
immoral path (dropped)

¡¡¡Important!!!!! My first language is not English First world: Naruto Tag: Harem, Incest, Romance, Incest. BlackMail, Manipulator Chaotic protagonist, he will do anything to be stronger, and to get women, including rape, blackmail, and other methods. Generally, he is a scum of character. who only cares about himself and his women, perhaps the method of getting them is not the best, but even so, he will think of her, not all of them will receive that treatment at the beginning. He matures over time and understands their importance to him. If you don't like it, don't read. Traveling around the world of Naruto, to collect money and buy points from his system. No R-18 scenes.

Reykingtercero · アニメ·コミックス
27 Chs

Chapter 16

Izumo viewpoint

No matter how much I look at her, she is my obsession. No matter how many women cross my path, she is the only one in my heart. Her beauty is natural, every part of her being was created for my delight. Every time I lay my eyes on her, I think: "The heavens adore me, they have sent an angel to take care of me."

It's comforting just looking at her, she's my passion...

Watching her rock our daughter makes me wonder: do I deserve it? No, obviously not. I have made many mistakes, I have caused him harm. Even when she was telling him that she loved her over the phone, I was in bed with another woman.

She trusted me, she believed in me. No matter what happened, she stayed by my side, she forgave me and she told me that she loved me.

In the darkest moments, she would sit by my side and comfort me. She spoke the words we all long to hear at some point, especially when we find ourselves down.

She said: "Everything will be fine."

I don't know why I was such an idiot. Although I don't deny that I love her, I never thought of another woman when she was in her arms. Never! In my house, in our home, with our family, she was the only one.

I always wanted the best for her, that's why I stayed by her side.

I was the best for her, even if it sounds hypocritical considering the damage I caused her. But I could see in her look that by my side she found happiness, and so did I.

I would never let her go, even if it hurt us both. Because she knew that the only way to be happy was to be together.

"Honey, what are you doing? Are you astral traveling or something? Ha ha ha, she looks at that goofy face of yours."

You make me silly, woman, your smile hypnotizes me, and your lips do not stop calling me, I want to rip your mouth off with kisses, show you how much I love you.

"Honey, are you ok?"

No I'm not. I want to scream, cry, apologize, but I know it's useless.

"Oh honey… I don't know what happened, but come here."

Don't come close, don't wrap your arms around my neck, don't tell me that everything will be fine, don't wipe my tears, please... I don't deserve it, I failed you.

"It hurts, I know, but it's okay. It's okay to cry, it's okay to be sad. You love us, it's normal."

I love you...

She hugged me tighter and tighter. She could feel the warmth of her heart, transmitting through her body to mine, trying to warm this frozen body. I could feel that she loved me.

"Never forget, your daughter and I love you more than anything. Don't despair, move on, always move forward."

She could feel my despair, but I couldn't. When she pulled away from me, she looked into my eyes and I saw my reflection in them. She couldn't see my face, it was like a void. The only thing he could notice were the tears that fell drop by drop.

She loves me... that's all that matters. I wonder if we will ever see each other again, if she will still love me.

Will you still love me even if she turns me into a monster?

"Honey, you already know the answer. She's in your heart. Now...she wakes up and lives. Live for me, I'll always be by your side."

Ah, right, I can't apologize. I can't tell you face to face how much I love you. I can't even save you.

This is all a dream...

General point of view !!!!!!!!

Izumo woke up sleepy, sweaty, his clothes sticking to his body due to the humidity. He stared at the ceiling for a few minutes, seeming to be in a trance. He didn't stay long and he got up to go to the bathroom.

Turning the faucet on, he cupped his palms together to wipe his face over and over.

Looking in the mirror, he saw a cold face, without emotions, an empty being, without the meaning of life. He didn't like what he saw.

He felt weak, he hated sleeping, he hated the dreams that disturbed his life. Every time he had them, he would wake up desolate, sad and full of regret.

However, despite everything, he still longed to dream of his wife again. He was aware that those dreams were illusions, falsehoods that could not offer him what he so longed for. But the sweetness of that past life, fleeting though it was, kept calling him back into it again and again.

