
Am I A Pervert?

Dear diary

January 2nd 2019

omg I met a girl today, she was beautifull I really liked her hair though, lol it might seem funny thinking tht a guy writes his own diary, but what can I do I am the shy type, I don't have many friends and I don't knw how to

make some so right now, for the time being

I share all my feelings with my precious diary

I really wanna learn how to open up cause being a loner doesn't feel good as u jst lock urself in ur room and do some random stuff

anyway I hope I can meet tht girl again at the bus stop I am really excited for tomorrow as

I'll get to meet her again XD...


: (the story starts now 👇)

hmm it's 6:00 am in the morning, ugh looks like I have to leave for school again I really hate going to school, anyway who am I talking to I have to get ready for school ~~

Hi Guys my name is Seo Minho and I'm from Seoul, Korea, life in korea is pretty simple but the only difference is tht beautifull girls walks around u everywhere, at buss stops, library , grocery store, shopping mall and even on schools, u guys might be thinking I have a girlfriend and I love to socialise

(cause thts wht every person at korea has)

well then ur wrong, see I'm a shy type and not a social buddy but I do have a social media account I mostly spend my time at my house playing games and watching anime or

reading manga so I'll say my life is pretty simple


yea mom coming, so thts my mom she's a little strict but she's good from her heart she cares for me and my sister


ok ok cool down mom, jeez mothers..

I got ready and went downstairs to have breakfast...I checked the time...oh sh*t I'm late for school, bye mom bye dad gotta go

I ran out of my house as I was getting late

it was 7:49 and my bus comes at 8:00

if I'm late I have to take the public transport which I hate doing so I gotta go fast i ran as fst as I could and I didn't see wht was front of me, huh I'm hearing a sound of cycle coming near me, I looked at my right side and I saw a girl riding a cycle and it was gonna crash me,

I quickly changed my direction with my right foot and I turned around the opposite side of the girl, and I got the time to pull her off the cycle whie it was dashing front of me,

I took her hand and hold her hips so tht she won't feel any pain while she comes off the cycle I successfully pulled her off the cycle but it seems a car was coming at the front which unfortunately smashed the girls cycle into peices, the moment I moved my hand to check whether it's broken or not i felt something soft something big and smushy

I squeezed it thightly thinking it was my bag to pick it up but at the same time I heard someone moaning I looked forward I saw tht the girl was looking at me straight closin her eyes and moaning in pain as if someone was hurting, her she was very close to my lips and I could feel her warm breath around my face the moment I got out from looking at her eyes I realised tht she was on top of me, my left hand squeaking her big boobs

and my right hand holdin her butt

the moment I realised we were i was in tht situation I pushed the girl out from my body and I hid near the pole, the girl said

'owww u freaking pervert first u squeez my boobs then u hold my butt and u push me out on the bare ground!! and nw ur hiding behind the pole and acting like nothing happened u could atleast say sorry'

I was hiding behind the pole as I was scared and I was feeling guilty for wht have I done

I couldn't speak cause my mouth wouldn't open, I was in the dead zone I knew she would call the police or something like tht so I was bowing my head down and crying, but the thing she did next really blew my mind she said

'I knw ur a pervert but anywsy thxs for saving me I was late for school and I was speeding up with my cycle, when my brakes broke If u won't be there I would have been dead'

I was scared I looked at her cycle nothing was left except for her school bag, her cycle was broken and her wallet was torn

(even the money inside either went inside gutters or it got torn)

I looked at the girl she was wearing the same uniform as me it seems we were studying at t the same school but the moment she said something about time i realised how late I was for school ,I didn't say a word I took some money out of my pocket and handed to her as I knew tht she has no money to use the public transport and also cause we missed our buss

I ran quickly without saying another word to the buss stand and unfortunately it started raining it was 8:10 and my school starts at 8:30 so I was waiting for a public transport at the buss stand i was waiting as I saw tht a girl was running in the rain inside the buss stand, I saw the girl she was the same girl with whom I interacted with previously, I could see her bra as her shirt was wet.