
Chapter 5 - Infiltration and Start of Sports Festival (1) [Edited]

Inside the classroom of 1-A, I was thinking of different ways how to utilize the new Quirk I obtained yesterday thanks to a certain someone.

Looking outside the window and hearing the handle of the door opening, Aizawa's face was covered with layer upon layer of bandages.

Still staring outside, not paying attention to whatever was happening since I wanted to know how to use this new Quirk, Aizawa said, "The U.A. Sports Festival is coming up."

Getting a little interested in what Aizawa had said and hearing some ask if it was okay to be doing this right after the villains attacked, Aizawa said that this was to show the villains that their management system was solid by continuing the event.

"Homeroom is now dismissed."

- End of School -

Now that school was over and before I was about to get out of class, students from lower and different classes were blocking the exit.

With Bakugo angrily walking past me and causing a scene by yelling at them to get out of his face, a purple-haired guy came out from the crowd of students and began talking back.

'I need to see better and stronger Quirks,' I thought as I pushed the students aside, gathering stares and glares.

'I don't want to spend my time listening to students argue with each other when I should be searching for useful Quirks.'

- 2 Weeks Later -

And in the blink of an eye for everybody else but me since I was spending my time trying to find good Quirks, the Sports Festival had now arrived.

Getting into school uniform and looking at the black wall, I thought, 'I couldn't even find 1 useful Quirk to obtain.'

'Whenever I found people and waited for them to use their Quirks while defending myself, all the Quirks were useless to me.'

Stepping out of the apartment, I muttered, "I haven't heard from Sukuna in 2 weeks. Where has he gone off to?"

"Well, I should stop pressing on that matter and go to the Sports Festival to get into the standard suit and since I woke up early, school is in 2 hours."

"And since not that many people are awake right now, that means the people at the police station must be asleep or aren't at work yet..."

Grabbing my chin and stroking it while making a mischievous grin, I changed where I was going and started walking to the police station.

'If it was before Sukuna appeared, I wouldn't even think about doing this, but now that I know I can gain Quirks from other people, well...'

"Hm? What is a young boy like him smiling that much? I guess they must be having a great day today."

'I'll be having a good day if my plan to infiltrate the police station works.'

Entering a dark alleyway, I started running straight to the nearest police station, avoiding all the cameras. Increasing my speed, I then reached the police station in half a minute.

Stopping just before the police station since there was a camera outside the station, I peeked through the window and saw 4 officers and it looks like they were all going to fall asleep soon.

Taking the long way around near the station wall, I punched the wall, creating a loud boom as the 4 of them ran outside to find what had happened.

Quickly sneaking into the station and seeing empty cubicles, I saw the one I was looking for so I entered, finding a blueprint of the whole building.

Skimming through the blueprint and memorizing everything, I burned it over the trashcan and left the room, avoiding the cameras while going upstairs.

Spotting the room and slowly approaching it, I opened the door with my foot and went inside, grabbing a black piece of paper to open the drawers to not reveal my fingerprints.

Searching through every drawer, I found a sticky note with the email and password to the computer here. Before entering both the email and password though, I found gloves and put them on.

Crumpling the blank piece of paper into a small ball that I used to hide my fingerprints, I shoved it in my pocket and started searching for useful Quirks.

'The Quirks that I want to obtain are Nightmare, Coercion, Multi-Jump, Reveal, Corruption, Golden Rings, Warp Rings, Translator, Searching Eye, Knowledge, IQ, and Ice Manipulation.'

Now knowing what their faces looked like, where they lived, and what their names were, I destroyed the computer since the 4 officers should have figured out that somebody broke in.

At this time, I heard the 4 officers come back inside, yelling that whoever came inside was to turn themselves in and not get hurt.

Running out of the room and avoiding the cameras then jumping down the stairs, I headed toward the broken wall and used my cursed energy to enhance my body to run away.

Continuously running for 3 minutes, I stopped and looked at the place where the police station was then thought, 'That was pretty easy.'

"The two Quirks I want the most are Reveal and Searching Eye since Reveal is someone who can tell people their Quirks while the Searching Eye can disclose the information of someone and how strong someone is with their eye.'

'The person who has the Reveal Quirk is a doctor and the person who has the Searching Eye Quirk is wanted by the country.'

Looking at my phone that was gifted to me when I turned 15, the school was about to start in 25 minutes so I began heading there with calm steps.

- Now at U.A. -

Arriving at class 1-A and sitting in my seat and not paying attention to anyone, Iida was berating me since I was almost late for this important event.

When I was about to shut him up since he was annoying, Aizawa came in with Midnight, saying, "You're all going to choose your hero names."

With him pointing at Midnight, Aizawa said, "She'll decide if your name will be approved. Now then, we will wait 10 minutes for you all to come up with your names."

