
Immeasurable: The Last Son Of Viltrum

The life of a young viltrumite is perilous enough on its own. But being the last son of Viltrum one of the most bloodthirsty and hated empires. Follow the young viltrumite as he experiences the trials and tribulations of being an up coming hero, and dealing with the weight and expectations of being the protege of Superman. - you know what they say the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Blacklionpride · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

Origins part 2

Fanfic: Immeasurable


Book 1: Beginnings 

Disclaimer: I don't own any Marvel or DC and Invincible characters properties that have been used when creating this fanfiction.

"Normal speech"

'Normal Thought'

"Otherworldly being speech"

  'Otherworldly being Thought'

"Other Speech variants"


Chapter 2: origins 

Earth, Syracuse New York state August 1st, 2001 

On one of the many roads leaving from the upstate university hospital. Was a 1994 Heavy-duty pickup truck. Heading to their mid-size family home are Terrell and Mia Black.

Terrel is a hulking man standing at six feet six in his late thirties and built like a brick shithouse, from his time in the military, and his new career in law enforcement. He had short black hair cut into a fade, and a neatly trimmed beard, amber eyes, and dark skin. He was wearing his usual black two-piece suit with a black button-up shirt and a blood-red tie.

Mia was a tall and elegant African-American woman who was fit from her time in track and field that she did when she was in college. Mia was in her mid-thirties and had black curly hair that flowed down her back. She's wearing a blue sundress and black shoes. 


Today was a sad day for the Blacks. For years Terrell and Mia have been trying to have a baby all while keeping faith that the next time they try is going to be the magic try.

  But to no avail. After so many failures they decided to visit Dr. Chie the family doctor. Their physician is a 60-year-old small Asian woman wearing the doctor's standard garb. She was the family doctor for years. They go too when they need to keep something private.

  Dr. Chie tried to say it as gently as she could but… there's no way to tell a woman that she couldn't have the joy of bringing life into the world gently. 

No way to say that you wouldn't be able to see your child's first step or hear your child's first word. See them off as they go off to their first day of school. Their first graduation.

There was nothing more in the world they wanted but now it's out of the realm of possibility. The only way of having a child now is adoption. 

Terrell glanced over to his wife Mia; he could tell that his wife was trying to keep up a strong front, but the wet gleam in her eyes, and the lone tear trailing down her face, was a crack in her strong façade. 

With a somber tone and a smile. Left hand on the wheel Terrell reached over, cupping Mia's soft hand into his own, "We can get through this, an adoption is always an option. We've been through wor—" and before Terrell could finish.

  Mia, with tears now streaming down her face, distorting her vision, cut him off with a mix of a scream and a sob that sounded like she was swallowing her heart. "WE HAVE BEEN THROUGH WHAT Terrell… What could possibly be worse than this, now every time I help deliver a baby or see a pregnant woman, ill envision what could've been, I don't want to adopt, I want my kid, my flesh and blood… And now every day I see the devil taunting me with a forbidden fruit, I can't even try to bite. my life is going to hell, I don't know what to do" With those last words spoken. All that remained in the car was silence, dread, and a thick tension that built a wall between the couple. As Mia turned over in her seat to face the window and curled into herself with a silent whimper.


With the forlorn silence in the car, being broken by the occasional sound of Mia sobbing, and the truck tires hitting the asphalt. Had Terrell feeling like he aged 20 years in the forty-minute drive. 

Pulling out a blunt from the box wedged into the sun visor, he placed it into his mouth with one hand running over the carpet to look for his lighter. "God damn it where the hell is that lighter" Terrell whispered, finally finding the lighter he reached over with his right hand and turned the radio to the news station. 

"… so, with that being said prepare for showers and not just any shower a meteor shower..."  came a boisterous voice through the radio.

  With a somber look, Terrell glanced over at his wife, lit the blunt, and with a deep inhale and a long exhale.

