
If Danganronpa V3 was a Adult Game V2

This story is based on DanganronpaV3, so please support them! Our protagonist wakes up in an empty classroom. He dosen't have any idea what's going own. He walk out and sees tons of naked girls all around him, most of them don't like him, but he bonds with them little by little and some grow close to him. But he is still a man, and this man might some girl pussy.

KatFish · ゲーム
3 Chs

First Meeting

It was pitch black. I couldn't see anything. What am I doin-. THOSE MEN. It saw the men, they got me and put me in here. But why? I'm not the most important person ever... Mabye because I'm an ultimate? That seems most likely. Wait, I can think about this after I can escape! Escape this mental box? Oh! This has to be a locker, but why a locker? Anyways, let me try to get out, come on, let's use all my strength... Here I go! Ahhh! I fell out. Wait, is that a desk? And this room, it looks like a classroom! But how has it gotten this bad, and why am I here? Nothing in this room seems to help me... But the door seems my only way out. Ok, it's just a door, no reason to panic, a simple door. I open it and step in the hallway. I was right no danger- "Here he is!". A loud booming voice echoed down the hallway. I turn around and see a large machine walking down the hallway, and because of instincts, I ran down the hallway. It then runs at me, but I keep on running. I finally see a door and open it, turn around and lock the door. I'm out of breath and I'm breathing hard, but then I hear a group of screams. I saw so scared that I turned around and couldn't believe my eyes. My mouth is open, and my eyes widened. I saw many girls all without clothing In the room I'm in. "TURN AWAY DEGENERATE!!!" says one of the girls in the group. I then do it on command, like a dog. "Why are you here! What did you do to our clothes!" "I don't know anything about! I swear! I saw a robot and then it started chasing me! I barely got in here, please don't do anything!" I say. The group then quietly talks to each other. Then one says, "We believe you, but you can't look!" "Thank you" I replied. "Actually, even if I don't like this, he should be able to view us." "What!?! Why!?!" "I assume we will be here for a very long time, if not, forever, getting used to him will be needed". The room talks again but then ultimately disagree's with it, but only currently.