- 10 Minutes Later -

"Come up with your whiteboards, show the names you came up with, and then if she approves, go back to your seat."

"What if Midnight disapproves of the name we decided on?" asked Kaminari, raising his hand like a child.

"If that happens, then just think of another one," Aizawa answered with his monotonous voice.

"Alright! Who wants to come up?" Midnight asked, putting her left hand on her waist, strutting forward with confidence.

Wanting to get this hero-making ordeal over with, I stood up and brought the small whiteboard up, showing it to the class and Midnight.

"Sukuna?" Curiously said Midnight.

"Is there a problem with this name?" I said, turning toward her and looking deep inside me to see if he would react, getting nothing.

"No, not at all. I'm just wondering why you chose Japanese mythology since they say Sukuna was a two-faced demon."

'I thought Sukuna was erased from history though?' I thought, surprised and curious about this.

"Then, do you approve of the name I chose?"

"I mean, there's no reason for me not to approve your hero name, " said Midnight as I then headed back to my seat when I heard that.

"Who's next!" she said as she pointed her finger up at the ceiling.

(A/N: The naming process might not have happened right now, but who cares! But did it happen after the Sports Festival?)

- Sports Festival Prep Room -

Standing alone in the prep room and looking through my book which had all the Quirks of every class, I thought, 'I should lower my power since I might accidentally kill someone.'

'So, the only people who are going to pose a slight challenge to me are Todoroki and Genki since their Quirks are both powerful.'

[This is the moment you've all been waiting for... out comes class 1-A!}

With Midnight yelling our exit from the prep room and pointing the mic toward the audience, fireworks started popping above us.

When it was the other classes though, they all got normal announcements and everyone could see that class 1-A was getting special treatment.

[Could our number 1 student from the exam come up here and give a speech to everyone watching this!]

Seeing her point at me, I then walked up to the podium and said, "I don't care about the Sports Festival, but I guess I'll win."

"I'm, is that all you have to say to the audience?" quietly said Midnight as she looked at the crowd of people making sour faces while also not believing that was all I wanted to say.

Nodding to her question and putting the mic back in her hand, I went back to where my classmates were and crossed my arms.

[W-well, that was certainly unexpected of the top student from the exam, but since he has said what he wanted, I guess he should own up to it!]

Feeling the malicious glares coming from every class and with some even coming from my classmates, I felt Sukuna wanting to take over letting him take over, it seems he wanted to scare them a little.

Even though I had a lot of cursed energy inside me to last 50 years without my need to replenish it, I now knew how to do something new because of him.

'This is how you use your cursed energy to intimidate people who are below you in power and status.'

As a bunch of cursed energy exploded out of me, all the people who were glaring at me fell to their knees while also heavily sweating, much to their surprise and fear.

'I think you should clean this up, my oh-so-smart retainer who likes to analyze situations that don't even need to be analyzed...'

Midnight, wondering why I did this, said, "What is the meaning of this, Izuku Midoriya of class 1-A?"

"People were glaring at me with ill intent and others even wanted to beat me to near death, so my Quirk automatically activated to protect myself if they did try to harm me."

Midnight, not knowing what else to say, she said, "Hmm... We don't know what else your Quirk can do, so I guess I'll take what you said as valid."

[Now, what game will be played today!]

With everybody who fell on the ground carefully getting back on their feet, they began backing away from where I was because of the fear they felt from Sukuna.

Looking back at the arrow which was going to decide what we'll be playing, it stopped on one of the choices the teachers made.

[The game the students will be playing is Parkour tag! This is a team-based game where 1 person in the team is running from the taggers while the other 2 are tagging.]

[We'll be giving you all 10 minutes to decide who you want to team up with, so be decisive and quick.]

[Oh! When you're all done choosing your teams, Cementoss will randomly create a parkour map for everybody to traverse.]

Wanting to know something, I walked up to Midnight so when she saw me approaching her, she said, "What are you going to ask me?"

"Is it possible to be both?"

"Uh... Hold on for a second while I-"

She brought 2 fingers to her ear and whispered something to whoever was on the other side if I could do this alone, she then sighed as she said, "Principle Nezu has agreed to you playing solo, but will you be okay?"

"I'm sure of it. With the way this place is set up, it's going to be easy to traverse it."

As her brain took a couple of seconds to wonder why I was like this, she said," Have you always been like this when you were little?"

"I don't know, but now that I've gotten permission to do this by myself, I'll be going now," I said as I looked at all the people who had speed-based Quirks.

- 8 Minutes Later -

[The game will now begin in 3... 2... 1... 0!]

Hearing that it had begun, every tagger looked in my direction as Cementoss then created cement platforms.

Getting ready to run and staring at everyone glaring at me, I thought, 'This is going to be annoying since they're going to target me, but hey, that's when the fun begins!'