
If Danganronpa V3 was a Adult Game V2

This story is based on DanganronpaV3, so please support them! Our protagonist wakes up in an empty classroom. He dosen't have any idea what's going own. He walk out and sees tons of naked girls all around him, most of them don't like him, but he bonds with them little by little and some grow close to him. But he is still a man, and this man might some girl pussy.

KatFish · ゲーム
3 Chs


Just as we stop talking, a video plays. "Hehehe, hello everyone! You must all be wondering what's going on? Or who is talking to you? Or why you have no clothes! Well you will have to keep those questions! Im just here to make sure no rules are broken! Oh ya, this place has no escape! Hehehe. Goodluck!" Everyone is shocked and pauses for a moment. What was that? How is it connected? We, or I can feel people look at each other, this is a situation no one could ever think of. Our option's are slim, but we are not currently In control, we have to follow by their rules, but we dont know those rules, what are we going to do? and choose to explore as a group we walk around the school, it was just as strange as we have seen before this. We go outside and go in a round building, as we enter there were doors, we open it and see it was a bedroom, it had a bed, shower, desk, TV, shelf ect... It was a pretty standard room, but it was for one person, and there are definitely more people than rooms. "What are we going to do? I'm not going to sleep on the ground." someone said. "Well, it looks like have to share rooms" a strange girl replied. "You want US to share rooms with him!?". "No, infact, I will be one of the people going to be with him, unfortunately someone else will have to join" said the strange girl. "Who's going to join you and him? That just won't hap--" "I'll do it" said a girl. Her voice was strong, and a little soothing. "Alright, you two please come with me" said the strange girl. I started following without thinking, the other girl follows me. The strange girl opens the door and then closes it after we both come in. "Hey, let me go to the bathroom real quick, I don't really feel good." I said. I quickly walk my way to the bathroom and close the door.