
immoral path (dropped)

¡¡¡Important!!!!! My first language is not English First world: Naruto Tag: Harem, Incest, Romance, Incest. BlackMail, Manipulator Chaotic protagonist, he will do anything to be stronger, and to get women, including rape, blackmail, and other methods. Generally, he is a scum of character. who only cares about himself and his women, perhaps the method of getting them is not the best, but even so, he will think of her, not all of them will receive that treatment at the beginning. He matures over time and understands their importance to him. If you don't like it, don't read. Traveling around the world of Naruto, to collect money and buy points from his system. No R-18 scenes.

Reykingtercero · アニメ·コミックス
27 Chs

Chapter 10

I had a really comforting three hour nap. I awoke rested and in the most comfortable place in the world, Esdeath's thick thighs. I can't believe how lucky I am to have another chance at life, and I'm not going to waste it.

I will live without regrets, and I will do what I please.

But in order to live freely, I need strength! I don't like feeling repressed, and weak as a chicken..., like now. I'm only 3 years old, my height barely reaches Esdeath's knees, my growth deteriorated due to my initial condition.

It is incredible to see how 3-year-old children, I repeat, 3 years!, are already capable of training with their parents, how exaggerated is the body of a ninja! Although mine isn't bad, I'm still missing a bit.

Although I must admit that I am quite lazy to do physical exercise. In my past life, the most strenuous army I ever performed was having an orgy with ten women.

And the second one was taking care of 10 brats, yeah...

I don't know if it was a blessing or bad luck, but that day I hit 10 targets in a row. I have to say that I am powerful in that area, I was able to get 10 women pregnant on the same day.

I think I broke a record, and my wallet on the same day.

Sigh, instead of living in the past, it's better to focus on planning my future.

For now, the idea is to keep increasing my defense and healing, I don't want to die, not again.

Looking for ways to increase my survivability, I found several useful skills, one from anime very useful when defending, and its attack power is not far behind.

Also, I considered the possibility of acquiring rings that increase my defense and resistance, as well as some abilities from video games that could be of great help.

Among them, I have my eye on two very convenient skills that can save me at critical moments.

One of them has been one of a popular game in my last life.

[Ultimate Skill, Dr. Mundo]

[*Maximum Dose* The host injects chemicals into his body, instantly restoring a percentage of his missing health. Afterwards, he heals some of his maximum health over a long period of time. In addition, he gains bonus movement speed and attack damage while healing.]

[Price: 150 million]

And the second, an ability from another recognized game and the inspiration of the first game,

[Ultimate Skill, Abaddon]

[*Borrowed Time* The most unnatural of all the blessings of the Netherwell, this power defies mortal knowledge. What should hurt, heals; and what should kill gives renewed strength. Automatically activates upon near death, or upon receiving an ability capable of instantly killing the host.]

[Price: 200 million]

Both abilities useful during battle, although the second one grants me an extra life, and is more useful.

And the price has a lot to do with its usefulness, and that they are skills that do not need to be trained or learned, I can use them immediately without the need for anything special.

As for the most useful anime ability, it's Accelerator's vector control. Academy city level 5 esper. His ability is to create a fine field of AIM around his body, allowing him to control the vector value of everything he touches.

It's a very versatile ability, even in higher realms of power, like Marvel. The big problem is the calculation capacity that I must have, I can be intelligent, but not that much, I can't calculate the shape vectors as fast as Accelerator does.

Even if I have the ability, I can't use it properly, another way would be to use it instinctively, getting used to it over time and practicing it.

Even the necklace I wore later, another possibility could be to modify my brain.

The system sells genetic enhancements, to improve my IQ level or further develop my brain. Although I also don't like it, they say that the higher your intelligence, the lower your emotions will be.

I want to be strong, but if along the way I lose my desires and emotions, it would be useless, my life would be boring and monotonous.

I do not want that!

What good is riches, if you cannot enjoy them? I believe that in life, there must be a balance, I don't want to become a cultivator spending hundreds of years cultivating, just seeking strength.

And over time, forgetting the pleasure that the beauties of life can give, such as delicious food, beautiful landscapes, the warm embrace of a voluptuous woman, so many things that I don't want to stop experiencing.

Cough, I think I wander a lot, sometimes I overthink things, and I go around in circles.

Talking about the joys of life, Esdeath patted my head while he dove into a book on economics. It was evident that she was a very hardworking and persistent woman, she would never rest until she achieved her goals.

