

Iloveamy_waytomuch · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

We love amy (CBUNN13)


Amy and Bibi have the perfect intimated life, but it has grown stale. Maybe they could try something new? Maybe even with a new person, But, who'd ever agree with that.


Disclaimer: This is the first fan-fic I have ever written, let alone smut. Very wordy beginning, rushed ending. Climax is pretty lackluster. Nonetheless, hope you still somewhat enjoy ^^

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

Amy and Bibi had the perfect relationship. Out of everyone they knew, friend or acquaintance, their relationship was perfect. When they had a bad day they'd be open to talk to one another, never being scared of the other's judgment or annoyance. When one needed space, the other gave it. Although Bibi was prone to invading Amy's personal bubble at every waking second of the day, she knew when to leave her to her own devices. If someone had an issue with the other, they knew they could sit down and talk it through with them. If one needed comfort, usually and nearly always Amy, the other would be willing to provide. Being willing to sit and stay for as long as needed. Their communication was incredible for their drastically different personalities and world views. It was baffling.

Even their sexual love life was wonderful. Being understanding and judgment free, comforting and safe. Bibi had helped introduce Amy into it. Gradually becoming more comfortable with intimacy. She'd shown Amy there was nothing to fear. Over time helping explore Amy's, and in turn her own, sexuality. Finding that Amy was into more rough sex, which was a shock to Bibi. She happily complied non the less, she loved destroying her and then giving her a sweet aftercare as if nothing happened. Amy enjoyed her Girlfriends company, for her it was a space she knew was safe. Despite always coming out bruised with bite marks and cuts. Amy knew if she needed an escape, she could turn to Bibi's embrace. Letting the day's woes wash away. Things were perfect for both of them.

Or so they were.. Lately, things had grown stale. They still enjoyed what they were doing, but they both agreed that they wanted to experiment a bit. Try something new, maybe a new toy? Perhaps a new kink? Maybe try something with a new person?.. That's it! Amy and Bibi had decided that they wanted to try a threesome. With who though? No one they knew would be willing to. Although, just maybe, one person would. Amy had suggested this person to Bibi, who she wasn't thrilled, but still was up to ask. It wasn't the worst person in the world to at least suggest the notion of a threeway. Would they accept was the real question…

"So why are you in my room??" Camilla questioned. It was twelve at night. She had already dozed off to sleep by the time Bibi had broken in through the window. She had so many questions. Why was Bibi telling her all this? Why did she break in through the window instead of just coming in through the front door like a normal person? Why was Bibi breaking in in the first place? Couldn't she just ask Amy to call her? So many questions, yet she didn't want the answer to any. What Camilla wanted was for Bibi to get out of her house. Yet to her dismay, Bibi went on.

Bibi huffed, crossing her arms. "Weren't you just listening to what I was saying?"

"Oh no I was, I really just don't care and want you out of my house.. How did you even get in here??"

'Oh I just used a ladder to climb up to your window. You really should start locking it at night, all I needed to use was some duct tape and It slid right open."

Bibi pointed to Camilla's window, the blinds billowing lightly over her bed. A mess of stuck together pieces of tape clung to the open window. She'd have to start taking Bibi's advice, but that wasn't her concern right now. She thought for a second, trying to make sense of what she was being told. Puzzled, she asked.

"So, what is it exactly you wanted? I am genuinely confused."

Bibi sighed, sitting on the bed instead of hovering over camilla. Camilla sat up, waiting for what Bibi had to say. Her eyes shifted, looking for the best way to say what she had to. Finally she inhaled and prepared to speak.

"Like I said, mine and Amy's sex life has grown stale. We want to try something new. We decided we wanted to try a threesome, and the only person who would possibly toy with the idea was you."

Camilla's eyes shot open, she was taken aback. She had no idea how to respond. She didn't even like either of them in a romantic way, let alone sexually!

"It is completely understandable if you don't want to." Bibi continued "Me and Amy discussed it"and knew how uncomfortable you'd most likely be."

"I- Um.." Camilla didn't know how to respond, what to say, or what to do in this situation. "Uh.. Do.. You want to do it?."

"Well, you were the last person I would think of, but a threesome. That's something new I want to try." Bibi responded.

"You.. Do know I'm transgender right?"

"Oh yes, Amy told me. I had my suspicions before, I never actually knew!"

Camilla looked down. On the same note as Amy, Camilla began to think of her relationship with her. Amy had always been there for her. Although out their childhoods, despite her being the more adventurous one out of the two. Amy seemed to be the strongest, emotionally that is, for her. When Camilla was sad or had woes she needed to unpack, Amy was there to lend an ear. She was so understanding and caring, despite barely even being able to look after herself emotionally! When Camilla first found out she was trans, the first person she went to was amy. She was scared, but Amy was there for her. Every step of the way. Helping her find herself out, coming out to her family, and being a shoulder to cry on through those hard times. Camilla truly loved Amy, and wanted to repay her for everything she had done for her.. But would she be willing to do this? Did she truly love Amy enough for this?.

That didn't matter as Camilla soon found herself at Amy's window. Bibi had successfully convinced Camilla to at least come talk to Amy. As Camilla climbed the ladder to Amy's window, she was greeted by Amy with a face of pure horror, Bibi smiling and giggling next to her. Amy slowly turned to Bibi, grabbing her hand and walking out of the room, shutting the door behind her. A series of shouts and yelling soon began. It wasn't a fight, but it was clear Amy wasn't too happy. Soon, Bibi shoved a flustered and horrified Amy into the room.

