
Maze escape

Skyla shouted on the top of her lungs as he plunged down to the first phase of the maze, right at the eastern part of the tree where Keith had been attacked. She quickly activated Dragonfire spell, stopping the Raptors from making more harms to Keith.

Keith has passed out.

The pain was too much for him to bare, and he didn't even know when he blacked out. Well, no one would know if they wanna passed out, right? It's an authoritative feeling that was no one could control or counter.

Now that Skyla has come to his aid, Keith was lucky.


Skyla quickly let out Vigo from the storage ring, and ordered him to attack the two Raptors that had attacked Keith while she faced the group of five Raptors at the other direction.

Staring at this vicious creatures, angered, Skyla charged at them with a humanly roar. She was upset that Keith entered the Maze alone, but at a moment, she came to discover that it was all her fault.