
immoral path (dropped)

¡¡¡Important!!!!! My first language is not English First world: Naruto Tag: Harem, Incest, Romance, Incest. BlackMail, Manipulator Chaotic protagonist, he will do anything to be stronger, and to get women, including rape, blackmail, and other methods. Generally, he is a scum of character. who only cares about himself and his women, perhaps the method of getting them is not the best, but even so, he will think of her, not all of them will receive that treatment at the beginning. He matures over time and understands their importance to him. If you don't like it, don't read. Traveling around the world of Naruto, to collect money and buy points from his system. No R-18 scenes.

Reykingtercero · アニメ·コミックス
27 Chs

Chapter 23

Kenta, recently graduated from ninja school, belonged to the famous Uchiha clan, and was extremely proud of his lineage, despite the constant negative comments from the villagers. His father always repeated to him with conviction: "They speak ill of us because they envy us. They regret not having been born in a clan as powerful as ours."

This belief, ingrained in him from a young age, made him feel superior to other ninjas. He had always been pampered and pampered by his father, while his mother was stricter and forced him to train. Sometimes this annoyed him, as he preferred a carefree and comfortable life without much effort.

For this reason, he loved his father more than his mother. A foolish act, his mother encouraged him to excel, his father supported mediocrity. In a sense, his father was afraid that his son would outgrow him.

His wife is already a great beauty, and stronger than him, if his son was better, he would not be proud, it would be the opposite! He didn't want to be the only useless man in the family. When you see that someone is worse than you, you will always feel better, that's how the mind of the mediocre works, as was the father of Kenta Uchiha.

Kenta thought that he had a good life, he had many friends, he was the leader of his group, he was also the second strongest in the class, second only to his childhood friend. He couldn't deny that he was a little jealous, but when he looked next to her, and he saw her smile like a puppy, he felt superior.

His childhood friend was like a dog after him, she always obeyed her orders. He thought: "No matter how strong my childhood friend is, I would end up in the kitchen and taking care of her children."

Just thinking about it made him smile. Furthermore, he compared this situation to that of his own father, who had a beautiful and strong wife, but still stayed at home taking care of the children.

In a sense, Kenta and his father had an advantage over women. He felt that his lack of talent was made up for by his luck in attracting strong, beautiful women. Lucky I inherited his second brother.

Brother he never met, for now.

Speaking of brothers, Kenta felt regret not being able to meet his dead brother, he was very happy knowing that he would have someone to bother.

Too bad he died after he was born, the good thing is that he didn't have to spread the love of his parents, a somewhat childish and rather twisted thought at the time.

With the birth of his first sister, Kenta experienced a significant change in his perspective. The girl was barely a year old, but he could already sense the beauty that he would inherit from his mother. He was sure that, in the future, men would be attracted to her and would form a long line to win her over.

Kenta, like a good older brother, felt responsible for taking care of and protecting his sister. Although he knew that these were only dreams and wishes, he felt a strong emotional bond with her and was willing to do whatever he could to ensure her well-being.

"Yuna, when we get back, let's eat ramen, it's my treat"

"Hey kenta, and us" Asked a closer genin.

"Ha ha, obvious. Everyone is invited, I pay! We have to celebrate our first C-rank mission"

All of his friends cheered, although they are all from the Uchiha clan, they are not all rich. That was why they followed Kenta, who could be considered a young master. They knew that as long as they praised him and stood by him, he would treat them with his money and attend to his needs.

Despite being children, they already knew how the world worked. As long as they follow the strong and wealthy, their life is assured.

The Jōnin in charge of the mission stopped, raised his fist, giving the signal to the rest of the group not to advance any further. A few meters away, he could make out a beautiful figure, blue hair and eyes of the same color, a rapier hung from his waist, releasing an icy frost.

Although his appearance was impressive, the Jōnin did not look away and activated his three tomoe sharingan, a clear harbinger of the impending battle to come and the threat he posed to them. The last time he felt so vulnerable was when he faced the patriarch of the Uchiha clan.

"Kid, didn't they teach you not to raise flags?"

As the Jōnin kept an eye on Esdeath, who was a few meters ahead, Izumo approached from behind, sneaking up on his brother and the group. Yor, was to the side, twirling his two golden stilettos.

The entire group was surprised, they did not see their enemies coming. They quickly got into battle formation, they are ninjas, quick to adapt to the unexpected situation. Kenta, on the other hand, was sweating, he didn't know why she was so afraid, it was the first time she felt like this.

His companions seemed to be experiencing the same fear. All of them were newbies, they had never been in a real battle before, it was the first time they felt the breath of death.

"Miss Esdeath, I can help you"

The Jōnin recognized Esdeath, he saw her from afar before, he never had close contact. Although he did know about the businesses she ran, she was well known for selling weapons and military rations, even the Uchiha would buy from time to time.

