

what I got shot saving my high school crush damn at least she offered to give me some head before I die were am I damn did I die from coming well I guess I am gonna talk to the lady in front of me.

Sutadasuto · その他
11 Chs

A pretty fucked life

" I feel a tightness around my body I know where I am I'm in a pussy to bad I can't feel anything in here."

2 hours later

" For the past few hour I have been slowly coming out the people on webnovel are all Liars it takes hour for a birth to be over I can feel half of my body out it is pretty cold out here not gone lie and also I hope if I come in this world alive I am not a mutant that would suck to be honest."

1 hour later

Doctor:" come on 1 more push and where done one more big push."


Sofia:" Doctor what is it is the baby okay why don't I here crying." she says with tears in her eyes.

Doctor:" it's fine it's just not crying at all." he says with a worried face.

Doctor 2:" lets go and run some tests to make sure it is okay."

*2 days later*

Doctor 1:" um Hans your gonna want to see this."

Doctor 2:" what is it did you mess up again... WTF!!!" you can hear around the whole hospital.

DOCTOR 1:" um ma'am your gonna wanna see this." he then shows her a picture of dna that look to be regenerating you can see in the picture it grow more cells like cancer but they are not attacking each other they are just helping him and fighting off colds 10x faster then normal.

Sofia:" that's not normal it should but regenerating harmed or death tissue not making more and on this one it looks like it is destroying it's cells to make energy but it would not hurt the other cells or mess anything up because it is being replaced to fast to cause any real damage." she says as she used to be a Doctor in an camp.

Doctor 2:" you know we are your friends do you want to keep this a secret and let him live a normal life." he says with concerned eyes

Sofia:" okay.... I made my decision I will keep it a secret nut I have to tell Jurgen when he is 9 I will tell him I vow i will tell him about his I have to make sure he is different

8 years later

"it is almost my birthday mom has been acting weird for some reason but I try to not worry she is a nice mom but nice creepy way it is 1938 and I'm in Germany so that is kinda worrying so yeah it is scary to know that hitler lives in the same time as you also that you will be in ww2 in a year"

" I'm gonna go to bed I go to sleep and I feel some thing behind me walking throw my room until-."

*knock knock*

Sofia:" can I sleep in here Leon I can't sleep alone." she says as she get in the bed.

*I look back to see her butt ass naked behind me*

' I am trying really hard to not get hard while she is sleeping behind me I am half hard half soft I thought I was in marvel not my hero'

Sofia:" wait of you getting excited be cause of me in sorry I'll go put on my robe okay." she says as she gets up.

' oh thank god this body needs to learn not to be like Alabama and turn that down to v.a'

*next day*

mom & dad:"zum geburtstag liebe leon, zum geburtstag viel gluck." they song together.

" for my birthday my dad got me a small katana even though it was dangerous he thought i should have it in this dangerous world the blade was gree red and black since I'm a visored I could make it into a different sword with some new metals."

"my mom had gotten me two things 1 was lucky reaper toy that looks like it was made hundreds of years ago no one who has wore it has died in battle, and the second well it did not make my father so happy as they were both doctors he know what it was it was 3 pictures of my dna. and lets say it was not normal.

Jurgen:" how. long. did you know this." he says in a scary voice making mom stutter back.

Sofia:" 8 years but please not in front of leon." she says with a look of fear in her eyes.



*he just smacked her in the face then throw her into the table*

"dad what the hell are you doing get off of her." I say as i try and pull him off of her.

Jurgen:" I'm gonna beat her ass and the kill you you demon." he says with hate in his eyes of hate and disgust

" WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST CALL ME!, AND YOU WON'T DO SHIT TO MY MOM!" he says as he brings up the knife his father gave him then stabs him in the spine

Jurgen:" AHHHH-." he is cut off no pun intended by his mouth filling with blood.

Sofia:" damn it!" she scream in frustration.

" we have to hide the body hide the dead body 8 feet under ground and, a dead dog 6 feet to not be discovered." I said remembering a yt video I watched while on my earth.

Sofia:" okay um get the dead I'll get the dog."

*6 hours later*

Sofia:" also how do you know this have you murdered someone before."

"No it is just smart to do it that way,now we never talk about this again anyone asks he abandoned use and left to America at night

*2 years later*

" everyone in the neighborhood felt bad for use since our dad "left" and people treat use with care and they give lots of gifts went they can we have been good, since I'm selling booger sugar every day with a mask of course some people did not by from me since I was black racist ass hoes." I say laughing.

Sofia:" leon are you home dinner is on the table."

' me and mom sleep in the same bed but she gives me and off feeling like the other day she started grinding against me I think she had a dream of dad'

Sofia:" you ready to go to bed." she says with a cute smile.

" hey mom." I say to her in the dark.

Sofia:" yes?" she says

" i think we should move to America." I say to her

Sofia:" are you crazy with the war if we get caught we will be killed and tortured." she says in a whisper scream.

" coming from the person that has been using my leg to climax in your sleep." I say as I look at her in the eyes.

*looks away*

"it was in your sleep right..."he says.

*looks away*

" IT WASN'T IN YOUR SLEEP!!!!" he screams as the whole neighborhood heard.

Sofia:" I was horny okay." she whispers.

" I'm the one with the hormones I have never come once since i hit puberty." i said then realized what I said.

Sofia' should I say it well fuck it'

Sofia:" you wanna change that."

ok ima leave it on a cluff hanger do you want them to fuck now or when they move tell me in chat bye bye!

Sutadasutocreators' thoughts