

What if someone who doesn't want a second life gets one and also gets the ability he doesn't want? Follow our Mc to find out how he turns from a person who doesn't want to live a second life to a person who uses his second life to live life to the fullest. Your favourite R-18 chapters will be available after the story went into a few chapters, but once it starts, there will be frequent R-18 chapters in the story so, please hold up till then. Note: Our MC will have all kinds of relationships with all kinds of women, hope you all find it exciting. And only MC is allowed to do NTR. > Coverpage is downloaded randomly from google, it doesn't belong to me or the story.

See_u_later_R · ファンタジー
30 Chs


'Wow, admin... I mean is she a living being spying on me?'

[Host is not yet there to know the answer to that question.]

Whatever, I will ask her when she is back. All this time I thought that she is just an AI, if she is someone then there will be a lot of changes. No one will be at peace when someone is stalking you 24x7. No, I would deal with this after she came back, I need to focus on the task in my hand now.

'System, why did I get only 100 points?'

[Host, your partner is an ordinary mortal and doesn't have any mana in her and there are many other factors like the length of your session and the members in your session and place, time and many other factors affecting the number of points that host can get from his session. Host is advised to seduce strong women to gain more points.]

'Oh... so it works like that... haa. Strong women are needed then. Well, there is no hurry I can take my time and get strong step by step.

While musing my thoughts, I can see Levy waking up from her sleep. I went to her on the bed and kissed her on the forehead and asked her, " Did you rest well?"

"Umm..." she nodded her head.

"Sorry for your clothes," I said pointing to the pieces of her dress on the floor.

Her face contorted into a frown for a second, but it vanished as soon as it came and she smiled as she said, "Don't worry Max, it's not that much."

I did see her frowning, but neglected it and said, " I promise that I will be careful from next time onwards."

"Hmm... that's all I need to hear," she said blushing.

"Do you need any help cleaning yourself or can you do it yourself?" I asked her raising my brow.

"I can manage it myself," she said, wobbled her way towards the bathroom, took a long, relaxing bath, and came out by wrapping a towel around her body. The towel barely covered her breasts and reached to her smooth milky thighs.

She went to the closet and picked a dress and dressed in front of me. Honestly, it is very difficult to control the desire I felt, but thinking about her condition, I remained calm. After she finished, she came and sat in front of me on the bed and said, "M-Max... do you... love me?"

Hearing her question, I was stunned for a second. I didn't know what to say but I said, " I don't... love you, Levy, at least for now." honestly.

She became sad as she heard me but after some time, she looked at me with a determined expression and said, "It's ok Max, I will make you love me. We have our whole lives ahead of us."

"Yes, we have a lot of time." I just agreed with her without thinking about anything.

After spending some more time talking with her, I went back to my home as the sun was setting on the horizon. I looked at the sun going down for some time and relish the feeling since it was not a scene that I can see that much in my previous life. It was very relaxing and I felt that it would be nice just to enjoy this relaxing moment daily, it would be really blissful life.

Enjoying the sunset for some time and I went inside the house. When I went inside my mom was already back from the hunt. As usual, she brought high-level beasts which can clear out big cities in an hour, as meat to nourish me. She truly loves me and always wants the best for me. You know, beasts were the main diet for non-mages and knights as they can't reinforce the body as effectively as mages.

And since I couldn't awaken mana before, she used everything that can help me make strong physically. Like bringing the best quality of meat from the strongest magic beasts, and giving me body strengthening pills, she also brought a lot of armour which is magically enchanted to be light, flexible and sturdy just for him.

'Hmm... come to think of it, if she used that many things on me, then why am I so weak when I entered this body? And, why did my mom didn't recognised that I lost almost all of my strength? Ahhh... all this thinking is giving me a headache. Now I know that something is wrong and someone is interfering with my life and the people around me. I need to be more careful. Hope, that the system... I mean the admin will come back quickly with a solution to this problem.'

Thinking this I said, "Mom, I am home."

"Welcome back, Max." A melodious mature female voice from the kitchen greeted me. Just hearing this voice makes my heart flutter.

'Fuck this... this is getting out of control. Every time I see her or talk to her, I feel like losing my self-control on me. Previous has a lot of interest and feelings for his mom but he is a coward to make a move on her, and now all those feelings are now merging with mine, I don't know how long I can remain myself, I think I will definitely change in a few days.

This is the case that I didn't say 'I love you too' to Levy this afternoon. I would have gladly said this back on Earth if I slept with a woman, but in these two days, I changed a lot myself. I just hope this change won't bite me back in my ass.'

"Is dinner ready, Mom? I am hungry."

"Yep, I know you will be hungry as you did a lot of work with Levy in their house. While you are out there having fun, your poor mom is making dinner for you."


Hearing her words, I dropped the bowl of salad that I was eating on the floor.