
Immortal Love

A scholarly prince and a princess from two kingdoms of ancient India fell in love. He was infamous due to not being a warrior and she was not well known because she was not the daughter of the main wife but the fifth wife. They both have felt the love for the first time and were totally not aware of conspiracies surrounding them. Turbulent times of foreign invasions, political connections and need for security will cause them to be separated by death. She died, he remained alive. He left everything and became a recluse to find the meaning of life and death. He found a teacher who told him that he can help him meet her again. His love became his driving force on the path of spirituality. He started on the path of Yoga with the help of a great teacher. He understood about nature and received spiritual attainment. He understands about souls and true love. She gets reborn and he tries to be united with her. She takes birth in modern times and he becomes her husband. How does it feel to a modern girl to live in a land of fantasy but not knowing it? How does an immortal adjust in the mortal world and make his wife trust him to follow him on a spiritual journey? Out of all this, how his adopted daughter who is also a Yogi, becomes a bridge between them. About this Novel: 1. A beautiful story of love which spans across ancient and modern times. 2. A thought-provoking story about God, Soul, Yoga and spirituality. 3. A fascinating story which raises questions about nature and the universe. 4. A brief glimpse of some historical facts and figures in the history of India. *Frequency: 1 Chapter per week for now.

Kritdeo · ファンタジー
22 Chs

For Her - I

"Veer! I like it when you talk about the god and spirituality. I like to hear your thoughts on the unexplored secrets of the world." The sweet voice said.

Veer was anxious and looked lovingly in the eyes of the girl and said "Priya! I love you."

She laughed and said "Veer! I'm talking about something else but you are saying something else."

"Priya! Your voice is so sweet and captivating" Veer said and extended his hand and pulled the girl toward himself.

The girl showed the fake anger "You are really impossible. Talking to you is like talking to a wood head."

"When you are complaining, your eyes look so cute. My heart is fluttering just from looking into them" Veer said softly.

The girl looks defeated but her cheeks are red from shyness. She comes into the embrace of Veer and snuggles in his chest and says softly "I also love you. I love you so much that nothing else matters."

Veer embraced her tightly and inhaled the sweet scent of her hairs. It seems like he never wants to let her go.

While he was feeling content, some noises entered Veer's ears and he opened his eyes. Priya was not in his arm and she was gone. He thought about his dream and his expression softened. He smiled and He looked outside the window and found that sun has already risen. Then he turned toward the gate of his palace and heard some people arguing and it felt like his younger brother has returned from his travel.

His younger brother likes to travel all over the country. He likes to travel in lone warrior disguise and to learn the cultures and conventions of different places. His name is Ritu Raaj and he is just like his name is just as free and happy. Veer came out of reminiscing and he got down from his bed walked toward courtyard where his brother is laughing and arguing with someone.

Veer stood in the gallery and can see that his brother is arguing with Bheem Singh who comes daily in the morning at Crown Prince Palace. After the incident of Priya, Bheem Singh and Veer's many bodyguards have become extra caring toward Veer. Bheem Singh although is the leader of Palace Guards but he spends more time around Veer to talk and enlighten his heart. Bheem Singh knows that Veer has changed his time schedule after returning from the funeral of Priya and does not like to socialize more. Veer saw what was happening.

Bheem Singh said in pleading voice "Second prince! please lower your voice. Crown prince is still sleeping and please let us not disturb him."

Ritu Raj looked at Bheem Singh who is although pleading to him but is firm at his place so as to stop him from going in. He although is annoyed that he can not barge in his brother's room but he is also happy that his brother has such trusted people around him. He knows that his brother is a very kind and considerate person and he really wished that such type of people will be around his brother.

Ritu Raj laughed and said "My brother is a great scholar and very organized person. How can he still be sleeping after sunrise? I have traveled for one month from the capital of Magadh and just reached Ratanpur. The first person I wish to meet is my brother and after that, I will go do anything else. Do you believe that I will beat you silly if you don't allow me to pass and meet my brother?"

There were some other guards also who have come after hearing the noise. They also understand the free nature of this second prince. One guard asked "Second prince! How can you beat someone into a silly person? This thing we have heard for the first time."

