
Sweet Home

"Don't start it," Zhihao commented as Meisha became curious about the woman before them.

"Forgive me, did my brother do something atrocious to you?" The red-haired woman mustered a smile at Xinran to which she responded in kind.

"Hey, what's with that assumption?" Protested, the man was forgotten by Meisha who seemed more interested in knowing more about the figure in white clothes with a beautiful face.

"Ah, no, it's fine, he didn't do anything to me," Xinran responded in humbleness, her face radiant in the sunlight. "I just happened to see him here."

"Wait, am I being ignored?" Meanwhile, Zhihao's voice almost drowned out, echoing a hint of neglect.

"You should be careful with him, his tongue can be sweet and bitter at times," Meisha laughed while Zhihao's face was still flat and devoid of life. "I am Lin Meisha, this man's sister."

Extending a hand, Xinran accepted the handshake while wide-eyed, never expecting to meet her in such circumstances. "Nice to meet you, Ms. Meisha, I am Wu Xinran."

"Oh, your name sounds familiar," Meisha furrowed her brows as if she had heard the surname. "You are not from around here, right?"

Xinran shyly nodded. "Yes, I'm staying somewhere."

Zhihao's curiosity sparked as Xinran revealed her accommodation. "So... how did you know him?" Meisha felt there was something strange about the two of them knowing each other.

"Well," Xinran hesitated, her gaze briefly meeting Zhihao's before she continued, "I... I sought shelter at your house once."

Meisha's confusion deepened, her brows furrowing. "What does that mean?"

"Ah, right, I remembered," she made a motion as if to restrain them from going anywhere. "Please wait."

As Xinran hurried away, her hair swaying, Zhihao's eyes remained fixated on the scene. Unexpectedly, Meisha interjected, "What have you done with her?" she was suspicious.

Zhihao's irritation surfaced as he addressed his sister, his voice flat, and his tired eyes emphasized by darkened eye bags. "Don't think weird," he remarked. "She got caught in the rain and sought refuge on our terrace."

A faint smile crossed his face. "Being a true gentleman, I couldn't leave her out there, could I?"

Meisha who saw her brother's silly expression, slapped his shoulder until he almost fell over due to his sleepiness. "Hah! I didn't think you would dare to bring a woman into the house without my knowledge!" she laughed.

"Could you not hit me!" he shouted, rubbing the area where the woman had slapped him. "What's more, why don't we back home right now? I need to regain myself!"

"Oh? You have only just reunited," Meisha leaned toward him and teased, looking into Zhibao's eyes. "Are you embarrassed that I'm here?"

"No, why should I?" Zhihao tried hard to resist, shifting his sight from her to avoid eye contact.

The more he covered up, the more Meisha smiled with a strange expression. "Is that so?" With a mischievous grin, she pinched his cheek, causing Zhihao to react with a wail. "Your red face says otherwise!"

Upon Xinran's arrival, they composed themselves. She carried a sizable bag adorned with a beautiful pattern. "I wanted to thank you for lending me this dress."

"What dress?" Meisha was bewildered while Zhihao seemed anxious.

"Right, Zhihao lent me your clothes because mine was still drenched," the dark-haired woman explained, Meisha immediately checked the contents inside. "I'm so sorry for troubling you too much."

As she fumbled through the load, she realized the dress she was familiar with. With a sharp gaze, she turned towards Zhihao, as if able to stab him right at that moment.

"What, do you want her to catch a cold?" he retorted. "I can't possibly provide her menswear."

Hearing his answer, Meisha turned to Xinran, mustering a sweet smile. "Oh, that's fine, that's fine. Your well-being is what matters most."

Xinran bowed after Meisha received back her dress. "You said you stayed overnight? In the inn?" Meisha inquired.

The black-haired woman nodded, somehow looking hesitant. "Yes, but... I want to find another place around here," she began to explain. "So that I don't have to use the carriage every day."

"Oh," Meisha momentarily turned to Zhihao, "there are some inns in here but, I wouldn't recommend it."

"Instead," she added, "how about moving to our sweet home?"

Zhihao, who was unfocused because he was at the end of his senses, widened his eyes. "What?"

"Do you mind?" Meisha winked at the man next to her, returning to the front. "Since you two seem to know each other and I sometimes get bored without someone to talk to, it would be nice to have you at home."

"What am I, chopped liver?" Zhihao complained, his discontent evident in his voice.

Meanwhile, Xinran didn't know what to answer. She was confused by the offer after what they had done to her. "I... I don't know, maybe I'll look for the nearest inn," she bowed her head, her voice soft. "Thank you for the offer."

"Those inns, I told you about, are the worst!" Meisha leaned closer to Xinran, whispering to her earlobe. "There are many drinkers, no manners, and barbarous! If you hesitate to come with us, it's acceptable. But, do not ever think about staying at those inns."

They were now face to face, the two brown eyes connected. "Our house is open to you. If you change your mind, come visit us," she uttered, caressing her shoulder with tenderness.

Speechless, Xinran opted for a slow nod, briefly acknowledging the watchful eyes of Zhihao. Despite his weariness, he maintained a smile, and there lingered an unspoken exchange between them—a conversation hidden beneath the surface.

After that, they departed for back home when the sun was still not overhead. Zhihao almost lost his sense and balance as he limped. But, despite that, his mind still active and curious, inquired, "Sister, why do you do that? We don't even know her!"

"You said you know her," she replied, looking at the surroundings.

"Yes, for like four hours!" he exclaimed, turning to Meisha.

"What have you worried about?" she said, occasionally looking at her brother. "Aren't you, the one who let her in and even took care of her health?"

Zhihao fell silent, confessing that his concern wasn't rooted in distrust towards Xinran. Instead, it was a sentiment he struggled to put into words—a feeling he couldn't articulate or explain.

"I sense it," Meisha paused and the man beside her halted as well. "You're embarrassed to admit that there's something that makes you attracted to her, aren't you?"