"Sweety, you know I'll always love you, no matter what happens. It's for better for wor—Shit!" Terrell yelled as he swerved the truck to avoid the huge boulder that shot down from the sky, impacting the road where the truck had been, nearly knocking the truck off the road. Looking up into the sky, Terrell saw numerous flaming cosmic projectiles blazing through the sky.

It was the meteor shower that was being mentioned on the radio.

"Mia hang on!" Terrell yelled as he pushed the old truck to the limit. While trying to avoid the deadly missile-like rocks and stay on the road. He managed to avoid several deadly space projectiles and was right down the road from their home…when, he saw a large object, seemingly space-black coming right at them. That's when he realized he couldn't outrun it. "Mia brace yourself" Terrell yelled

The object hit their road a couple of feet away from the passenger side, cratering the road, and sending the truck flying.


When Mia came too, she found herself, apart from a few bruises, completely fine. Looking around in a panic she saw that the truck was at the base of the crater… with Terrell standing at its edge, looking down.

"Terrell are you crazy you damn near gave me a heart attack," Mia said stumbling up in a rush and started looking over Terrell. Terrell said nothing… but pointed into the crater and Mia looked and froze in terror.

Lying in the crater. What seemed to be a space black spaceship, like something out of a crazy science film.

And all the late-night alien horror movies, Terrell took her to see came to mind.

"Terrell…what is that thing…it isn't human" she mumbled still in a daze from the accident when suddenly, the spaceship hissed open and Mia's ears were assaulted by something that would haunt her dreams in the next few years. Like a mockery to her.


In that instance, Terrell didn't think. His training from the military and his instinct as a cop took over. And it told him to help, so in no time he rushed down into the crater. 

Mia tried to grab him but with her still reeling from the crash and his speed all she could do was reach out, in hopes of catching him. Terrell reached down into the spaceship and extracted its occupant. "It's a boy!" he exclaimed trying to the lift infant. "a heavy baby boy. But a baby boy nonetheless!"

Mia almost smiled until she remembered what the doctor said not even two hours earlier, and where that thing just came from.

"Mia come here and look at him isn't he handsome" Terrell said as began to walk towards her. And hold the baby out to her.

As Terrell got closer Mia began to realize. The baby if that's what you can even call it wasn't tiny it was huge, and in Terrell's beefy arms, any baby would look small. 

All Terrell's worries about everything that transpired, earlier that day disappeared, with this gift given by God. "What's good, big guy."  He cooed to the baby. "Where'd you come from?" The baby just giggled, his hand gripping around Terrell's finger.

"Wow, strong grip you got there! Ow," Terrell exclaimed holding his finger.

"Terrell, you need to put that thing back, we don't know who or what it belongs to!" Mia exclaimed with furrowed eyebrows and a clenched jaw. Still frustrated with the news from earlier. With Terrell getting closer and closer to her, with outstretched arms. With that thing in his hands.

"Why are you calling him a thing, he's a handsome baby boy, here hold him while I go get the ship, and he wouldn't be here if he had somebody go back towards the ship," responded Terrell with frustration, while handing the baby to Mia. Grunting in surprise with how heavy it was Mia, took the baby.

"He's a gift from God," Terrell said with a frustrated sigh as he walked back down into the crater. Leaving Mia to her thoughts as she examined the baby. 

The thing had thick wavy hair that was as black as night, has golden eyes that were like looking into an endless flame, His skin was a deep caramel brown, and weighed about 25 pounds, and was about 91 centimeters.

"More like a curse from the devil" Mia muttered in contempt looking at her husband's back as he walked away. And she walked back towards the truck. 


Terrell was on his way back to the ship when suddenly there was a flash of light that shot out of the ship. And a behemoth of a man emerged before him, even by his standards this man or alien was huge.

  A deep and booming voice spoke from the strange Hologram.

"… Greeting humans. I hope that whoever gets this message will take my son Lucan and raise him with the thought in mind that you're doing a great service to the Viltrum empire. This ship has all the knowledge and warfare tactics that Viltrum has acquired and learned over the years. Including Viltrum's greatest teachers and scholars and as he grows with the training it will get more intense with the greatest teacher being me the grand regent of the empire. For when he grows sufficient earth will be brought into a new age of prosperity under the Viltrum empire" 

With those last words, the message cut off and all that was left was the ship and a stunning silence. That left Terrel alone with his thoughts.