Ritu Raj changed his aggressive instance and took a relaxed posture and looked toward that guard and then said "When you beat someone on their head with your palm for multiple times, don't you think their mind functions will become chaotic? This is called beating someone silly. Ha ha ha." He laughed on his own and then looked at those guards and then after a moment of awkward silence they also started laughing. Bhim Singh looked angrily on them.

Ritu Raj it seems got encouraged and stopped laughing and said "There are also other types of beating like beating someone in a monkey, beating someone in a donkey and also beating someone in a dog. They are funnier than the one I told."

Another guard said "Second prince! what is the meaning of beating in a monkey? This one seems funny."

Ritu Raj said "These all are techniques of beating with a rod. When you beat someone with a rod in their buttocks, they jump like a monkey. That is called beating someone in a monkey. Ha ha ha." He laughed and other guards also laughed with him.

"Don't you all think yourself too smart. I already know you all are trying to stop me here by making conversations." After Ritu Raj said that all the guards stopped laughing and lowered their head with guilty expression after getting caught. The situation became awkward for them.

Veer entered the courtyard and said "That is enough. Stop making fun of them. If you were not a prince they will beat you for all the stupid bragging."

All the guards acknowledged Veer with salutations and went back to their posts. Bhim Singh stayed. Ritu Raj looked excited and ran and came in Veer's embrace and said "Brother! I missed you."

Veer laughed and said "Then why do you leave? Why don't you stay with the big brother then?"

"You talk about boring things and also there are so many restrictions. I like to see interesting things and meet new people. But it does not mean I don't miss my brother." Ritu Raj said.

Veer released him and looked at his face and then his posture and then asked "You have started traveling at the age of fifteen and now you are already twenty-one. This time you left home six months before. So, where have you been this time and learned this vulgar language?" His tone was full of teasing intention.

Younger brother replied awkwardly "Brother! They are just some funny idioms used in the capital city of Magadha and cities around. They are not vulgar but can be called a bit direct and can be used among friends. When I left home I first visited Ambikapur. I stayed there for one month and then I visited Magadha and visited many cities there for two to three months. Rest of the time was spent in traveling to and from here."

Veer heard Ambikapur and his expression softened and asked "So you have also visited Ambikapur? Where did you stay in Ambikapur? And why did it take you more than one month?" In the side, Bhim Singh also looked interested.

His younger brother's expression turned bashful and he said "I met a girl there. She is from the royal family of Ambikapur. She is Princess Shri. When I went there, I saw her in the market once with her maids and bodyguards and I had to disclose my status to meet her. Then after talking to her once, I stayed in Ambikapur city and visited some places with her and other princesses."

Veer listened attentively and then asked "Other princesses? Did you also meet a princess whose name was Vishnu Priya?"

His younger brother looked happy when Veer started asking questions about his stay in Ambikapur. He said "Yes. She was also with princess Shri. That girl was extra attentive toward me. Her maid even sometimes came to collect my clothes for washing. She was so caring toward me that I thought she was attracted to me. So told her once that I liked princess Shri and she should not think of me in that way." He laughed and continued "She said that she liked me as her younger brother because she did not have one. I was really embarrassed at that time. Now as I think she was really very good but all other princesses ignored her normally but she was really a very kind and attentive girl."

Then a feminine voice comes from the side "Of course she will care for Prince Veer's younger brother." Veer and his younger brother turned and found teary eyed Meena standing not far from them.

Ritu Raj shouted in surprise "Oh, she is the maid of princess Vishnu Priya. Why is she here?" He looked at Veer and then at Meena.

Meena could not stop her tears and said crying "Why won't she care for the younger brother of the person she loved? Now that she is no more, where would I be if not here?"

"What? Princess Vishnu Priya died, how can it be? She was really a good girl. What? You said she loved Big Brother?" Ritu Raj was shocked by this information. He looked at his big brother and found his big brother's eyes also turned misty. He felt sad and asked "Why didn't no one tell me? If I knew I would have treated her better than I did. I would her called her sister-in-law. She must have felt happy if I would have called her that." He felt really bad seeing his brother's expression.

Meena cried and said "You didn't treat her bad. She was happy by taking care of you. She said to me once that she felt like being with her family when she was around you." her tears won't stop.

