
Liu Princess IV

Let's go back to where we left…

A beautiful woman with an extraordinary features enter the room, she has long flowy blonde hair and verdant jade eyes, she enters with grace and elegant gestures and when she's finally in front of the emperor she curtsied and gave her greeting but the emperor is still stunned since the person in front of him looks exactly like the woman he had known before.

"Yanyu?" He cannot help but question that in his mind since the woman in front of him is indeed her but not her at the same time and then he noticed something that made him feel infuriated and thought that in the end the thing that he is afraid to happen, happened.

"Greetings to the emperor of Lou, this one is named Ling Yue er" When she said her name the people in the room were taken out of their stupor and now they now discover that the princess brought people with her.

The first time this woman entered the room they were mesmerized at her unearthly beauty and unusual features and was even more surprised to know that she is the dearest princess in the north, the great Liu empire.

Now that same woman is having her way in front giving her greetings in a pleasing manner they cannot help but look for a good opportunity so that they can get close to this beautiful and powerful princess from Liu.

"What does a princess from Liu wants from this empire of mine" The emperor looked at him disdainfully which surprised her and make her turn her palm into a fist under the long hem of her sleeves.

In her mind, she cannot help but to think 'what does she do wrong that can make this person immediately gave her that kind of unpleasant look but, even if she ponder that right now it won't lead to something good since even though she is a beloved princess from a great empire she still doesn't want to make the make person she long for so many years to hate her even more.

"To answer your majesty, we came here because my father, the emperor of Liu empire heard that his majesty is going to be engaged and sent me here to formally congratulate you." The emperor rested on his hand and just look at the woman in front of him.

She was now being scrutinized by the emperor but she didn't feel nervous, she proudly stuck her chest out and let the emperor see the features that she wants the most but the only thing that she saw is how he looks at her without reaction but then one the official felt sorry for the princess and ask for the emperor's grace.

"Your majesty this princess seems sincere in congratulating your esteem self may we gave her our generosity and let her stay here until the said date of his majesty's marriage" The emperor shifted his face to the official who suddenly spoke up and then the emperor contemplated.

She looked at the woman in front of him and then a plan came to his mind and then he smiles at the woman in front of him.

"If it is what Minister Xu thinks then.."

The smile that he gave made the woman in front of him to be delighted and she then thank the emperor though she didn't know a storm is brewing in the emperor's mind.

"I'll let the princess in your care then minister Xu, I'm sure your daughter will be delighted to live with a princess from a great empire," The official who talks for the princess was is the minister of affairs, Xǔ Zhaohui and, he's surprised because of what the emperor just said and even the princess was surprised since she's a princess she expect him to give her a room in the palace but somehow that person just made her stay at an officials' house.

"And princess, I hope that you'll enjoy your stay in my humble empire."

The princess and the minister of the affair were about to rebut but they just let is stuck in their mouth since the look on the emperor's eyes feels like he will not accept rejection.

A Suivre…