'I can't let Mia know about what transpired, it's no telling what she'd do!'  Thought Terrell in worry, as he bent over to pick up the surprisingly light, ship. And headed back towards the Truck.


Mia was drained, her head in her hands leaning forward on the passenger dashboard. All the events from the day taking their toll on her. Sitting inside the truck with this thing was making her paranoid, so she put it in the back seat. With a spare blanket, covering it she found.

so unaware of her surroundings and caught up with the current events taking place. 


Jumping up in surprise from the bang and the shifting feeling from the back of the truck. Only to be relieved when she saw that it was Terrell.

"Jesus Christ, Terrell! You damn near scared me half to death" Mia hissed, leaning out the window with one hand clutching her chest and the other holding onto the frame of the window.

"My bad, honey I didn't mean to startle you. I was in a hurry to get back to you guys before law enforcement came."  Terrell mumbled out in an apologetic tone. As he walked around to the driver's side of the truck and entered.

As the car started up, they drifted down the road. 

They both knew that their life would change forever.


Black family house, New York state, July 17th, 2006 

It was a quiet night in the black house. Terrell was out on another late-night shift, and Lucan was already out sleeping the five-year-old already tuckered out from a long day at school.

Mia was preparing to go to sleep. Exhausted from driving all over the state. Politicking with different executives and brokering deals for her law firm, she started after quitting her job as a wandering nurse and going back to school to get her degree. Now taking off for the rest of the month and with the day behind her. She decided she deserved a nice and long bubble bath.

And taking a bath is what she did for an hour alone by herself. With her bath finished she prepped the bed got in and rested her eyes.


Heart leaping out of her chest and while falling off the bed in surprise. Mia jumped up off the floor, in a rush towards Lucan's barging open the door. 

  Mia hollered "What the hell is that no…" and what she saw rooted her to the floor, sending goosebumps across her body. Sending a sudden pain shooting across her chest.

There he stood Terrell's baby boy. Reaching for his toy hammer with one hand, while the other was holding his twin-size bed above his head. Knocking paint chips off the ceiling. Sprinkling plaster across the room, dusting his clothes and carpet with white flakes.

And as she looked on in astonishment, golden eyes shifted over in her direction and a smile began to bloom on his face as he saw her. That slowly began to fall as he saw his mom's facial expression.

  Brow's scrunched and lips quivering Lucan with naivety to the situation only a child can have asked "Mommy what's wrong" 

Still shocked by what she was seeing. Mia rushed out of the room like death was on her heels leaving Lucan in the room shaking and scared.

Rushing down the steps, and through the living room, Mia reached the phone at what had to be a record speed. Frantically dialing Terrell's phone, it only took a couple of seconds but to Mia, it could have been an eternity.


"Go on without me guys, it's the wife calling, you know how it is" laughed Terrell, as he stayed back in the office. 

"Hi, sweety—" Before Terrell could even utter a word, his wife's panicked voice interrupted him with a screech.

'Get home now Terrell there's something wrong with Lucan!' Mia screeched through the phone.

As Terrell rushed through the empty office of the station. And out towards the garage, where only his car remained.

"What in God's name, do you mean there's something wrong Lucan" interrogated Terrell as he desperately searched his pockets with the phone between his head and right shoulder.

'There's something wrong… he… he… had his bed above his head in one hand, like it weighed nothing!' 

"Got it…" Terrell mumbled as he finally found his key to the car, unlocking the doors, and jumping in the car. Terrel fumbled around with the key, trying to hurry and stick it in the ignition.

"I'm coming home right now don't do anything rash, I'm on my way right now" Terrell repeated as he started the car and raced his way out of the garage at top speeds. To get home and see his little boy.


  Upstate University Hospital, New York, July 18th,2006

"This…this is incredible" muttered Dr. Chie in astonishment at Lucan's paperwork in her private clinic. She was the one who logged into the system that Mia was pregnant. And the one that was Mia's "midwife" when she gave birth to Lucan.