Veer also could not stop his own tears. He called Meena toward himself and then wiped her tears from a corner of his stole and then turned toward his own younger brother and said: "Brother! I will help you marry princess Shri but you have to promise me one thing."

Ritu Raj felt emotional seeing his brother's state. His brother has taken care of him from childhood. He was like a father, brother, and teacher for him. Everyone scolded or lectured him because he was so mischievous but his elder brother was the only one who treated him so lovingly. If he loved someone most then it was his big brother and now he saw the tears in his own brother's eyes. The brother who he thought was so indifferent toward worldly things was so sad now. That girl must really be the best girl in the world who could make his brother love her so much. He felt emotional and said hoarsely "Brother! Anything. I will do anything big brother will ask of me." He wanted to know the reason for her death but he knows asking those things will make his brother sadder.

Veer looked at his younger brother and then looked at Meena and said "Marry Meena as your second wife as well. She is a good girl and Priya thought of her as her sister." Veer looked absent-mindedly toward the sky "I don't feel like living the life of a prince and I really don't know If I can entrust her to anyone else."

Meena and Ritu Raj both felt surprised. Meena cried and said "No, I want to take care of you. Priya will be sad if there is no one to take care of you."

Veer said lovingly "I won't be staying around and I wish to be alone to live in my memories of her. My brother is the best person I can think of to take care of you." Meena lowered her head. Veer looked toward his brother with the expectant gaze and said "Brother! I can't be sure how much love princess Shri will give you but I can be sure about Meena. She is a kind-hearted and pure girl. She will be devoted to you wholeheartedly. She will also love you more than herself."

Ritu Raj looked at Meena who is lowering her gaze. She looked like a lovely and innocent girl. He loves his own brother and seeing his sadness he knew he can do anything and taking care of Meena was nothing much. He said "Brother! I will never disappoint you. I will marry her whether I get to marry princess Shri or not." Veer and Bhim Singh both seemed moved on his confession.

Veer looked at Meena who is still lowering her head and seems reluctant and said affectionately "Meena! It's not only for you but it is also for my brother. I wish you will love and take care of him because I wish for it. You both are the people whose well being I care for, So I wish you both will be happy together."

Meena and Ritu Raj both looked at Veer in confusion. Veer smiled at them an said "She did not like the status of the princess and wanted to live a simple life with me. She despised the politics of the palace. I just wish to do what she liked. That is why I wish for the people I care about to be together and be happy." He took the hand of Meena and pulled her toward his younger brother and gave her hand in the hand of his brother. He looked at his younger brother and said guiltily "Brother! please don't blame your brother for being selfish."

Ritu Raj held the hand of Meena and tightened his grasp and looked at the saddened face of his big brother and said with firm resolve "Brother! I promise to you that I will love and care for her more than anything else. I will also not care for her past status and will not allow her to be treated differently due to that. Those who will make her sad will be my enemy."

Veer looked lovingly at his younger brother and then at Meena who has still her gaze lowered. He smiled at both of them and then looked at Bhim Singh who was also smiling. Veer smiled and said, "She will be very happy."

After few moments a front door guard entered and said after bowing to Veer "Crown Prince! One messenger has come from the palace and brought a message from the King." Veer looked toward him nodded. Guard went forward and passed a letter to him and departed to his position.

Veer opened and read the letter. He smiled amusedly and looked at his brother and said "Brother! Uncle has returned with his Lion Army a few days ago and he will be attending the court meeting today. Father has asked me to attend the court as well. I can guess what discussions are going to happen today. Please stay here and attend the court meeting with me today."

Ritu Raj understood his brother's intentions. He looked at his brother's sad yet smiling face. He will never give any suggestion or argue with his brother. That is how much he loves his brother. The marriage his brother has decided for him is his greatest duty. And he will also follow whatever his brother will instruct him next. He knows that his brother is a kind-hearted person, So he will also find those who have made his brother sad and take revenge for him. He made his resolve firm and said "Yes, Brother."

Sorry for not being able to provide updates from last month. Now I am free from other hectic things and will be giving regular updates.

I will be posting next chapter as well as a compensation in next 1-2 days. In next 1 week, I will post about 3 chapters. Afterward, I am planning to post 1-2 chapters per week for now.

So, Let us resume our journey of spirituality with the love story of Veer and Priya.

Kritdeocreators' thoughts