

What if someone who doesn't want a second life gets one and also gets the ability he doesn't want? Follow our Mc to find out how he turns from a person who doesn't want to live a second life to a person who uses his second life to live life to the fullest. Your favourite R-18 chapters will be available after the story went into a few chapters, but once it starts, there will be frequent R-18 chapters in the story so, please hold up till then. Note: Our MC will have all kinds of relationships with all kinds of women, hope you all find it exciting. And only MC is allowed to do NTR. > Coverpage is downloaded randomly from google, it doesn't belong to me or the story.

See_u_later_R · ファンタジー
30 Chs


I will think about buying things after I get some points, let's see how the inventory works.

It seems that I need to be in physical contact with the thing I need to store in the inventory and I need to cover that object with my mana, hmm... quite troublesome but it can be easy after practising a little. It seems, there is nothing else I can have a look at now. It's fine, for now, let's relax for today.

My mom opened the door a few minutes later and entered my room with breakfast.

"Max, I brought you breakfast. Now you need to eat and rest for today as you seemed to be in a lot of pain yesterday." Saying this, she fed me the food she brought with a spoon.

"Yes mom, I am quite tired actually, but as you can see I can use mana now and I am equivalent to an F-rank."

"Yes, I can see that too. It's no wonder because we used a high-level pill that is only used for the Imperial family."

"Yes, thank you, mom, without you I can never imagine using mana."

"Don't worry Max, it's my duty to love and care for you. I will do anything for you."

"Really? Thanks, mom but it doesn't seem like you trust me."

Her hand which is holding the spoon suddenly stopped in front of my mouth and then she asked me, " W-What do you, m-mean Max?" while looking at the plate in her hands.

"It's like I said, do you trust me, mom?" I said while cupping her godly face in my hands and turning her face towards me and looking straight into those abysmal eyes I said to her, " Mom, did that grand duke ask you of something in return for the pill?"

"N-No no... he didn't. He is a good friend who is helping me." She said the same story, but I caught the uneasiness in her eyes.

'Haa... no one will give others things free even in my previous world not to tell when it is a very precious thing. And he managed to make it poisoned. Looking at all this, he planned to harm me and make mom return for his help once again. All these indicators are pointing to only one thing... NE...TO...RI, am I right, system?'

[Yes host, you are right. But why do you care? You don't want to do it with your mom, so why are you worrying about her?]

'STUPID!!! Just because, I don't want to have sex with her, that doesn't mean I want her to become a mindless sex toy for others to use. She is my mom, goddammit.' I snapped at the system.

[S-Sorry host, I never thought you love her that much since she isn't your real mom.] in an apologetical tone.

"Haa..." releasing a deep breath, I said, 'sorry system, I shouldn't have said that. And even though, she isn't my real mom, due to my predecessor, I feel his love towards his mom like mine along with those stupid incest feelings.'

[Haha, if it's like that, then it is ok. But host, make her talk about what happened there or else there is no way you can stop this from happening.] system said after a light chuckle. I wonder if should I stop calling her system and name her since it is difficult to call a voice with emotions as a 'system'. Whatever first I will deal with mom now.

Looking at my mom, I said, "Mom, you know the value of the Imperial pill you gave to me more than me. No one can give it to others just because they are friends who need help I am not that naive to believe it. If you don't wish to tell me anything, it's fine. It's just that I failed to gain your trust. When there is no trust, there will be no love so I am sorry mom, I am a failure of a son who can't even gain his mother's trust and love." Saying this, tears started to appear in my eyes.

'Wow, look at my action, I can feel that I can act as naturally as breathing. Is it a natural talent for the previous Max, that I got?'

Looking at the 'tears' in my eyes, mom can't hold back anymore and started crying. 'Nice, she just needs the last push. I took the plate from her hands and said, "It's ok mom, don't cry. It's my fault, not yours." I completed my breakfast while sobbing a little.

After I finished eating, I put the plate on a table near the bed and then mom suddenly tried to say, " M-Max... listen to..." before she said something, I cut her off by saying, "Mom the pill you gave me helped me to awaken my core. Now I can use mana and become strong, I will try to be worthy of you. And if you excuse me, I need to rest." then I lay down on my bed and closed my eyes.

I didn't sleep, I am still awake and I can hear her sobbing clearly, but this needs to be done. After crying for some time she left my room. Then I heard the system saying,

[Host, what are you doing? Aren't you pushing her away?]

'Yes, I am pushing her, but it's just starting, there is more to come.'

Afternoon came and mom brought lunch, this time I managed to sit on the bed myself even though it is fucking painful. My expression is something like I am trying to struggle through the pain. When my mom tried to feed me, I simply said I can do that myself mom, there is no need to make you work unnecessarily for someone like me. Then I ate my lunch and laid back on the bed, she stayed for a few minutes and left my room.

A few minutes later I started crying loudly, saying things like, 'I am sorry mom, I couldn't, make you proud.' 'I am an idiot whom his own couldn't trust.' 'I am someone who can't have mother's love...' and some other things. Haaa... acting is truly tiring. I cried like that for a couple of hours and pretended that I went to sleep.

[Host, why are you doing this?]

'Hm... In all the NTRs, these moms/wives who will get into the trap will think that they are doing this to protect them or help them because they love their sons/husbands very much. They slowly go down the trap till they can't come back up. They basically 'sacrifice' themselves due to that love. Now I said that there is no love between us, she will try to prove that she loves me and I will ask her what that fucking duke made her do in return for the pill. If I need to somehow stop this, I need to know what happened at the duke's mansion.'