
Im just a strongest cultivator

Xiao fan who was reincarnated 10000 years into the future where everyone could cultivate was again transferred to the powerful cultivation world After 500 years when anyone uttered his name in the cultivation world, everyone trembled and was fearful. No one dared to disrespect him and his words were laws. And this powerhouse giant returned to the earth which he was reincarnated in and wanted to live a nice life with his girlfriend and his non-blood related sister and his friends and relatives. Making them stronger and stronger. And in the future when they all step into the powerful cultivation world, the whole universe and every powerhouse were terrified. Will there be any threats, challenges and enemies for him?

mad_man_3176 · ファンタジー
38 Chs

Blood Patriarch, sleep

Soon Chu tianfeng gained back his composure. Then he remembered the bad news. With a slightly uneasy feeling in his heart.

" What is the bad news?"

" Our vice head chi gang has betrayed us. He has become an elder of the blood moon sect and was responsible for all the recent child kidnappings."


As if thunder had blown up a mountain, This news shook Chu Tianfeng's heart. When he was fighting as a soldier and was near to kissing death, it was Chi Gang who saved him.

And now news about Chi gang betraying him was too difficult to handle for him.

" Did you confirm if it is true?

"Yes, we confirmed it. As stated in the information, It was the Chi gang himself who protected the blood moon members to reach earth and suppressed our unit to eradicate those branches of the blood moon sect.

Sir, what are your orders?" Ling mei asked in a dignified voice.

She knew how much Chu Tianfeng believed in the Chi gang. So she didn't say anything more. She knew what the head would decide.

Sure enough, after a few moments, Chu tianfeng resolved his heart. Although it was painful now he was the head. He would not leave anything which would harm the humans in one piece.

"Pass my orders. Move my shadow unit to capture Chi Gang dead or alive."

"Yes sir!"


After a few days, the humans on earth as well as Kunlun realm had their heart's shaken.

The betrayal of the Vice Head Chi gang spread like wildfire. Many could not believe that he had betrayed humans for personal benefit.

The Head ordered has sent his units to capture him dead or alive. But the chi gang escaped with the help of the Blood moon sect.

Those who were all connected to Chi Gang were investigated and more than 40% of them had also betrayed humanity.

This made the hearts of people depressed.

But after a few days, another piece of news had reached the ears of people.

" All the blood moon branches on earth were destroyed by a mysterious person."

This news made their depressed hearts more energetic and let them understand that even if those scums had betrayed humanity, humans would never take it down.

Many families who had their children taken by the Blood moon sect also supported this rumor—making people believe that all of this was true.

Following that alliance also declared that they had been given a method by the mysterious person to tackle the most dangerous weapon of the blood moon sect, the mind slaves.

But the alliance did not disclose the information about the method. The commoners were excited again. They did not think if the information was true or not.

For them, the alliance was like a hero faction, so they would believe them irrespective if it was true or not.

But the higher-ups who were not part of the alliance were skeptical. They wanted to know if it was true or not. they used every means to find out the truth but failed. after the recent events, the security in the alliance headquarters became more solid.

It was not possible to gain any information soon.


Kunlun realm,

Blood forest, a place with huge trees and mountains, with numerous wild beasts. It was one of the places that terrified many cultivators due to its dangers.

In the middle of the forest, Many huge ancient buildings were visible. They cover thousands of miles of land in this forest.

it was the headquarters of the blood moon sect.

Inside a vast building, many powerful cultivators stood aside with their bodies shaking.

A figure was kneeling in front of a huge shadow. Although he could not see his face or figure, Just the aura emitted by him was enough to make Chi Gang tremble on the floor.

" So you have failed. So tell me Chi Gang what punishment should I give you?" Asked the shadow.

His voice had directly shaken the mind of Chi Gang. Blood splattered around the ground from the seven orifices of Chi Gang.

" Please Forgive me, lord. I would not repeat the same mistake." He pleaded for forgiveness.

" But you already did. You know that I don't give second chances." The voice was indifferent to Chi Gang's pleading.

" Please spare me, lord. It was all that mysterious man's fault. He was the one who exposed me. Please spare me." Chi gang was still trembling from head to toe.

"Enough. Send him as food for 'that' thing" the shadow ordered.

"yes, Blood patriarch."

Chi gang was terrified, " No no my lord. Please spare me. please don't send me there. Lord Looorrrdd..."

Chi Gang was taken away by the servants. His pleas were ignored by all. Many wondered that if he knew this was his fate, would he still betray humanity?

But that question was destined to be unanswered.

" I want all the information about that mysterious person. If you fail your fate will be worse than Chi Gang." The shadow spoke in an indifferent voice and disappeared.

A figure standing aside trembled and kneeled in the direction of the shadow's disappearance.

"Yes, blood patriarch" He screamed.


After doing all this, Xiao Fan Came back to the cave. shaky the mountain-shaking wolf again acted like a cute puppy in front of him.

He is back. Sigh, Dignity is nothing in front of him. But still, acting like a puppy is not so bad. That is what it thought.

Slowly its mentality was also damaged due to staying with Xiao Fan. If it were before, It would have bitten those to death if they called him a puppy.

But fate was magical. It had to now act like a puppy to survive. Of those Guardian Beasts of Xiao Fan's sects who saw this scene, They would have taken shaky as their brother-in-arms.

As all of them shared the same fate after meeting Xiao Fan. It can be said that Xiao Fan was a black star to those beasts.

Xiao Fan also knew what Shaky was thinking about. But he was too lazy to care. He would let it be.

Slowly he closed his eyes in his chair and slept a sound sleep. Sure enough, even if he became an existence who never should have existed, He would still not forget to sleep.

For those friends who knew Xiao Fan in the cultivation world, It was still a mystery as to how Xiao Fan can sleep with countless enemies after his neck.

If it was someone else they would not even dare to blink their eyes if he had such enemies.

Slowly time was passing by and Three months passed in a flash.

It was time for a new story in the Kunlun realm to begin.