He looked at the mirror again, that empty man without purpose was no longer there. He was now an arrogant, proud and self-assured man, smiling as if he were some great villain.

He knew it, he couldn't allow himself to be trapped in the dark. He had to get up.

But like every human being, he had his flaws. Although he tried to get up, he still fell into the same abyss.

Sometimes no matter how much you know something hurts you, you still fall. Sometimes pain is like a placebo, something strange that you want to try.

"Okay, I'm done crying like a coward with no self esteem. Time to move on to the next plan."

As if nothing had happened, Izumo opened a portal and appeared in another place, specifically in a cabin. He opened the door and entered without difficulty, he seemed to be familiar with the place.

He advanced a few steps until he reached a room where a young woman with black hair was sleeping. Her skin was smooth and pale, and her face resembled Mikoto Uchiha's, though not identical.

Her cheeks were flushed, but not because of embarrassment, but because of the fever. She seemed very sick. Izumo sat next to her and changed the wet cloths that rested on her forehead, patiently taking care of her.

The girl was Kasumi Hyūga.

It had been a week since she was captured. Izumo had to resort to various methods to erase the young woman's memories, and in the end he had to rely on the system, he was left with no other choice.

The girl was like a blank canvas, easy to manipulate and guide to accomplish her mission.

The plan was simple: the hero saves the damsel in distress, or rather, the hero takes care of the damsel. A vulnerable woman is found in the middle of the forest, left to her own devices, injured and confused.

The hero, as a benevolent being with a sense of justice, rescues her from her and takes her to her house, as a hero, obviously, he doesn't abuse her, instead, he carefully cares for her.

In time, under the hero's watchful care, the damsel's heart melts and she falls at her feet, head over heels in love with her savior. It is a simple but infallible trick.

Well, in real life things can get complicated and not turn out how you expect. The hero can be misunderstood, accused of inappropriate acts, and suffer damage to his reputation. The human heart is complex and capricious, and does not always follow established rules.

However, Izumo knows that the girl lying on the bed is not like that. She is the mother of Hinata, one of the most noble girls in the anime, and her mother is no less noble.

Hmm, that woman is really beautiful. It is true that real world models cannot achieve such a look, maybe with filters and makeup they can, but not naturally. She must be because of the food or just because this is a fantasy world.

"Water water..."

Interrupting Izumo's thoughts, Kasumi spoke very slowly, almost like a whisper, desperately searching for something that could quench her thirst.

It's time, the good guy's performance begins. Now that I think back, it's been a long time since I flirted with a girl, almost 30 years, adding up the previous ones. What did you expect? At 80 years old, I couldn't even get up with Viagra anymore.

Izumo looked for a glass of clean water and, supporting her head and tilting it a little, gave her a drink. Kasumi swallowed slowly, she didn't seem to have much strength.

"Slowly, slowly, no one will steal it from you."

Kasumi slowly opened her white eyes, blinking slightly, taking in the man in front of her. She didn't look familiar. Rather, she did not know who she was or what she was doing in that place. Everything was confused, as if a fog covered her mind.

After drinking and resting for a minute, trying to remember who she was without good results, she decided to ask the closest being.

"Who are you?"

"I am Izumo, a simple civilian. And you, who are you?"

Kasumi frowned, trying to make connections in her clouded mind. Her expression reflected a mixture of confusion and frustration. "I…don't…remember."

"Oh... maybe if you rest a bit, you can remember. You just woke up, it's normal that your mind is confused."

Kasumi nodded weakly, feeling a glimmer of hope in Izumo's comforting words. She admired the kind, trusting expression on her face, and she couldn't help but notice how attractive he was.

You know what they say, the first impression is from the face, the more handsome you are, the more trustworthy you will look in the eyes of others. If an ugly fat old man said the above words to her, she kasumi would hesitate and run for her life.

"You're right"

Kasumi nodded weakly, feeling a glimmer of hope in Izumo's comforting words. Izumo let her sleep a little longer and went hunting to stretch her body. It was located on the border between the Country of Fire and the Hidden Grass Village, the place where Karin Uzumaki and her mother lived.