"What's wrong, doctor" begged Terrell as he and Mia looked on in worry, as their family doctor looked over Lucan's paperwork.

"First your son's skin is extremely thick, bent several of my needles of when I tried to perform the phlebotomy. But he was one of the best kids, I've had." Responded Dr. Chie with an exasperated sigh. As she turned around to face them.

"Also, your son has the densest muscle fibers I have ever seen on a child, hell he even outstrips a lot of adults, and combined with his extremely dense bones, well you guys better prepare because he's getting stronger by the day it's no telling how strong he'll get." And with that, she turned back towards her work.

Terrell and Mia looked down at their son in worry.


The Black family household, December 24th,2011

  '… it's being advised by the president to stay inside, lock the doors, and if you have a basement or an attic go into it. This is not a drill…'

"Terrell! Terrell! You are not going out there with them things flying around, abducting people please…" Mia sobbed, blocking the doorway as a gut-wrenching sob tore through her chest and her body was wracked with an onslaught of tears and sobs.

"Mia no!" Terrell asserted as he equipped himself with his swat gear. While moving through the house, making sure all the windows are boarded up.

'…Earth's military leaders are mobilizing all national defense systems, against the assault from the rouge creatures. Here in the U.S., Homeland Security is urging citizens to remain calm and stay in their homes, rather than attempt evacuation. There's nowhere for us to go…'

"You know I took an oath to uphold the law and protect the peace and justice of this state. Me and you already had the conversation when I first became a cop." Terrell said as he gently moved Mia out of the way of the door, reaching to grab the handle but before he could Mia clutched onto him. Sobs wracking her and tears soaking through his shirt.

  Her arms wrapped around him, knuckles turning white, and fist-clenching his shirt distorting the fabric. Holding on for dear life. As if she didn't let him go, he would turn to ashes and disappear into the wind. 

'…a drill, I repeat this is not a… What…excuse me it's now being reported that Superman and other heroes are now engaging the creatures…'

The echoes of the TV blaring throughout the house, reaching the ears of the arguing couple.

"See Terrell let the heroes handle it, why can't you stay here for Lucan…for, me…" Mia trailed off breaking down onto all fours sobbing as if she was throwing up her heart.

"Mia, I love you, but I'm not just doing this because it's my job, I'm doing this to show Lucan no matter how hard it gets, no matter what life throws at you. Fight! Fight and never give in! and that his father never ran. And when I get back, he can look to me as a hero and as the type of man I want him to be."  With his final message heard Terrel departed off.


The Blacks House, New York state, February 6th,2012

  "I'm sorry mam we've searched all over the state and I even called over a couple of favors in Metropolis to see if he was among any of the returned survivors. And we even got APB'S all over. He was a great cop and an even better, man. But I'm sorry we're stretched thin, with all the new Metas popping up people are quitting the force. I must pull my men back to focus on the situation over here. Goodbye, Ms. black" Finished Captain Stacey as he left the doorstep. Leaving Mia in a horrifying state of shock.


Mia felt lightning crackle through her veins as time slowed down. She slowly stumbled her way through the living room, her heart catching in her chest as she laid down on the couch in a near-catatonic.


And end scene! 


Thank you, guys, for reading I know there wasn't a lot of Lucan in this chapter, but I had to set the stage. I also took a lot of inspiration from the last son by the writer with no name. And from now on it's going to be first-person POV and not omniscient Leave a review if you want more. Also I have a P@treon where were 4 chapters ahead its pa tre on .com / Blacklion no spaces

And end scene! 


Thank you, guys, for reading I know there wasn’t a lot of Lucan in this chapter, but I had to set the stage. I also took a lot of inspiration from the last son by the writer with no name. And from now on it's going to be first-person POV and not omniscient Leave a review if you want more. Also I have a P@treon where were 4 chapters ahead its pa tre on .com / Blacklion no spaces

Blacklionpridecreators' thoughts