Of course, whenever he looked at her, her hair stood on end, her survival instinct told him to stay away from her, she may be very beautiful, but she gave an ominous feeling of certain death, like now.

"It is not necessary to buy time or try to discover information. Your death is assured"

"We are from the Uchiha clan! Killing a ninja from the village is a crime that is paid for by death"

"If they find out. And you know..., no one will get out alive"

The Jōnin wiped the sweat from his brow. Despite being a civilian woman, she was filled with fear and found it difficult to control herself. However, as a ninja, she knew that it was her duty to gather information before attacking.

"Was it the Third Hokage who sent you?" she asked her.

"Enough talking, come," Esdeath replied, not being fooled by her attempts, and wishing to return soon.

Seeing that the conversation was cut off, she prepared for the battle, despite feeling that she would die, she had to do her best, before leaving, she gave a couple of orders to her genin, waiting for her to come out. one alive.

"Watch out for the enemy, don't get distracted. If you can run, do it!"

I hope it's just my imagination, and this girl is weak as a chicken. I pray so, the Jōnin thought before launching himself to her death.

The genin nodded, and the battle began without further ado. Yor disappeared like a ghost, and when he reappeared, he had already impaled the head of a genin. No one understood how he died so fast. The team was paralyzed; it was the first time they had seen someone die.

"Whew, that was quick, good. You two snots, your enemy is me."

"Yuna, behind me. Once we beat him, we run."

The girl nodded at the words of her friend. Kenta grabbed a kunai and charged towards Izumo, she had absolute confidence, how could she lose to a blind man who didn't even have a weapon?

Yuna followed from behind, preparing a fireball. Kenta's mother taught her and warned her not to trust her appearances, no matter how weak she seemed to be a rival, she was to treat herself with care. In war, one blink could mean your death.

Izumo could feel everything around him, he noticed the seals that Yuna formed with her Haki. He advanced and attacked Kenta, throwing him at Yuna, who was running behind. The girl parried her attack and grabbed Kenta.

"Silly boy, did your father teach you nothing?"

"Bastard! Don't talk about my father like that!"

"Kenta! Pay attention" Yuna scolded him, grabbing his shoulder, not taking her eyes off her enemy.

"That girl is smarter than you. Girl, what are you doing next to a useless? Come to my side! I can train you, just swear your allegiance and be my servant"

Izumo held out her hand, hoping he would accept. He didn't really care about the girl, he just wanted to annoy his brother.

"How dare you steal my woman in front of my eyes!"

Faced with the kicking of his brother, Izumo ignored him, he wanted to provoke him, maybe he can open a Tomoe. You know, the NTR is crueler than watching your wife die, for some people.

"What do you say girl?"

Yuna wasn't stupid, she shook her partner's shoulder to make him come to his senses.

"Kenta, don't listen, he's taunting you!" Kenta calmed down, she knew that her friend was always smart and maybe she could find a way to win and escape.

"Smart girl. Too bad, no matter how smart you are, in the face of sheer force, you can only succumb," Izumo said as he left a crater in the ground and disappeared. Out of instinct, Yuna attacked her back, fending off Izumo's counterattack.

They took several steps back, Yuna's hand was numb and the kunai in her hand shattered. The rival's strength was in another dimension, and Yuna began to doubt that they would get out of this situation alive.

"And one!" Shout worried, the girl shook her head and shouted:

"Kenta! Don't be careless!"

Kenta paid attention, he didn't take his eyes off Izumo, she was sweating, she couldn't see when she advanced.

"Sharingan huh? You're not a waste like your useless partner. And your battle instinct is very good. Here we go again," Izumo said as she smiled.

Yuna activated her sharingan with a single Tomoe, while Kenta hadn't opened it yet. Yuna moved behind Kenta, preparing to intercept any attack. Kenta performed hand seals and began to build up chakra, releasing a powerful fireball.

The girl followed the attack: "Wind Jutsu: Draft of Air." Combining both Jutsus, the fireball enlarged and the speed of it increased. Izumo smiled, he wanted to see how his body's defense worked.

He clenched his buttocks, as All Might says, and threw a punch, covered in dark flames, a sign of the cursed energy that strengthened her body. The fireball exploded without causing him any further damage. Her defense was high, though the Jutsu was very weak, so she couldn't secure too much.

When the explosion ended, the view cleared and Kenta and Yuna had managed to escape. Izumo watched them walk away, but he knew that nothing could escape his Haki and eyes.

On the battlefield, all the enemies lay dead. "It was boring. You cut off their arm and pierce their lungs with ice, and they give up," Esdeath commented, a sinister smile on his face.

"Cruel as always. I'll leave the rest to you, I'll finish the job"

"Careful!" Yor yelled, waving his bloody little hands. You didn't know if it was a threat or sincere concern.

The battle had been boring for Izumo, the level difference between him and his opponents was abysmal. He was barely able to practice his Observation Haki during that match. He decided to remove the bandages that covered his eyes, and run after his prey.