

Olivia had water and then passed the leather skin to him. She wiped her mouth. "Thanks." He kept it back in the saddlebag. "I didn't realize that I was so tired," she murmured. 

"These are unusual situations Olivia. I don't blame you," he replied in a reassuring voice. "Moreover, why are you wearing a skirt over breeches rather than just breeches? That could be the reason why you are tired." 

Her lips tugged up at his sorry excuse for her. She laughed and said, "I am getting into the character." 

"You have a lovely voice," he said. "But your laughter is lovelier. You should laugh more often," he said as his chest rumbled again. "But don't you start singing at Shla Asri. I am afraid there are way too many youngsters who are looking for a bride!" 

She blushed like a thousand suns at his compliment. "Thank you." She recalled how that boy in the Whiteclaw pack used to talk about her husky voice. But his compliments had sexual innuendos.