you find there " Karan asked with a frown .

"The yellow sand is unusual, but it's an extremely rare thing with a very strong offensive power. There are winds and winds inside, and the yellow sand is as sharp as a knife. It's not so much yellow sand, it's better to say that the wind is carrying a lot of sand. The sand is like a sharp blade full of spikes, almost pervasive. We were almost severely injured just after traveling 100 metre inside and had to retreat ," Nukul replied.

"It was quite dangerous There ,if we have stayed there a little long. We would have almost died," Sahdev replied.

"Hi..ss.ss,"Yudhishthir gasped with open mouth.

"Well, Akash founded a fort 20li North-East .We might as well first visit their, then we will decide about the matter of billowing Yellow Sand ,"Karan ordered as a group leader.

After an hour and half ,all of them reached the entrance of the fort .All of them gasped after seeing the magnificent veiw and its breathtaking beauty. Even after 10 Thousand years ,it's majesty has not weakened a bit.

"Such a majesty ,such an architectural style, only something like this can hold number one position for almost 20 thousand year. It was really worth a visit for us," Yudhishthir exclaimed. Even if I don't get any opurtunity here, I will still be content by just visiting this place .

"S.I.G.H., ..Quite some time..Quite some time .

It has been quite some time to see people here."

"Who ! Who is there ",all of them were shocked and a tinge of worry creapt There face.

"Especially Karan ,he noticed the Voice more clearly . No sound ripple were produced ,the sound was directly heard by

them in their soul. From the memory of Thief God it is called telepathy ,it can be only used by higher level Spiritualist . "

Slightly bowing Down , Karan asked," May I know who you predecessor might be."

" eh.."

"Sigh, it has been almost 10 thousand years ,seeing a Human ."

"I am the guardian spirit of this Trial Ground . My name is....forget it ,So much time has passed even I have forgoten my name. "

"Brat, How is the world outside ? Why has their been so long for king to send young brats like you?"Guardian Spirit asked

Senior is talking about Nawada Kingdom ,"Sorry to inform the predecessor ,we are not from Nawada Kingdom. We are people from Glory Kingdom."

"Glory Kingdom ,I had never heard about it . Is this a new Kingdom ,which family is the ruler of this Kingdom ?" Spirit asked with some surise.

"Senior ,to tell you the truth .We don't have much information about Nawada Kingdom . We only know that Nawada Kingdom was destroyed 10 Thousand years ago, but we don't know exact cause of its destruction."

"As for our information, we are from Glory Kingdom. Yu family is the current ruler of the Kingdom . Under them their are two supreme clan ,seven novelity Clan and 108 subsidiary clan.

"Si.g.h, it really has been quite some time."

"Time is really the most powerfull Governing force "

OK brats! come inside the fort .

Slowly entrance door of the fort opened, allowing their entery.

After entering inside the fort ,They saw the silhouette of a middle aged man Almost transparent in shape .

"Karan ,what is an Guardian Spirit ?" Bheem whisperd.

"Guardian Spirit is the consciousness of a high tier weapons. Weapons are classified into Grades from 1st ...to...5th and each grade is further classified into 4 sub-grades ,Lower ,Middle ,Higher and Peak Simultaneously.

Guardian Spirit is only produced in 5th Peak grade wepons only. But the predecessor is much more advance than it ,So their is a chance that he is of even higher grade "Karan replied.

"Hi..ss.ss, is it for real . A grade higher than 5th grade wepons ,could it be wepons of 6th or even 7th grade" everyone gasped in shock.

But Karan was not quite shocked ,as he has seen even higher grade wepons in his memory .The unprecedented' Tiny world' ,It is a wepon which almost reached Quasi-10th grade.

During its last battle with other Great Immortal Saints, guardian Spirit of this weapon was quite exahusted and feel in deep slumber .

Clasping his hand toward the Guardian Spirit ,Karan asked ,"Senior we heard about this Trial ground from a history book ,can Senior allow us to train here."

"S.i..gh, time really passes faster than you think."

Come brats! In a sense you people are also my children of Nawada Kingdom. Let me introduce you about this place first ,

this place was designed by the Great ancestor of Nawada Kingdom.

He distributed this hall in 3 main segments and smaller minor segment.

According to him all life form are made up of" Panch Tatva" and Four life energy. It needs a complete balance for a healthy life style. Nadis and chakras are deeply related with the four forms of life energies-physical energy, mental energy, emotional energy and the spiritual energy. For a perfect life, we need balance of these four energies. These four forms of life energies are interrelated and overlap each other. Chakras play an integral role in balancing these four energies and keeping our mind-body healthy.

So ,he formrmed 3 Major trial ground

Spirit Palace for Soul cultivation , Mana Palace for mana cultivation and Yellow Sand billowing ground for body cultivation.


Now, they came to understand what were these Yellow sands

Other than that their are some minor halls.They include Alchemy Hall , Weponery Hall , Formation Hall ,Library ,Physcian ,and Martial art Practice Hall etc. Their is also quite a large area allocated for herb garden and other places like Student Dormitory ,Lakes and Research Palace etc.