"You two talk this out. I know by the time I come back you'll already have sorted this out. Bye, hehe~"

Amy jumped up, but before she could do anything Bibi had slammed the door in her face. Amy turned to Camilla, who still stood by the window. Just as confused as Amy. Camilla sat down on Amy's bed, scotting over slightly to make room for Amy to sit. She slowly made her way over, sitting down next to Camilla. The atmosphere was thick with an awkward tension. The seconds feel like hours, before Amy finally speaks.

"What did she say to you? How much did Bibi tell you?"

"Um.. All she said was that your guys' relationship was growing stale, and that you wanted a threesome."

Camilla looked at Amy who was beginning to cry. Obviously it's Amy, but right now something felt different.

"I know you don't want to be here, I don't know what Bibi said to get you here, but I'm sorry you have to be." Amy began to cry heavier, nearly sobbing.

Camilla wrapped her arms around Amy and pulled her close in her arms. "Hey, no need to cry. I'm here for a reason. If I didn't want to be here I wouldn't have come here. I love you Amy and I want to show you that I do." Camilla chuckled a bit, "Not the first way I'd think of, but I'm willing. Could be fun."

Amy looked up, Camilla wiping away her tears. Her face had a shade of scarlet burning over her face. "It's really embarrassing, it's not like I've just been thinking about you in any way for a while. You're just the first person that came to mind."

"Yeah ok Amy." Camilla responded, chuckling some more. She hugged Amy, who embraced her back. Kissing her on the forehead, Amy stared deep into Camilla's eyes, leaning up to kiss her. Soon enough, they were holding tight to each other, deeply and passionately kissing.

Suddenly Bibi busted in holding a box, making both of them jump. "I knew both of you would have sorted things out before I came back. Now let's get started!"

Camilla was slightly annoyed, but she was here for a reason. Bibi motioned Amy to stand up, who did so. Putting down the box, Bibi dug through it. It was clear to see what was in it, but Camilla tried to ignore it. Bibi walked over to the bed, holding a condom and a bottle of lube. Camilla began to blush a burning bright red.

"May I?" She asked.

Camilla nodded coyly, pulling down her shorts. Revealing her member. Bibi hummed happily, ripping open the condom packet with her teeth. Sliding it, she popped open the bottle of lube. A long sticky flow of the liquid poured out. Bibi wrapped her hand around Camilla. Moving it up and down. Camilla let out a sigh, which made Bibi chuckle.

"Glad you're enjoying yourself~" Moving away, she turned back to the box. "Are you ready Amy?"

Amy looked nervous, beginning to undress. Walking over to the bed, Camilla moved to lie back on to the pillows on the bed. Amy climbed on top of her and kissed her. They turned to look at Bibi who was ready with a strap-on. Climbing into the bed and towering over the two, with a lustful look in her eyes.

"Come here Amy, I know how we're going to do this." Amy turned around to face her, and Bibi embraced her. Kissing her, becoming more deep. When they finally parted they panting. Looking over Amy's shoulder grabbing her hips, sitting her on the strap and camilla. Amy gasped, Bibi let her have a moment to get used to both of them. Beginning to move her up and down.

"You're doing great Amy~" Bibi praised, gradually speeding up. Camilla lay there under the two, biting her lip. She was trying to stay quiet, after all, she was only there as basically a new sex toy. Still, they went on. Camilla had to admit, while this was a pretty surreal experience, she couldn't say she wasn't enjoying it. At this point, Amy had begun to moan louder. It was also becoming hard for Camilla to hold back her own. Bibi took pleasure in it, doing anything to get more noise out of the both of them

"Hey Camilla, are you doing ok back there?" Bibi asked

"Y- ngghh~ yes- Ahh~ Please.. C-can you go harder?" Camilla asked.

Bibi chuckled, looking at Amy. Who was too blissed-out to even respond. Moving Amy faster and going harder. Camilla couldn't contain herself anymore, she became just as loud as Amy herself. It was pure ecstasy for her. It wasn't her first time, but god it was certainly her best. It was overstimulating for both her and Amy.

Camilla gripped the sheets, Amy's leg began to tremble. Both were close to their high, Bibi moved Amy as fast as she could. Both were in pure heaven. Bibi began to kiss Amy, forcing her tongue into her mouth. Amy clawed at her back, and began to let out garbled nonsense in between moans. Begging to cum. Finally Bibi forced Amy's hips down. Both Camilla and Amy climaxed, letting out their final gasps and moans.

Bibi lifted up Amy, Amy's fluids dripping out. It was a mess, the condom Camilla was wearing was surprisingly full. She pulled it off trying not to make much more of a mess. Amy lay down next to her, panting but smiling wrapping her arms around Camilla. Looking satisfied. Bibi did the same, cuddling Her as well.

"Looks like you enjoyed yourself huh cam? Hehe~" Bibi chuckled.

"I did. I'm honestly happy you both asked me." Camilla responded. Closing her eyes, enjoying the company of the two girls.


Thanks for reading, looking for feedback! wrote most of this during gym class and stayed up till 11:40 on a school night to post this :D! It was still pretty fun. Planning on writing more. Might be TADC related..

Also shout outs to Ilovelesbian1sm for being my imspo lmao



Iloveamy_waytomuchcreators' thoughts