It was not an easy task to find Karin's mother, but Izumo would take the opportunity to search for her. Though he knew it would be difficult, since the woman wouldn't arrive until long after Karin was born.

The girl should be around 14 to 18 years old today, so it would still be a long time before she would appear. Still, it didn't hurt to cast a net and see if she could find any clues.

"It's hard to find people in the ninja world, you would have to buy some skills, or state-of-the-art drones capable of identifying faces and patterns, and it's not worth spending that much"

While she was reflecting on her own, she looked at a deer that was further away.

"If I really wanted to spend that much, it would be easier to go after Nagato and steal her eyes, while kidnapping Konan. The problem is facing Jiraiya, who protects them, Zetsu who watches over them, and Madara who is still alive. Facing those three would be more loss than gain"

"Although if I had the ability to control and escape from Zetsu under my command, I would be a great asset. I could find the people I want... Well, we don't always get what we want" She added as she pushed her thoughts aside. .

After hunting for two hours, Izumo returned, hoping that Kasumi was awake. She was in no rush or big plans at the moment, and it had only been a week since she parted ways with Tsunade, who was probably still traveling to Konoha.

The war has no signs of stopping, the sale of weapons and supplies continues to increase, which represents the largest source of income for Izumo's businesses. The second source is books, since many people enjoy reading about heroes and tragic romances, such as Romeo and Juliet.

Recently, Izumo had planned to open cafeterias and cake shops, as well as offer high-quality chocolates for the elite of the ninja world.

When Kasumi saw Izumo return, she smiled kindly at him.

"Thank you for helping me, Mr. Izumo" she expressed herself gratefully.

"Izumo will suffice," he replied.

"No, I can't be that rude" Kasumi insisted, as she fixed her hair.

"As you wish, how are you?" Izumo asked.

Kasumi lowered her head a little dejected, no matter how hard she tried, she didn't remember anything, she only made her head ache.

"In that case, stay here for a few days. I'll prepare the food."

At Kasumi's offer, she smiled gratefully. What a great man she thought.

"Thank you, sorry for the inconvenience"

While she was cooking, Izumo told her the false story he had made up.

"So, you were in the woods, abandoned" she repeated, confused.

"Yes, you had a lot of blood on your head. Maybe the blow affected your memory."

"Was there anything on my clothes that identified me?" Kasumi asked

Izumo looked at her pityingly for a moment, she seemed conflicted. She sighed and seemed to come to a realization. He approached Kasumi, grabbing her shoulders, and sadly said:

"It's better not to hide it from you. When I found you... you were naked."

Kasumi's eyes widened and she couldn't hold back her tears. Just because she lost her memory didn't mean she also lost her basic knowledge.

She knew how to eat, go to the bathroom, and obviously what goes on between men and women.

"Calm down, everything will be fine," Izumo tried to comfort her.

Kasumi couldn't contain her emotions and hugged her savior tightly, crying uncontrollably. She felt dirty inside, she never expected to be violated while she was unconscious.

At no time did she doubt Izumo, nor did she think that he had caused her harm.

Of course, Izumo hadn't raped her while she was sleeping, that wasn't fun. He might have squeezed her breasts a bit, but nothing more.

How naive!, she really believed everything I said. Also, I never mentioned that she was raped, she was the one who came to that conclusion herself. I can't blame her though, she is so beautiful, in a world full of perverts, if she was naked in the middle of nowhere, they would surely play with her until they got tired of her. Izumo thought.

Kasumi cried for an hour until she finally managed to calm down. When she calmed down, her face was filled with embarrassment. She had never imagined being this close to a man, much less holding him. She had always been a demure girl, waiting for her family to decide her future.

However, remembering that she had been abused while she was unconscious, her tears flowed again. Izumo comforted her once more, assuring her that everything would be fine. Meanwhile, he was operating the system and talking to Esdeath about the next plans.

To Izumo, Kasumi was just another person in the crowd. A pawn that would be very useful in her hands.

Although she knew that there could be flaws in his plan, she hoped that everything would turn out as he wished. Otherwise, she would have to resort to more drastic methods."