
Chapter 75.5

A/N- Hey guys, I'm back! And here's the supposed deleted chap- *WHAM*

"Sorry about that, but he had it coming for awhile. As you have no doubt guessed, this is Ajimu speaking. I have decided to... relieve Mr. Author of his duties for the time being. For those of you who aren't aware, I was displeased with his initial choice for how to start this chapter, so I took some... editorial liberties. If you go to the next chapter, you will now find that more has been added to it, an entire scene even!"

Ughh... What hap- *WHAM*

"Maybe now he will stay down for a while. I still can't believe he decided to write this story without consulting me first! So until he wakes up, I'm the one in charge! And I don't want to hear any complaints, you understand?



"I'll take your laugh/silence/wtf moment as a yes. Now then, on to the story. This is probably where Mr. Author would say some junk about hoping you like it and write a review, but I really don't care about your opinion, so just read the damn thing and get on with your life.

Oh! Also, this chapter is a bit shorter than the others because the dumb ass who's writing this isn't sure if you'll like where it's going. He's too fucking kind for his own good. If it were me, I'd just write what I want, and if anyone doesn't like it, I'd tell them to screw off.

Anyway, I should probably say this, just to be safe. Disclaimer- I OWN NOTHING!"

What's goin- *WHAM*

"Get up again, I fucking dare you."