During my brief nap, a group of ANBU sneaked up and took one of her companions who was frozen. He expected Sarutobi to launch an offensive in response, but nothing happened.

That old man is too cautious and cowardly, when it comes to shady matters, he does not hesitate to order Danzo, his faithful friend (Dog), that old man would never get his hands dirty, he must maintain his appearance as a friendly cornflower, and approachable.

Danzo, on the other hand, was still Sarutobi's trusted friend, patiently waiting for his chance to become Hokage.

Although there were no obvious conflicts between them at the moment, I clearly remember that in the future he did not hesitate to collude with Orochimaru behind Sarutobi's back.

Until Kill him.

The two would do anything for the good of the village, but also for their own power and prestige. They were two ambitious and stubborn old men, and that same ambition and stubbornness would take them to the grave.

Change of perspective !!!!!!!!!

Izumo got up and stretched lazily, Esdeath patted his head once more before putting the book away and adjusting her skirt, since she was a bit raised due to the position she was sitting in, you could almost see her panties. her.

Rest time was over, it was time to head to the Hokage's mansion. For Izumo, this was interesting, since it would be the first time that she would be so close to Hiruzen, and she would have the opportunity to meet him.

That would help to better understand the old man's personality, the Hokage can be very useful for his plans. The above conclusions come from the anime and the information collected by the informants guild and the BINGO book.

Izumo still doesn't have the full picture, and understands that moving without information can be dangerous. Any misstep could put his life at risk. This is not a game, this is real life.

Although he is now betting a lot, but not his life, he believes that the possibility that everything turns out according to his intentions is 80%.

More than enough percentage to risk, especially if it's Sarutobi, he won't dare to kill him right away.

Speaking of death, Izumo has no idea what will happen if he dies again, though he is curious. He could be born again, die forever, even go back in time, he doesn't know, not that he wants to find out, so he needs to be strong enough to forge his own path, and not die trying. .

In this world, only the strong have the right to choose, it is an immutable fact. At any moment, even in an instant, a meteor could fall on his head.

And not to mention the seals, he looks at Kaguya, sealed in the moon, he was stronger than her two sons, he even wielded the power of space-time, even so, he was not able to resist the power of the seal.

It is not a good idea to underestimate the power of Fūinjutsu in Naruto, Izumo did not want to be sealed by an overconfidence mistake, he would be the laughing stock of the protagonists if such a misfortune happened.

During the trip to the Hokage's residence, Esdeath wandered past the food carts and weapon shops.

The food in the world of Naruto is superior to the food on Earth, referring to flavor, protein properties and quality, a fact that pleasantly surprised Izumo, he thought that technologically backward worlds would be prone to bad food.

As in the medieval worlds, he believed that only Ichiraku's ramen would be saved, and it is not so. The food is varied and delicious, even in the street stalls.

Although you should take a good look before buying, not all have the same level is ingested, and it varies depending on where you are.

If you go to the poor neighborhoods, yes, Konoha, like all the cities and kingdoms that may exist, has a neighborhood or place where people with limited resources take refuge.

In many of these places, the hygiene and quality of the ingredients were questionable and there were even rumors about the sale of human meat.

It is a very common practice, resulting in the constant disappearance of many orphans. In addition, you must add the stealers Danzo and Orochimaru, who are known for their lack of scruples when it comes to experiments.

Even babies are not spared from his cruel influence.

That happens when you get obsessed with something, your mind gets cloudy and you lose sight of what is really important, balance is necessary to go far.

Obsession is dangerous, it can even consume someone in such a way that they are willing to do anything to achieve their goal, no matter the emotional, moral, or even physical cost.

Losing even your humanity along the way.

Change of point of view !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A few minutes later, we arrived at the Hokage's large residence, located under a range of mountains.

In it you could see the faces of Tobirama and Hashirama, I had to resist the urge to yell at them that we would soon be family, I wonder how Tobirama will feel, when he finds out that a Senju gave birth to Uchiha offspring.

I'm saying this for Tsunade, I can't let go of that big fat sheep, it's ready to be sheared, her heritage is immense, it's not for nothing that she has the title of princess.

This woman has a lot of money, a lot!, and I love money!, not her Tsunade.

How could I love her, I've only seen her twice, she'll have big breasts and she's beautiful, but that's not enough to make me fall.

Tsunade is more than anything... a tool to increase my strength. And I will do whatever it takes to get it, no matter how cruel the means used.

