
Immortal Domain System

Long Yang pursued Martial Path till its end, but only at the end of his life he realised human life is simply too short. He felt there are still lots of unresolved issues and unachieved things in his life. But how would regret be any help at the end of the road. He just looked the stars one last time and sighed. His eyes closed slowly and his breating stopped shortly after. ... -System activated. Welcome to Immortal Domain System host Long Yang. Searching for most suitable Cultivation Method... Initiating Azure Dragon Cultivation Art... Congratulations, host is now at the first level of Qi Condensation. Host may check current stats by saying Status.-

DaoistHalberd · 東方
17 Chs

Chapter 13 - The Mission

After getting the map it was pretty easy to find his quarters.

The living quarters they were given was a living complex which had seperate yards for each outer disciple. Each yard had a simple building with a single room, which had a bed, gardrobe and a couple of books in it.

The books were the manual and Living Mountain Incarnation Cultivation Art which was the main cultivation art of the sect. But since Long Yang counted as a rogue cultivator with a cultivation art of his own, he wasn't obligated to cultivate by the sects art.

Usually abandoning the cultivation art would include abandoning his current cultivation too. Only if the arts are compatible with each other, one wouldn't need to destroy his or her foundation. So sect wouldn't force the new recruits and let them decide themselves. Normally first one or two layers of Qi Condensation were nothing compared to their future so most would just decide to change their cultivation art. And that was because of the reason that most of the high level cultivation arts were in the hands of the sects. Also that reason was the exact reason why they would flock to the sects as soon as possible.

But those matters had little impact on Long Yang, since his cultivation art was at Supreme Rank, he wouldn't bother about this puny art.

After checking the art he flipped the manual and looked its contents in interest.

An outer disciple would get a single spirit stone a month, where an inner disciple would get fifty. And the training grounds in the sect would cost Merit Points, some were one for an hour, some a hundred for an hour. The privileges of an inner disciple was also they would get one hundred Merit Points a month. After the inner disciples there was some people who has given the title of core disciple. A core disciple was the foundation of the sect and would represent the sect in various situations. So the sects would not hesitate to give their resources to them. A core disciple could use all the facilities without the limitation of points and get voice their need of spirit stones within a reasonable number.

An inner disciple would be selected from the top five in the rankings of the outer disciples each year. He would be able to see the rankings when the Earthly Ranking opened after the recruitment ended. There was an arena specifically designed to host matches for decide the rankings between outer disciples. The rankings were straightforward and the winner would get the losers spot and the rankings after the losers would fall by one. One could issue a challange with Merit Points and it was only forbidden to kill in the matches. When people had grudges between themselves they would have to go to the life and death arena where they would sign their death would be just and there would be no need for sowing grudges further, such as losers family avenging him or her.

'Cost of Merit Points makes sense, since there would be no unnecessary repeated matches and the only limit being death also deters people from issuing challanges without weighing the gains.' thought Long Yang. The list of the previous ranking would be opened the next day and the new recruits would be able to challange the old ones.

The manual also included some rules like never betray the sect and no killing in the sect. After reading them all Long Yang closed the book and thought 'There is not a single word about lessons or exams, so as long as I don't break any rules I'm pretty safe. In the map there is a pavilion in the sect too, it would probably cost Merit Points too buying from there since basically the Merit Points is the currency here. So I should first check the only way to get points which is Tasks Hall in the map. I may not have most of the motivation in the world but at least I have a reason to go to the top of the cultivation world. This world's way was my wish in my past. I never anticipated my wish would come true in the afterlife. So I will cherish this oppourtunity and reach top. I wonder how will be the view from there. And my way there should start getting resources necessery. First step would be reaching top spot in the sect.'.

Deciding his way in the sect, Long Yang started walking towards the Tasks Hall.

The hall had a single floor unlike other grandiose buildings, but it was similarly big and crowded. In the building there was a middle aged man behind a table at the end of the hall. On the walls of the hall there were all kinds of missions. Some missions were about gathering herbs, beast cores and ores. But Long Yang felt nauseous thinking about going black forest again. After living there for five months he was sick and tired of dealing with those kinds of things. After looking for a while he decided on a mission and teared the paper from the wall.

Mission: Cleaning the Bandits

Summary: In the vicinity of the road between Emei City and Zeloth City it is reported merchants are being robbed. By the reports from the merchants, it is speculated the head of the bandits has a sixth layer of Qi Condensation and there are over twenty bandits under him. You will be working with people from Yun Clan in the Emei City and depart before the first morning of the fifth month of the year.

Requirements: Sixth Layer of Qi Condensation or above.

'It seems the Yun Clan doesn't want to risk their young masters in an unknown danger such as this. Probably they sent some servants but it shouldn't be less risky than the other missions here. And there is always a chance to run away with other people around me.' thought Long Yang.

After getting the paper he found his way to the desk and gave the man his paper and identity jade.

The man saw his cultivation from the jade and decided to not pry further and only said "Since you came before the fifth month you can go ahead and meet with the servants from Yun Clan, you should be able to depart quickly and be done with the quest.".

Long Yang didn't say anything and only nodded. After getting his jade and paper back he went to the gates directly. Settled down and decided to find a mission, he left most of the unneccesary stuff on him in his room and only took his sack which had spirit stones within it with him.