
Immortal Bond With You

Anna Green lived her life as a human without knowing the kind of power she possessed but everything changed the day she met Derek Hunter, a demon lord who was also living in the human world. Derek and Anna became sworn enemies the first day they met. Derek did all he could to make Anna beg for his mercy and ended up getting married to her. "I love you," Anna confessed, but Derek brought out divorce papers instead. "The marriage is over," Derek muttered and dropped the papers on the bed. He turned to walk out, but Anna held his clothes and threw him a questioning look. "Why?" She asked with a shaky voice. "We are worlds apart. We are not from the same world," Derek said, looking into her eyes unblinkingly. "What do you mean?" "I am a demon," He confessed and Anna let go of his clothes. What will her next action be? Will she continue to love him? What is going to happen when she discovers she is also a supernatural being?

Hannahray · 都市
14 Chs

Nobody touches my woman


I was in a forest surrounded by three different supernatural beings. They were all staring at me with killing intent. I wondered what I did wrong.

I tried to run but it was as if a power has glued me on a spot. I couldn't move my legs. One of the supernatural beings who was a sorcerer began to laugh hysterically, the more she laughed, her eyes turned to different colors. I was perplexed and terrified. As if that was not enough, she hit the bangles in her hands and took my portrait. She looked just like me except her feet that looks like that of a bird and she was floating in the air.

Fear gripped me and the only name that came out of my lips was Derek.

"Derek! Please save me," I shouted and my eyes opened in someone's embrace. I inhaled his scent and I felt my nerves calm. Sweat had already formed on my forehead. To be honest, I thought I wouldn't wake up from that terrifying dream. Who were those creatures and why did I have that kind of dream? I wasn't even thinking about them.

"It's okay, I am here with you. No harm will come to you," Derek assured, patting my back gently like a father who is trying to lull his baby to sleep. We were in that position for some minutes before my mind finally clicked on what was happening.

I could remember I was kidnapped by some men in suits. What was Derek doing here with me? Was he kidnapped too?

"You! What are you doing?" I asked, pushing him away and trying to get out of bed but he stood up and stopped me from getting up.

"No! You can't get up. The doctor said you need enough rest," He said, covering me up with the duvet. I furrowed my brows and threw him a confusing look. What is he talking about? A doctor? Why did a doctor come to check me?

"A doctor? Why do I?... Oh! You are the one who asked them to kidnap me?" I said, sitting up on the bed.

"What? I asked them to bring you here, I never asked them to kidnap you," He explained calmly and I was surprised. It was as if I was seeing a different person because the Derek I know wouldn't explain himself to a woman.

"Oh! I see! You asked them to bring me here and they smacked me until I passed out?" I asked and chuckled, "I am not a baby," I added, removing the duvet from my body.

He became stiff by my revelation. He stood up and held my shoulder, "Can you recognize who slapped you among them? He asked and I nodded absently. I was trying to comprehend the Derek in front of me. He looked like a whole new person. Why is he concerned about my getting hit? The Derek I know will jump for joy because I was smacked.

The room became chilly after I nodded, I checked to see if the A.C was turned on but it wasn't. My eyes landed on Derek whose face had already turned cold and I realized it was coming from him. I wouldn't dare say anything to him now.

He stared at me for the last time and dashed out furiously. I took advantage of the opportunity, climb down from the bed, wore my slippers, and dashed out before anyone sees me and report to him. I know he has that kind of power.

Strangely, I couldn't find anyone in the house. It was so strange not to find one worker in a house as big as this. I stopped the taxi, boarded it, and went home.


Inhaling her scent was the best decision I made. It felt like a huge burden has been lifted off my shoulder and I felt at peace for the first time after so many years.

I don't know where the anger was coming from when she told me she was smacked by one of my men. I was able to control my anger ever since I came to the human world but this girl has a way of making me lose control. I left the room angrily and summoned all my men to the cold room. It was an underground room in my house.

Fears could be seen on their faces as they walked in one after the other. They all know coming to the cold room means somebody is about to be paralyzed or die.

" Who hit her?" I asked in a hoarse voice, not wasting my time.

One of the men rushed out and fell in front of me. Sweats formed on his forehead and he looked like he was about to be petrified to death.

"I am sorry, my Lord. I... I... It wasn't intentional. She was trying to escape," He said with a shaky voice. He was urinating on his body.

"Tie him," I commanded and they took him to the electric chair that was placed at the center of the room.

"I am sorry, my lord. Please don't kill me," He pleaded but I smirked inwardly. What does he know? Nobody touches my lady and goes away with it. You either pay with your life or you pay with your life. There are no two ways to go about it.

"Do you have to do this?" Hunter, my father asked and my face darkened.

"You should mind your business and do what you are asked to do," I asserted.

"Make him see hell before he dies," I ordered and walked out of the room.

"I am not sure he is still in his right senses," Hunter said and also left the room. A loud groan could be heard as I walked out of the room.

I rushed back to Anna's room but she was already gone. I sat on her bed and checked the place she was laid some minutes ago. I placed my head on her pillow and inhaled her scent. I can't wait to see her in school tomorrow.

I had gone to her place last night to talk to her parents. I gave them enough money and foodstuffs to apologize for my evil deeds and I also brought the magic oil for her mother so she could use it for her swollen legs.

Anna got home in a taxi, paid the driver and he drove off. Anna headed inside. It was already dark by the time she got home and her parents were already having dinner.

The aroma of the meal has been lingering in her nose as she descended from the taxi. She got inside and the aroma filled the room. She stared at the table that was covered with her favorite Chinese meal, chicken fried rice, and Cantonese chicken soup. "Wow! Is there a feast tonight?" She asked, sitting without pulling her shoes, she took a spoonful of the chicken soup and tasted it. "Hmm...," She closed her eyes, savoring the taste.

"Perfecto," She exclaimed, twinning her fingers in an "O" shape.

"Taste this," Her mother said, dishing the chicken fried rice into her plate. She tasted it and shut her eyes, turning her head as she enjoyed the taste.

"You are the best cook, mum," Anna complimented while devouring her food. Her parents also settled and they all ate silently.

Anna finally remembered the food she was eating was expensive to cook and she knows her parents don't have that kind of money especially when they just got back from a village.

"Mum! Dad! Where did you get the money to prepare this?" She raised a question, fixing her eyes on her parents so she could decipher if they were lying.

Anna's mother who was engrossed in the food she was eating and its palatability confessed absently, "Derek gave us enough money last night so we decided to prepare something delicious for you since it is from your husband-to-be,"

Anna's father pinched her, signaling to her to stop talking and the table became silent. She realized what she had done and she gasped, covering her mouth with her hands.

"I....i...i...," She tried to talk but couldn't find the right words to use.

Anna stood up and glanced at her parents without saying anything. She carried her bag and went to her room before the brimming tears fell from her eyes. She locked the door behind her and rested her back on it.

Her parents had betrayed her. They've accepted a gift from her worse enemy and what do they call him? Did they just call him her husband? Is this how much they wanted to leave their poor condition?

She cleaned her tears, opened her wardrobe, and bring out her saving box. She opened it and bring out all the money she had saved while working part-time in the chicken restaurant.

She unlocked the door and went back to her parents. The eyes she met made her powerless. She was speechless and confused.