The Senju family has almost a third of the properties in the village, plus a large library full of forbidden techniques and Jutsus of all elements, all of which can be sold, I'll become a rich man once I get Tsunade.

For that, I already have several plans, but first, I need a little more money to start my project.

Esdeath stopped, since we had reached the destination, and she held me in her arms, it's still a bit embarrassing, but hey, I'm 3 years old, and short legs, it sucks to climb the stairs, and there are several floors to climb.

I don't understand how some protagonists can already kill people from the age of 2, I can barely walk the stairs, I have short legs, maybe it's because my body was weak at birth. Who knows, not that it mattered, with Esdeath as protector, I didn't need to do anything.

Change of point of view

With a puff of smoke, the Hokage checked Esdeath's background again, even though she was a newly initiated Anbu, it doesn't mean she was weak, from the traces of battles, it can be inferred that she died without a fight.

Although what was most curious for him was the use of the ice element during combat. The only ones capable of such a feat are those of the Yuki clan, who currently reside in Yukigakure, the hidden snow village.

At first he thought that he might be an intentionally planted spy, but checking everything in detail.

There was no possibility, Esdeath was a war orphan, her entire family tree lived in Konoha, it was impossible to mix spies from other countries, her background was solid, there was no doubt that she was born and raised by the people.

The will of fire, of which he was so proud, ran through the girl's veins, or so he thought.

Another point to keep in mind is that no one would send a child with Kekkei Genkai to another town, that would only increase the military power of the other, no one is that stupid.

As for the family history, they were all created by the system, there was no possibility of error or failure.

Danzo, who was next to him, did not hesitate either, besides, he would not fight for a simple Shinobi, in his eyes, they are mere tools to achieve his purposes. Also, Esdeath provides different services to the village, thanks to that, there was never a shortage of war supplies or food.

Added to this is the fact that Esdeath had a blood limit of ice, Danzo would not let her die, being a woman, she would be very useful, it would not be impossible to have several children and start a clan.

She was even already planning how to get her to her camp, in a good way, she didn't plan to use her strength, since they needed the supplies that Esdeath sold.

Of course, if all else failed, though he doubted that would, Danzo would use shady means if necessary.

Everything is for the people.

Many portray Danzo as naive and idiotic, and he is not, he knows when to attack and when to hide, although sometimes he hates her and pride in him sometimes makes him act rashly.

"What do you think Danzo?"

"She is not a spy, her problems are her attitude, she is an arrogant and proud woman, she hates being told what to do."

Hiruzen nodded, he also had a Psych profile on Esdeath.

"You're right, but we can't leave it like this."

Every time she gains more influence, it is not good to leave talented women loose, who knows if one day she leaves town and falls in love with someone, as a woman, she could go after her husband, women are too much sentimental The Hokage thought.

"The best option is to send someone to seduce her, like we did with Tsunade and Kushina. No matter how arrogant a woman is, there is always a man who dominates her. It is the best way to control her, her supplies are necessary for the village We can't leave her unsupervised."

Hiruzen nodded, for him, women are easy to manipulate emotional beings, unlike men, they think with their hearts.

If Izumo knew what you think about these old men, he would laugh. He does keep in mind that women are emotional beings, but that doesn't mean they're jerks, not all of them.

An intelligent woman can easily manipulate you, and you wouldn't even realize it, until it's too late.

"And her strength, Esdeath is not weak and her release of ice has potential" Hiruzen stressed.

"If she wasn't for the war, I'd send her to the Root and put a seal on her, then use her to create a new Yuki clan for the village."

Hiruzen shook his head and answered.

"It's a bad idea for now, we'd lose too much. The plan to seduce her is more feasible, the problem is that Kato Dan and Minato Namikaze are already busy. My son is young, and Jiraiya is an idiot when it comes to women."

He paused for a second before continuing to look at the files, and continued.

"Orochimaru, no, that's a bad idea. It's better to start with the kid, maybe you can send a playmate, and monitor them at the same time, we'll find someone suitable for the job."

Danzo hit him with his cane and complained:

"It's better to give it to me, I'll implant a seal on it and solve..."

"No! I'll take care of it"

"Hiruzen! It's better to leave it to me, your methods are too smooth" Danzo replied angrily, she didn't like that her opinion was denied so quickly.

Hiruzen raised an eyebrow, and puffed on her pipe before answering.

"You go against the Hokage's orders"

Danzo gave him a resentful look, but said no more, as there was a knock on the door, indicating that the expected guests had arrived, though she would not stay like that.