

What if someone who doesn't want a second life gets one and also gets the ability he doesn't want? Follow our Mc to find out how he turns from a person who doesn't want to live a second life to a person who uses his second life to live life to the fullest. Your favourite R-18 chapters will be available after the story went into a few chapters, but once it starts, there will be frequent R-18 chapters in the story so, please hold up till then. Note: Our MC will have all kinds of relationships with all kinds of women, hope you all find it exciting. And only MC is allowed to do NTR. > Coverpage is downloaded randomly from google, it doesn't belong to me or the story.

See_u_later_R · ファンタジー
30 Chs


"Great, you should have said this earlier. What are your demands?" asked Chris very enthusiastically.

"I will only make a few demands but first and foremost, can you send me to a world where I won't have to fight a Demon Lord?"

"Hmm... that's not a difficult one, let me see how many world's are available in that criteria." Saying this, Chris claps once and a golden screen pops in front of him with weird symbols and letters, he touched the screen here and there for a few times and the screen shows a list which consists of 11 items in it, probably the names of worlds available and in the next minute, he confirmed it.

"Here we got 11 worlds in that which are in line with your wish. All of them comes under 'Mana category', I recommend this world "Rekooled" as this is the most advanced world not as advanced as your previous world but the best in the options. The remaining ten are very crude and you will feel like you entered into stone age of your world." He says as he touches the 5th one in the list and image of a green globe which is slowly rotating is shown on the screen.

I look at the image of the planet in front of me and asked him, " How civilized is this world?"

"Are you even serious, most of this kind of reincarnating worlds are as civilized as medieval era, you know the strong rules, dog eat dog, etc... didn't you see in it in your memories?"

A frown appeared on my face as I heard this and thought 'but it's almost same all over the other worlds at least there won't be a Demon Lord to fight, so it's ok... I guess.'

"Fine I will move to that world. But I need the information about the world"

"Well you will be able learn everything about the world as you born and grew in that world, but the most important thing you need to know is, there the people get to awake there 'magical ability' at 15 and since then they will start the path of cultivation. And everything other than that is common, it will have empires, kingdoms, nobles, slaves... blah, blah, blah... you know it, right."

"What? Do I need to start from the scratch? No, it won't do. You know what transmigrate me there at my present age." I demanded Chris. I can't live again from the baby stages.

" What... transmigrate? Shit... I shouldn't have share you the knowledge about manga. Well it's no use crying over the spilled milk. I can do that but I can only send you to someone who is less than 15 years, there are some other things to consider but those are negligible."

"Why?" I was shocked to hear this.

"Well you see, we will let the person chosen to reincarnate as a hero in other world have their 'innate ability' or ' talent' or 'affinity' of that person which is their strongest desire, similarly the 'Mack Wilson' who is supposed to die also had a strong desire and that desire is attached to your soul so that it will become your 'talent' I mean, your 'magical ability' so I cant send you into a person who already had his own ability."

"Hmm... I understand." I said to him and thought, ' Well it's not that bad, it is better than starting at zero but I don't like it, What if he sends me into someone who is one or two years old? There won't be any difference then.' Suddenly something comes to my mind.

"Wait, what is my ability then?" I asked him as feel something bad about this.

"It's as you guessed. It is almost the same ability that almost all generation heroes have, it is..."

"Stop there." I cut him as I know what he is gonna say. " Those fuckers aren't any heroes, they are just fucking wierdos how have strange sexual fantasies. Now I get it, how you can control them all this time. You are just using their desires to control them." Now I lost whatever respect I have on these so called gods. 'Its fine if people has weird fantasies, I too have them in my teenage but they need to move on from them after sometime as it won't be any helpful, but these gods are manipulating them. Well whatever, now I am also about to join that group due to this stupid's mistake.'

"Hey it's not good that you are bad mouthing me in your mind." Chris said with some what downcast expression.

"Well it's better than saying on your face." I replied with some what angry.

"You are right, can't do anything about it now. So, any other things you need?"

" Hey Chris, what about my skills or spells I can use specific to my stupid ability?" I asked Chris with a bit of annoyance.

"Well most of the common spells can be cast by anyone based on their mana capacity, You can also use any spells or skills which are already created by anyone who has same ability as your's after you learn from him. You can also create new skills and spells of your ability by praying to 'God of Skills, Polo' you can have more details about how to contact him once you replace someone in that world." said Chris.

"Can't you say?"

"No, I can't reveal everything to you, I too have some limits you know."

After few minutes of thinking, I said, "Fine, I will state my other demands... I want to be a child of a duke or a marquis at least and they should already have a heir who isn't me. I need a system with all the options like inventory, shop, and other things... Oh... and also the system should have all the knowledge available to you from your 'Goddess of Knowledge' and it also must have a way to send my applications for new skills to the 'God of Skills, Polo', I can't think any other than this, I guess that's it.